Courthouse and post office in La Plata


PelyKat said:
I think I heard someone say a test came back as product. They were asked again if it was negative or product, they said product. They were then told to tripple bag it and follow procedure.

But then it cut off.

Product or positive?


I bowl overhand
Nickel said:
They aren't even near each other. :confused:
But if Anthrax was delivered to the courthouse through the mail, where did it come from?? It had to go through the post office at one point.


oldman said:
Yes, during the initial testing of the powder there was ?something? detected but I'm not saying it was anthrax - more like it just didn't test the way it should have. Just heard the post office has reopened so maybe it was closed down just because these were letters from there that arrived at the court house. They are currently doing more testing on the powder so I'm tempted to say anthrax has not been determined at this point. Trooper 7 is also on it's way now also but I'm not sure why. God knows I love these people for doing their jobs and I know they are doing everything humanly possible but it sure makes me wonder what would happen if we had a terrorist attack down here.

I heard them say Trooper 7 is bringing in the bomb techs. They flew over Calvert about 5 minutes, should be in LaPlata now.


FromTexas said:
Yes. Kwillia's pregnant! Father unknown. :thewave:

Has anyone made sure Jazz is okay?

No offense but this is not the time to be funny, this could very well be a very serious situation in Charles County. Save the jokes please.


That's why they call it product, not a specific item. there are ways to cause a false positive on these tests, just to really mess with their heads.

I'm still hoping, and expecting this to be a hoax.

I have a son who is a fireman in FredNeck County. And is studying to be on the Hazmat team. Just to give Mom something else to worry about.


This Space for Rent
checkingthenews said:
No offense but this is not the time to be funny, this could very well be a very serious situation in Charles County. Save the jokes please.

It is a wonderful time for Kwillia and I don't think you should be taking away from her magical moment.


checkingthenews said:
No offense but this is not the time to be funny, this could very well be a very serious situation in Charles County. Save the jokes please.

Who do you work for?


curiouser and curiouser
FromTexas said:
It is a wonderful time for Kwillia and I don't think you should be taking away from her magical moment.
Will she be moving to Florida now?