Covid Hysteria 2023 / 2024


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I read a day or two ago that a new vaccine is now available. I just chuckled to myself.... there's wasted effort and money. Current vaccinations have dropped to zero, what makes them think anyone wants the new stuff?
People like my 75-yr old brother and SIL who get every new vaccine when it comes out.


Well-Known Member
I read a day or two ago that a new vaccine is now available. I just chuckled to myself.... there's wasted effort and money. Current vaccinations have dropped to zero, what makes them think anyone wants the new stuff?
There are always losers who will!


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I just got an email from CVS telling me that an all new Covid-19 vaccine is now available!!! Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.

I won't even get the annual flu shot now. I've put off my 2nd shingles shot for 2 years. It was supposed to be around 6 months after the first. I'm still on the fence with that one.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Sounds like my family too. And they've all had multiple covid episodes.
My nephews kid got it recently, then spread to Z, the kids mother, my sister, his little brother....

What do they do? They come visit me.


I didn't get so much as a sniffle.


Just sneakin' around....
I just got an email from CVS telling me that an all new Covid-19 vaccine is now available!!! Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.

I won't even get the annual flu shot now. I've put off my 2nd shingles shot for 2 years. It was supposed to be around 6 months after the first. I'm still on the fence with that one.
I get ya, but the shingles shot is something you should consider, especially if there is any history in the family. It's a horrible, painful, itchy rash. My mom was miserable with it, so I got my shot back in 2014. Shingrix is supposedly good for 7 years, so I'm due for a new one.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
People like my 75-yr old brother and SIL who get every new vaccine when it comes out.
shew..risky business, that. I'm nearly 100% convinced that the "mysterious undiagnosed" autoimmune disease that took out one of my favorite family members was the same as being reported by a scary number of people, medical journals etc now. Jerry worked nearly full time as a volunteer in his church and felt "obligated" to get every shot that came along. Jerry was in his late 70s and healthy as a horse prior to his sudden and mysterious demise. The chickens are coming home to roost.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
My nephews kid got it recently, then spread to Z, the kids mother, my sister, his little brother....

What do they do? They come visit me.


I didn't get so much as a sniffle.
I'm convinced that keeping my BAC sufficiently elevated is the key to my successful evasion of the 'rona.


Well-Known Member
I just got an email from CVS telling me that an all new Covid-19 vaccine is now available!!! Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.

I won't even get the annual flu shot now. I've put off my 2nd shingles shot for 2 years. It was supposed to be around 6 months after the first. I'm still on the fence with that one.
After a friend of mine got shingles, I ran down a got mine. 6 months watching him suffer was enough proof for me.


PREMO Member
Remember all of those COVID-19 measures we took in 2020 and later learned had no basis in science and didn't work anyway? The six-foot separation thing was made up. Masks were revealed to be "little more than facial decoration." Both Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci have tested positive for COVID multiple times despite getting vaccinated and then boosted again and again.

Aron Solomon, opinion contributor to The Hill, says that the summer surge of COVID-19 cases might mean we'll have to return to those 2020 measures.

Solomon writes:

… the widespread relaxation of public health measures has created an environment conducive to transmission. Mask mandates, social distancing guidelines and restrictions on large gatherings have all but disappeared. This return to normalcy, while massively psychologically and economically beneficial, has provided the virus with ample opportunities to spread.
Finally, the pervasive sense of pandemic fatigue has led to a serious decline in vigilance. Many people, weary of the pandemic’s disruptions to their lives, have become markedly less cautious. This complacency, coupled with the underestimation of the virus’s ability to adapt, has allowed COVID-19 to regain a foothold.

We all need to prepare for not only the possibility of continued disruptions but for another new normal that might be a little closer to 2020 than how we’ve recently been living. That means preparing for future waves and the long-term implications of a world in which COVID-19 remains a persistent, if manageable, threat.

Remember President Joe Biden's Christmas proclamation in 2021 that we were looking at a “winter of severe illness and death”? Solomon warns that we're looking at a summer of "fever, cough and fatigue." "The road ahead will require a renewed commitment to public health, both from government leaders and from individuals," he adds.



Just sneakin' around....
Both Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci have tested positive for COVID multiple times despite getting vaccinated and then boosted again and again.
Well, they SAY they have taken the shots. If they knew how bad the shots really were, I'm thinking maybe they haven't taken a single dose themselves.