Covid Vax Side Affects and Fallout


Well-Known Member
"Flatten the curve" was the chant. Given that those that made the virus rebuked any effort to study their creation it probably would have been better off to leave it alone and let natural immunity sort it out.
Explain to me what “natural immunity” is. I know several folks who have had it at least 3 times, some who got Trump’s shot and some who didn’t.

And that’s just the most disgusting part, his shot didn’t even work!

But of course the responses here is just deflection, “it’s the CDC, the NIH, Blue state governors!”

It was Trump and when he’s re-elected and sends this country headfirst into another catastrophe I’m sure you’ll have a full list of folks that you’ll blame, and not one of them will be Trump or those whose voted for him.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Explain to me what “natural immunity” is. I know several folks who have had it at least 3 times, some who got Trump’s shot and some who didn’t.
You don't know? Natural immunity is once infected by a germ your immune system responds by making antibodies to it. The thing to remember is that we all are different and our reactions to the infection will be different for each of us. And I know several folk that had it, didn't get any shots and never got it again.
And that’s just the most disgusting part, his shot didn’t even work!
How was it his shot? All he did was help the mechanisms that were in place to work together to get a shot. He made it a priority, the money was made available, and his advisors directed the path. It was all the "trust the science" dweebs and big pharma that came up with the "vaccine".
But of course the responses here is just deflection, “it’s the CDC, the NIH, Blue state governors!”.
Including yours. Trump, Trump, Trump its all his fault. The only fault he has is not knowing enough about the bureaucratic entrenchment of those that should be the best and brightest, but certainly aren't.
It was Trump and when he’s re-elected and sends this country headfirst into another catastrophe I’m sure you’ll have a full list of folks that you’ll blame, and not one of them will be Trump or those whose voted for him.
Yes, he was the President and he was faced with a catastrophe. It was in uncharted waters and he did his best. Do you think anything would have been different with any other person as President? If so, you are a bigger fool than you demonstrate regularly.

Who do you blame for 9/11/01? How about 12/07/41?


Well-Known Member
You don't know? Natural immunity is once infected by a germ your immune system responds by making antibodies to it. The thing to remember is that we all are different and our reactions to the infection will be different for each of us. And I know several folk that had it, didn't get any shots and never got it again.
I think they’ve just been lucky.

If there were immunity to this virus it would be like chicken pox or measles, you get it and you’ll never get it again. Many people have gotten it multiple times.

How was it his shot? All he did was help the mechanisms that were in place to work together to get a shot. He made it a priority, the money was made available, and his advisors directed the path. It was all the "trust the science" dweebs and big pharma that came up with the "vaccine".

Including yours. Trump, Trump, Trump its all his fault. The only fault he has is not knowing enough about the bureaucratic entrenchment of those that should be the best and brightest, but certainly aren't.
What if they were Trump’s best and brightest? He was elected because of his supposed business man acumen, picking the right folks for the right jobs. He should have put the brakes on any fast track approval of the vaccine, he didn’t.

Yes, he was the President and he was faced with a catastrophe. It was in uncharted waters and he did his best. Do you think anything would have been different with any other person as President? If so, you are a bigger fool than you demonstrate regularly.

Who do you blame for 9/11/01? How about 12/07/41?

I didn’t blame Trump for the emergence of the virus, just like I wouldn’t have blamed Bush for 9/11 (but in that case we know there were failures for years leading up to the attack).

I’m pointing out that Trump’s response is the issue and you folks are in deep denial of how that last year of this administration went.


Not too talkative
Trump unleashing this poison onto us is unforgivable, his project Warp Speed has crippled this nation and future generations.
You mean Biden's EEOC guidance in May 2021 allowing employers to force their employees to be vaccinated?
Biden's executive orders in September 2021 forcing all federal workers and military personnel to be vaccinated or lose their jobs?


PREMO Member
Do you think anything would have been different with any other person as President?

YES, Authoritarian Progressives would have shown us just how Hitler did it taking over business if they refused to go along with the Fascist mandates

and they would have shut the country jailing people who refused to cooperate as was done in Europe and Australia ... Blue State Govenor actions but nationally

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PREMO Member
He was elected because of his supposed business man acumen, picking the right folks for the right jobs.

yeah Trump attempted to work with the entrenched Cleptocrats

There were traitors like Vindman who feel THEY KNOW BETTER Then the President, whining and getting all pissy because Trump would NOT follow his guidance ... filing FALSE Reports of attempted coercion, based on 3rd hand hearsay


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

YES, Authoritarian Progressives would have shown us just how Hitler did it taking over business if they refused to go along with the Fascist mandates and they would have shut the country jailing people who refused to cooperate as was done in Europe and Australia ... Blue State Govenor actions but nationally

I am always perplexed that, after 79 years, or about four generations, Hitler, Nazis, is still so much in our collective consciousness. When there has been numerous, incalculable atrocities conducted by others over the decades and centuries far far worse that what occurred in Germany. Why don't we ever bring up those evil bastards to compare to our current political affairs? Is it becasue that everywhere we turn, in movies, shows, from news outlets, we are constantly being bombarded what happened in Germany? I think so. We are all a product of our environment and don't even realize it. And that's the way they want it. Thinking we all should be trying to step outside of that group think.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

I am always perplexed that, after 79 years, or about four generations, Hitler, Nazis, is still so much in our collective consciousness. When there has been numerous, incalculable atrocities conducted by others over the decades and centuries far far worse that what occurred in Germany. Why don't we ever bring up those evil bastards to compare to our current political affairs? Is it becasue that everywhere we turn, in movies, shows, from news outlets, we are constantly being bombarded what happened in Germany? I think so. We are all a product of our environment and don't even realize it. And that's the way they want it. Thinking we all should be trying to step outside of that group think.
Because Gurps is lazy, he just reposts content all day and if someone says something he disagrees with he says BS or calls them a nazi, or hitler, or some other insult to end the conversation.


Well-Known Member
You mean Biden's EEOC guidance in May 2021 allowing employers to force their employees to be vaccinated?
Biden's executive orders in September 2021 forcing all federal workers and military personnel to be vaccinated or lose their jobs?
I wasn’t mentioning Biden, but yes those polices are horrific and added to the situation that Trump started.

I doubt Biden could have twisted the private sector’s arm like Trump did to throw out their safety protocols and get the shot out there almost immediately. Years later society is paying the price.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Because Gurps is lazy, he just reposts content all day and if someone says something he disagrees with he says BS or calls them a nazi, or hitler, or some other insult to end the conversation.

Damnit Gurps!!! When did you become a Democrat? :yikes:


PREMO Member
Then why are folks on here saying you can acquire “natural immunity”?

you asked why people keep getting Covid ...

Generally speaking when reinfected a person does NOT suffer as much the 2nd or third or 4th times ...

I've had Covid twice and yeah I was not as sick the 2nd time

1st time initial variant
2nd 2 yrs later

When mutating Covid is LESS lethal and more infectious ...

Here's how much immunity we get after a COVID-19 infection

  • A new study set out to discover the strength and duration of natural immunity a person can acquire if they are infected by COVID-19 variants.
  • Researchers found that previous infection was highly protective against reinfection with alpha, beta and delta variants, but less so against omicron BA.1.
  • The results also revealed that protection against severe disease after natural infection was comparable to that received from two vaccine doses.
  • But this doesn't mean you should seek to become infected, the researchers warned.
  • SARS-CoV-2 remains a dangerous and unpredictable virus which can cause a host of damaging effects long after recovery.

Protection from reinfection​

The authors evaluated protection against reinfection, symptomatic disease, and severe disease (defined as hospitalisation or death) separately.
They found previous infection was highly protective against reinfection with alpha, beta and delta variants, but less so against omicron BA.1. A previous infection provided moderate protection from reinfection with omicron BA.1 (45%), compared with stronger protection against pre-omicron variants (82%). This was also the case for symptomatic infection.

Data from long-term studies showed that protection against reinfection for pre-omicron variants dropped to 78.6% over 40 weeks, whereas for omicron BA.1 it dropped more rapidly to 36.1%.

When assessing severe disease, however, all variants showed sustained protection above 88% for 40 weeks. This isn’t to say that protection drops substantially after 40 weeks. Rather, it seems there was limited data available that followed people for long enough for the authors to be able to draw strong conclusions beyond this time frame.

The results also revealed that protection against severe disease after natural infection was comparable to that received from two vaccine doses, for both pre-omicron and omicron BA.1 variants.


PREMO Member
Thinking we all should be trying to step outside of that group think.

the corollary is apt

NAZI's took over business allowing them to continue operate with there people at the top, albeit with many socialist rules about workers rights and so on

NOT how Communists Operate when taking over Businesses

Hitler's Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming​

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Well-Known Member
you asked why people keep getting Covid ...

Generally speaking when reinfected a person does NOT suffer as much the 2nd or third or 4th times ...

I've had Covid twice and yeah I was not as sick the 2nd time

1st time initial variant
2nd 2 yrs later

When mutating Covid is LESS lethal and more infectious ...

Here's how much immunity we get after a COVID-19 infection

  • A new study set out to discover the strength and duration of natural immunity a person can acquire if they are infected by COVID-19 variants.
  • Researchers found that previous infection was highly protective against reinfection with alpha, beta and delta variants, but less so against omicron BA.1.
  • The results also revealed that protection against severe disease after natural infection was comparable to that received from two vaccine doses.
  • But this doesn't mean you should seek to become infected, the researchers warned.
  • SARS-CoV-2 remains a dangerous and unpredictable virus which can cause a host of damaging effects long after recovery.

Protection from reinfection​

The authors evaluated protection against reinfection, symptomatic disease, and severe disease (defined as hospitalisation or death) separately.
They found previous infection was highly protective against reinfection with alpha, beta and delta variants, but less so against omicron BA.1. A previous infection provided moderate protection from reinfection with omicron BA.1 (45%), compared with stronger protection against pre-omicron variants (82%). This was also the case for symptomatic infection.

Data from long-term studies showed that protection against reinfection for pre-omicron variants dropped to 78.6% over 40 weeks, whereas for omicron BA.1 it dropped more rapidly to 36.1%.

When assessing severe disease, however, all variants showed sustained protection above 88% for 40 weeks. This isn’t to say that protection drops substantially after 40 weeks. Rather, it seems there was limited data available that followed people for long enough for the authors to be able to draw strong conclusions beyond this time frame.

The results also revealed that protection against severe disease after natural infection was comparable to that received from two vaccine doses, for both pre-omicron and omicron BA.1 variants.
So as time goes on your risk of being re-infected increases as the virus continues to mutuate.

We should all agree then that this concept of “natural immunity” was wrong and is wrong, there is no such thing.

Immunity: “a condition of being able to resist a particular disease”

There is no immunity to COVID and it is ignorant to say there is.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Immunity: “a condition of being able to resist a particular disease”

There is no immunity to COVID and it is ignorant to say there is.

Not true.

I got the #### in Jan of 2020, long before it was on the news. 5 days and I was done with it.

Several people I worked with came down with it, one even passed away from it over the Christmas holiday. Never got it again.

In 2021, my nephew and his family were living with me for a short while, after he got out of the Army, and they all came down with it and I never got so much as a sniffle. He was coughing around the house for almost two weeks.

If you have a good immune system, it fights it and beats it.