Covid Vax Side Affects and Fallout


PREMO Member
💉💉 Last week, Bloomberg ran a very encouraging story headlined, “BioNTech’s Loss Is Wider Than Expected as Vaccine Sales Hurt.” Poor babies. I wonder what could be hurting vaccine sales? Probably those wily anti-vaxxers again, misinforming everybody.

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article, it lost $886 million dollars last quarter. Almost a billion bucks, in one quarter. That shocking shortfall was over four times as much as the company’s $208 million loss from the second quarter of 2023.

Things seem to be headed in the wrong financial direction. Baffling.

But don’t worry too much about BioNTech. They are sitting on cash reserves of $20 billion dollars, and have a new slew of safe and effective mRNA cancer drugs ‘in the pipeline.’ And it plans for a robust fourth quarter this year, since it partnered with Pfizer on a one-shot flu-covid combo jab. It’s almost there, but not quite. Whoopsies:

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Call me crazy, but even if they manage to get the FDA’s rubber stamp of approval, I’m not so sure the flu/covid combo shot will actually take the market by storm. Sure, there are a bunch of die-hard medical fetishists out there desperate to snap up a few doses, but as for me and my family, that is a hard pass. I would rather inject bleach.

Into my eyeball.

But you do you! Let me know in the comments if you can’t wait to get the new and improved, even safer, twice as effective, double mRNA shots this fall.

(PS—I really hate gloating like this, sort of, but I warned them, repeatedly and often, that this forced vaccine scheme of theirs would backfire. I told them so.)



PREMO Member

I am now confirmed, diagnosed and a documented adverse reaction to the mRNA vaccine with temporal association due to symptoms occurring 8 hours after my injection I was in cytokine storm by day 10 of my injury and I still currently am in it 2 years later.

My past medical history only consisted of a pollen allergy which I took daily Claritin for. That’s it No surgeries, or other problems. I didn’t even have a PCP at the time bc I was never sick and if I did get sick I would always just see my athletic trainer while at college or the urgent care.

I now suffer not only with being in cytokine storm, but also a bunch of new onset diagnosis that it has caused. POTS (postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) , MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) Mthfr gene mutation, tremors, muscle mass loss, neurocognitive issues, monocyte and macrophage activation with all three monocyte likes expressing S1 Vax spike, mitochondrial failure, nitric oxide pathway failure, shingles, ebv reactivated, tremors, hot flashes, hypertension, inappropriate sinus tach with pacs, pvcs, and ventricular trigeminy, adhd, depression, anxiety, ptsd, ocd, extensive hair loss alopecia, skin rashes and bumps, syncope, dizziness, tinnitus, shortness of breath on exertion , micro clotting and activated platelet cascade, joint pain and swelling, palpitations and the list goes on.