Covid Vax Side Affects and Fallout


Well-Known Member
Not true.

I got the #### in Jan of 2020, long before it was on the news. 5 days and I was done with it.

Several people I worked with came down with it, one even passed away from it over the Christmas holiday. Never got it again.

In 2021, my nephew and his family were living with me for a short while, after he got out of the Army, and they all came down with it and I never got so much as a sniffle. He was coughing around the house for almost two weeks.

If you have a good immune system, it fights it and beats it.
From your other posts you boast how you’ve never flown on a plane, I get the sense you don’t really get out in public much.

Following the logic GURPS posted you likely were exposed to the same or similar variant in 2021, so you would not have been reinfected.

But three years later the virus circulating is very different and I’m quite sure you’d get it again.


PREMO Member
If you have a good immune system, it fights it and beats it.

Agreed ... I think the situation is a bit more nuanced ....

More pedantic hair splitting


Immunity means I NEVER BECOME SICK FROM X Virus

Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19

After people recover from infection with a virus, the immune system retains a memory of it. Immune cells and proteins that circulate in the body can recognize and kill the pathogen if it’s encountered again, protecting against disease and reducing illness severity.

This long-term immune protection involves several components. Antibodies—proteins that circulate in the blood—recognize foreign substances like viruses and neutralize them. Different types of T cells help recognize and kill pathogens. B cells make new antibodies when the body needs them.

All of these immune-system components have been found in people who recover from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. But the details of this immune response and how long it lasts after infection have been unclear. Scattered reports of reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 have raised concerns that the immune response to the virus might not be durable.

To better understand immune memory of SARS-CoV-2, researchers led by Drs. Daniela Weiskopf, Alessandro Sette, and Shane Crotty from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology analyzed immune cells and antibodies from almost 200 people who had been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and recovered.

Time since infection ranged from six days after symptom onset to eight months later. More than 40 participants had been recovered for more than six months before the study began. About 50 people provided blood samples at more than one time after infection.

The research was funded in part by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Cancer Institute (NCI). Results were published on January 6, 2021, in Science.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
From your other posts you boast how you’ve never flown on a plane, I get the sense you don’t really get out in public much.

Following the logic GURPS posted you likely were exposed to the same or similar variant in 2021, so you would not have been reinfected.
WTF has that got to do with a plane? Also, I never said I've NEVER flown. I've flown on a 727, 707, 737, 747 and an L1011.

I just don't anymore. I prefer the comfort and convenience of driving so no rentals, no restrictions, back when I was smoking... They dont' let you do that on a plane anymore. :ohwell:

And since when do public transportation and goverment buildings not qualify as being in public? :crazy:

But three years later the virus circulating is very different and I’m quite sure you’d get it again.

And I've never been infected with those either.

Not a mask wearer either.

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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I think they’ve just been lucky.
Lucky. Is that what your going with. Talk about scientific - NOT.
If there were immunity to this virus it would be like chicken pox or measles, you get it and you’ll never get it again. Many people have gotten it multiple times.
Yep that is usually how it works, in nature. Now for a gain of function engineered disease like this, who knows how they designed it to act. They certainly aren't talking.
What if they were Trump’s best and brightest? He was elected because of his supposed business man acumen, picking the right folks for the right jobs. He should have put the brakes on any fast track approval of the vaccine, he didn’t.
They were allegedly the NATION'S best and brightest. He was open to any and all ideas, namely ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
I didn’t blame Trump for the emergence of the virus, just like I wouldn’t have blamed Bush for 9/11 (but in that case we know there were failures for years leading up to the attack).
Well, then how can you blame him for trying to solve what was foisted upon him and us? Where were all the solutions of the "people of science"?
I’m pointing out that Trump’s response is the issue and you folks are in deep denial of how that last year of this administration went.
What denial do you speak of? Even with 20/20 hindsight I can find little fault with what he did. If you really want to talk about a response with issues look no further then Coumo sending infected seniors back to their facilities.


PREMO Member
He was open to any and all ideas, namely ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.


The public could NOT have optional treatments, otherwise the FDA could not push through the JAB,

The Covid Vax had to be THE ONLY Treatment, Remedy, Solution to the virus, otherwise the JAB could not be approved on an emergency basis, and later made manditory


Well-Known Member
Lucky. Is that what your going with. Talk about scientific - NOT.

Yep that is usually how it works, in nature. Now for a gain of function engineered disease like this, who knows how they designed it to act. They certainly aren't talking.
So which is it? Just a cold and no big deal? Or an engineered virus that got out of the lab and traditional treatments can’t stop it?

If you’re finally admitting it’s the second then there is A LOT of crow to be eaten by folks in this forum.
What denial do you speak of? Even with 20/20 hindsight I can find little fault with what he did. If you really want to talk about a response with issues look no further then Coumo sending infected seniors back to their facilities.
Coumo was kicked out of office and isn’t running, he left office in shame.
Trump is being embraced, that’s what I mean by denial.


Well-Known Member
I still say the Covid was a plot by Democrats an the Chinese to get rid of their mutual enemy Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
I still say the Covid was a plot by Democrats a the Chinese to get rid of their mutual enemy Donald Trump.
I think it was actually Trump who concocted the plan. Three years into his administration he wanted a way to get interest rates to 0 to juice the economy and ensure re-election. His buddy Fauci told him about the pandemic option and he was all for it, death rates were low, and they already had a vaccine in the works.

But he played with fire and it got out of hand.

That line of reasoning does explain A LOT of the unknowns, how was a vaccine created in record time? How did the PPP program get written and passed so quickly? It was a multi trillion dollar giveaway! Trump wanted that in combo with the 0% rates to make for a record economy, he got it but then people went crazy because he misjudged how fearful people are of getting sick.


Well-Known Member
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

And here I thought the 9/11 conspiracies were WAAAAAYYYYYYYYY out there in Crazy Town!

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
“I still say the Covid was a plot by Democrats an the Chinese to get rid of their mutual enemy Donald Trump”

Yeah, that is pretty nutty, the Democrats who couldn’t even win in 2016 somehow worked with our enemy to release a virus under Trump’s watch.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
“I still say the Covid was a plot by Democrats an the Chinese to get rid of their mutual enemy Donald Trump”

Yeah, that is pretty nutty, the Democrats who couldn’t even win in 2016 somehow worked with our enemy to release a virus under Trump’s watch.
Geezeus Man, make up your mind.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
So which is it? Just a cold and no big deal? Or an engineered virus that got out of the lab and traditional treatments can’t stop it?
I stated what I thought it was - the result of gain of function activities. I never said it was a cold (or flu). And what are the traditional treatments for a new and unknown disease?

Why do you seem to always lump folk together like we are lock-step liberals?
If you’re finally admitting it’s the second then there is A LOT of crow to be eaten by folks in this forum.
I'm sure you would have to eat a murder given your spouting.
Coumo was kicked out of office and isn’t running, he left office in shame.
That is a lie, he resigned (over his sexual antics) and was not kicked out.
Trump is being embraced, that’s what I mean by denial.
As he should be, he was actually trying to do something to help all of us. The fact that you can't (or should I say refuse) to see it says more about you and your TDS than anything else.


Well-Known Member
I stated what I thought it was - the result of gain of function activities. I never said it was a cold (or flu). And what are the traditional treatments for a new and unknown disease?

Why do you seem to always lump folk together like we are lock-step liberals?
That’s rich, every one of you folks think Trump is the greatest president in your life. Get 10 democrats in the room and you’ll have 10 different opinions about Biden.

No one is more “lock-step” than the Republicans

That is a lie, he resigned (over his sexual antics) and was not kicked out.
Man, you love to revise history! He was kicked out of office, you think he resigned on his own? The pressure was immense, and here, a guardian article clearly stating it was due to the Covid response:

Democrats clean house, you folks kiss a ring


PREMO Member
💉💉 Oxford’s QJM International Journal of Medicine published a new study this week titled, “A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of Alzheimer’s disease.” Researchers looked at over a half million South Korean patients aged 65+, and found statistically significant higher rates of Alzheimer’s in the vaccinated group —within the first three months of getting the jab.

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Interestingly, the study authors considered all types of covid vaccination, but only correlated Alzheimers’ with mRNA vaccines. They also discovered a similar correlation with mild cognitive impairment, a clinical precursor to more serious cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s. This was true with all covid jabs, but most significantly with the mRNA types.

Since they only examined the first three months following vaccination, things could be even worse. Mentally extrapolate those trend lines on the chart out a few months further and see where it goes.

Just saying, but President Cabbage has had around eight shots. Some people say you have to be mentally deranged to take the vaccines. This study suggests the vaccines could make you deranged. Chickens and eggs.



PREMO Member
💉💉 Look out below! Yesterday, CNBC ran a financial story headlined, “Moderna stock falls 20% as it slashes guidance on low EU sales, tough U.S. vaccine market.” Haha, a tough vaccine market. Good one. Anyway, the single-product vaccine company’s share price plunged -20% in one day yesterday following a disappointing earnings report.

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In September, 2021, Moderna (ticker MRNA) traded at its peak of $464 dollars a share. Yesterday it closed at $92. I sense a trend. Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel, who is French, blamed the company’s sudden and unexpectedly poor performance on miserly Europeans and —I am not making this up— Ukraine:

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Sacrebleu! How could this happen? On top of its covid jab, the FDA recently rubber-stamped its approval for Moderna’s brand-new, mRNA-based respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, which corporate media is doing its level best to hawk, despite nobody ever even considering getting an annual RSV shot before. Headline from this morning in the Miami Herald:

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You really don’t hate the media nearly enough. According to the Herald, the CDC recommends the hastily-approved, untested mRNA-RSV shot for pregnant women:

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No thanks. I say good luck to them. You couldn’t get me near an RSV shot even if you offered me a free ticket to Fauci’s sentencing hearing. Tempting, but hard pass.

I’m just a lawyer, not a doctor, so I’m not giving anybody medical advice. But I plan to sit this one out. I never even heard of RSV until the covid bucks began drying up. I bet they just made it up. So I’ll take my own chances.
