cowboys vs. redskins


Football addict
Hoping the Redskins take this one convincingly but I'm expecting a close loss for the Skins.

The Boy's really really really need this one.

Oh and...

...F*ck the Cowboys.


Dancing Up A Storm
I have to admit it, but this is one of the few games that I have to root for the Cowboys! The other ones are those when they play the Eagles.

Go Cowboys - kick some Redskin butt! Make those fans who receive those FREE 50,000 Garnet and Gold Towels, into weeping fools! :lmao:


Football addict
"Forty men together can't lose!"

- George Allen, December 31st, 1972, just before the NFC Championship coin flip.

We came to Washington thinking we'd just float by the Redskins, but they had something for us. They beat us soundly..."

- Mel Renfro, referring to the 1972 NFC Championship

"We were all on top of the world after that game."

- Ron McDole

"George Allen never used to say 'the Dallas Cowboys', it was always 'the goddamned Dallas Cowboys.' It's the Cowboys' uniform. It strikes hate and loathing in my mind, almost in a Pavlovian sense."

-John Wilbur

"Die you dogs. Die you Dallas dogs."

- Sam Wyche

"Roger Staubach can't read defenses and wears skirts..."

- Ron McDole to the press, when asked about what he thought of the Cowboys quarterback

"Any helicopter that came over (the practice field), the coaches would look up and say 'Damn, that's George Allen up there with a notebook.'"

-Walt Garrison

"If you knock Staubach out, you've got that rookie facing you. That's one of our goals."

- Diron Talbert (Staubach was knocked out in the 3rd quarter, Thanksgiving Day, 1974, with the Redskins leading 16-3 -- but the rookie, Clint Longley, came in to beat Washington, 24-23)

"Who in the hell is Longley???"

-Diron Talbert to the press after the game.

"When you sign with Washington, you sign a contract to hate the Cowboys."

-Charles Mann

"Losing to Dallas was the worst feeling in the world. You'd rather have your arm cut off."

-Diron Talbert

"Tom Landry, hahahaha. Tex Schram, hahhaha. Roger Staubach, hahahha."

-George Allen to a television camera, after beating Dallas in Texas Stadium in 1976.

"If you grow up in metro Washington, you grow up a diehard Redskins fan. But if you hate your parents, you grow up a Cowboys fan."

-Jim Lachey

"I picked him up and pushed him back... It wasn't a smooth play, it was a desperation play. It was such an eerie feeling when it happened. There wasn't any noise in the stadium for maybe three seconds. All of a sudden... the place went crazy. I had never seen anything like it."

-Ken Houston, on stopping Walt Garrison at the one yard line in the final seconds of the Monday night game in October, 1973

"If you came out of the (Dallas) game and you weren't bleeding, you hadn't played."

- Ken Houston

"We don't like them, they don't like us."

- Roger Staubach

"We loved to play them. It was always the perfect setting - Monday Night, Thanksgiving Day, a 4 o'clock start, RFK. Those kinds of games still give me goose bumps."

- Ken Houston

"Yeah, but only after he went for my knees three times."

-Jack Pardee, after being accused of trying to knee Dallas receiver Lance Alworth in the head.

"My front four will be faced with the task of beating the sweat-hogs. It's my belief that to be a defensive lineman, you have to have a personal hate for your opponent."

- Ernie Stautner, defensive coordinator, Dallas

"Plain & Simple - WE HATE DALLAS"

- home made sign hung at RFK Stadium during the 1982 NFC Championship game.

"It was like walking into a dungeon of thieves..."

- Danny White, commenting on entering RFK Stadium.

"That's the loudest the stadium's ever been. You could hear it in the locker room. 'We want Dallas! We want Dallas!' Everybody was pretty pumped up."

-Russ Grimm

"The stadium was unbelievable. Those stands were moving three feet ... up and down..."

-Joe Gibbs

"I felt the ground shake beneath my feet - literally."

- Joe Theismann

"We're standing there for the national anthem. When it's over, Joe (Bugel) looks over to the other sideline at Ernie Stautner, who's the Cowboys defensive line coach. Joe yells over to him and flips him off."

-Joe Jacoby

"I got to the line, and I said to Randy White, 'Our coaches love you. We're going to run it over you again and again.' Randy wasn't very happy, but after three or four times, he didn't say a word."

-Jeff Bostic

"I wanted to just... put his lights out ....because, you know, ...Dallas sucks..."

- Dexter Manley, referring to Danny White whom he knocked out of the first half of the 1982 NFC Championship game.

"It was probably the next morning before I knew where I was,... I must have gotten knocked out. ... I never did regain any memory of that game. From the trip up there, first quarter, second quarter, third or fourth."

-Danny White

"When you're in a game like that and it's back and forth and back and forth, who's gonna blink? Who's gonna blink first? They blinked. ...It was the most incredible moment -- in my life."

-Joe Theismann, referring to winning the 1982 Championship game.

"Joe Theismann is a garbage-mouth little SOB. He's such a hot dog that all he needs is a bun."

-John Dutton

"The one game that really gave us confidence in the 1980s was that NFC Championship game against Dallas."

-Jeff Bostic

"They were so demoralized. They were so pissed. The officials had to drag them out of the locker room, they wouldn't come out."

-George Stark, referring to the final play of the game after players had prematurely retired to the locker room. This was the 3rd NFC Championship in a row Dallas had lost.

"This is controlled delirium. This is a coagulation, a community of interest here that is astonishing in its depth. All over this city. The rich, the poor. The black, the white. The communists, the socialists. The affluent, the unpossessed. All are bound together in this city on this day by these Redskins."

-Jack Kent Cooke, moments after the NFC Championship win against Dallas in January, 1983.

"No, Danny! No!"

-Coach Tom Landry, in an uncharacteristically emotional moment, from the sidelines to his QB Danny White, during a 4th and inches play after it became clear the drawing the Redskins offsides ploy wouldn't work. The Cowboys win-loss record at the time was 12-2, and Dallas victories, both in the regular season and the post-season, were routine. White was supposed to call a timeout, but instead, he continued the snap count, and the ball was snapped. Cowboys lost yardage, the ball, and the game, December 11, 1983. The Cowboys went on to lose three in a row and were knocked out of the 1983 wild card round. That single play seemed to mark the end of an era of Cowboys dominance in the league. They would not win a playoff game again until 1991.

"There are three great things in life: Winning the lottery, having a baby, and beating the Cowboys..."

- Mark May, after a 41-14 route of Dallas in 1986.

"I know we don't have any Dallas people here — they are the ugliest people in the world."

- Joe Gibbs during Fan Day, Training camp, 2005.

"This is my moment, this is my chance to make a difference, and you know, I just went for the ball, I attacked it, and I went and got it, ... I was gonna catch that ball, regardless of what happens..."

- Santana Moss, referring to the Monday Night Miracle game vs Dallas in Sept, 2005.

"This ****'s for the TRIO!",

-Santana Moss, to a video camera immediately after catching his 2nd TD pass at Texas Stadium in September, 2005. The trio he was referring to was Troy Aikman, Emmit Smith, and Michael Irving, who were being honored and included on the Ring of Fame at Texas Stadium that day.

"I mean, there wasn't a lot of hope for that one, yet we found out, you know, we found a way to win that game, AGAINST our rival, at their place, on Monday night, and uh, the locker room was just -- it was just unbelievable."

-Mark Brunell

" of the greatest moments for me in sports"

- Joe Gibbs after the game at Texas Stadium, September, 2005.

"We always seem to have these big, crazy endings. It's unbelievable."

- Renaldo Wynn

"Ever since I've been here, our games against Dallas have ... been wild."

-Jon Jansen

"I'll tell you what - if you attend a Cowboy-Redskins game, you better not leave til that clock hits zero..."

-Joe Gibbs, 2006

"**** Dallas"

Chris Cooley, as autographed on one of his photos on his site

"These guys are done...we can do whatever we want now...",

- Tony Romo, just after throwing a TD pass to Owens to open the second half and tie the game at 17 on Sept 28th, 2008 at Texas Stadium. Dallas would not score again until the final minute. Redskins won 26-24.

"Any Cowboys fan that thinks the Redskins game is just another game is either very young or very stupid."

-unknown veteran Dallas fan.
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Football addict
Don't know why any NFC East fan would ever root for Dallas unless they don't think they can take care of their own business and need help from the cowpokes.

Sad really.


Dancing Up A Storm
Don't know why any NFC East fan would ever root for Dallas unless they don't think they can take care of their own business and need help from the cowpokes.

Sad really.

Not really all that complicated. The Cowboys are currently in the basement, in the NFC East division. They do not belong there; that should be Redskin territory!

Besides, a Cowboys win would push the 'Skins back - another game in the loss column!

Is that so unimaginable?


Don't know why any NFC East fan would ever root for Dallas unless they don't think they can take care of their own business and need help from the cowpokes.

Sad really.

Y'all better win ......:smack:


Football addict
Not really all that complicated. The Cowboys are currently in the basement, in the NFC East division. They do not belong there; that should be Redskin territory!

Besides, a Cowboys win would push the 'Skins back - another game in the loss column!

Is that so unimaginable?
Yes, I know that. You can hope all you want but I'd rather my team take care of business and let the rest of the league weed itself out. I want every NFC East team (besides the Skins) to lose each week but if I had to pick between the Giants v. Boys or Eagles v. Boys I'd go against the Boys each and every time. Being an NFCE fan requires one to loathe Dallas, otherwise just turn in your fan card.

Relish this year because Dallas isn't all that bad and will be back. The self-proclaimed America's Team deserves the basement this year though.


Nothing to see here
"No, Danny! No!"

-Coach Tom Landry, in an uncharacteristically emotional moment, from the sidelines to his QB Danny White, during a 4th and inches play after it became clear the drawing the Redskins offsides ploy wouldn't work. The Cowboys win-loss record at the time was 12-2, and Dallas victories, both in the regular season and the post-season, were routine. White was supposed to call a timeout, but instead, he continued the snap count, and the ball was snapped. Cowboys lost yardage, the ball, and the game, December 11, 1983. The Cowboys went on to lose three in a row and were knocked out of the 1983 wild card round. That single play seemed to mark the end of an era of Cowboys dominance in the league. They would not win a playoff game again until 1991.

Single most remembered moment of Tom Landry in my mind. Always so stoic on the sidelines, totally out of character to see him mouthing those words on TV just prior to the snap. You say the 'nodannyno' game to any long time skins fan and they will probably be able to give you the date and the circumstances of that game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pretty good Redskins v. Cowboys playbook match-up on NFL Network video.:yay:

Skins Playbook

...good stuff! It would be better if they also showed plays the Cowboys stuffed the run on and compare what they did on each play that worked or didn't.

I think there is a market out there for that kind of stuff, to really break down your teams plays, show what worked, what didn't, what play was called, what each player was supposed to do and why. It would make everyone a better fan and give people more to enjoy even when your team loses because so much does go right, even in a loss, that doesn't get much mention or coverage. Announcers do one of two things; call it a great play and/or call if it works and call it a bad play and/or call if it doesn't.