cowboys vs. redskins


All Up In Your Grill
:lol: Fans being fans..if you remember, after the first month of the season last year, everyone in NY wanted to lynch Eli. You can point at any teams fans and make the same observations.

I am a die-hard Cowboys fan, and I didn't pick them to win. If they were playing the Skins again tonight, I wouldn't pick them. NFC East is a solid division, at which any team should be able to be any other team within the division at any given night. The Giants are the best in the division, but I still don't think they are unbeatable. The Eagles are winless in the NFC East, but I wouldn't bet against them in any divisional game. :shrug:


New Member
...I don't want to lynch him. He had a so-so game. Samuels is hurt. Portis is hurt. Rahbach got beat a bunch of times. Jansen played pretty good. Thomas got beat a few times. Kendall played solid. We're struggling some and Dallas' D line played a DAMN good game.

I'm not saying you at all. I'm talking about some of the so called "fans" I work with. The were talking all kinds of crap before the Steelers game and last night's game. Then after the loss, they always slam the Skins. I've been a Giants fan all my life through the ups and downs but they are always my team. I've read some of your posts. I can tell you are a fan. You stick behind the Skins all the time.

Even though they suck:killingme (sorry had to say it)

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm not saying you at all. I'm talking about some of the so called "fans" I work with. The were talking all kinds of crap before the Steelers game and last night's game. Then after the loss, they always slam the Skins. I've been a Giants fan all my life through the ups and downs but they are always my team. I've read some of your posts. I can tell you are a fan. You stick behind the Skins all the time.

Even though they suck:killingme (sorry had to say it)




Well-Known Member
I will not lower myself to that rah rah crap bragging and stuff because my Boys had a lot of problems on offense last night. What it came down to was, in the fourth quarter the Cowboys just wanted it more. That has been a huge problem with them for the past decade they have not had that sense of urgency about them. Hopefully we can keep it going. To the true skins fans out there, the ones still wearing their burgandy and gold today.......Good Game, to the lame ducks that have hidden their teams colors in the closet until the next week, YOU SUCK!!!! I saw with pride that even when my Boys get the crap beat out of them (G-men this year) I wear my blue and silver proud. Have the heart to stand behind your team and your players win or lose, that is what being a true fan is all about.

Some of us have to wear something other than a jersey to work :lol:

Redskins should have won this one...but if it wasn't obvious before the last couple of drives, it became apparent then, that Dallas simply wanted it more. There was little sense of urgency, from what I could tell, on the Washington side :shrug:

Its going to be an interesting season from here on out. Hopefully the 'Skins can pull it together and get a wildcard spot :yay:


Well-Known Member
I am a die-hard Cowboys fan, and I didn't pick them to win. If they were playing the Skins again tonight, I wouldn't pick them. NFC East is a solid division, at which any team should be able to be any other team within the division at any given night. The Giants are the best in the division, but I still don't think they are unbeatable. The Eagles are winless in the NFC East, but I wouldn't bet against them in any divisional game. :shrug:

Very well said :high5:


New Member
I am a die-hard Cowboys fan, and I didn't pick them to win. If they were playing the Skins again tonight, I wouldn't pick them. NFC East is a solid division, at which any team should be able to be any other team within the division at any given night. The Giants are the best in the division, but I still don't think they are unbeatable. The Eagles are winless in the NFC East, but I wouldn't bet against them in any divisional game. :shrug:

Yes the Giants are unbeatable. (j/k) I actually did pick against them when they played Pittsburgh. I really thought they were gonna lose. Any team can be beat on any Sunday. That why they play the game.


WDF. So worth the wait.
I will not lower myself to that rah rah crap bragging and stuff because my Boys had a lot of problems on offense last night. What it came down to was, in the fourth quarter the Cowboys just wanted it more. That has been a huge problem with them for the past decade they have not had that sense of urgency about them. Hopefully we can keep it going. To the true skins fans out there, the ones still wearing their burgandy and gold today.......Good Game, to the lame ducks that have hidden their teams colors in the closet until the next week, YOU SUCK!!!! I saw with pride that even when my Boys get the crap beat out of them (G-men this year) I wear my blue and silver proud. Have the heart to stand behind your team and your players win or lose, that is what being a true fan is all about.

Uh yeah. Who's been hiding?


Football addict
...defense got TRUCKED on the last possession. This is the first time all season the D line looked truly over matched.
Defense played well and well enough to win. The offense didn't.

Lar, why did the defense give up the runs in the end?

They were on the field far too long in the game.

Why were they on the field so long?

Lack of offensive production.

The Defense held a potent offense to 14 points AND gave us two turnovers.

Any D-line would get gassed if they were on the field for the majority of the game. The Boys beat us at our own game.


Football addict
So what happened then? Where is all the love you guys had for Campbell at? Now everyone wants to lynch him.
Hmmm...this comes out after every loss.

One guy...maybe blasts Campbell and all the sudden-like all Skins nation loathes Campbell. Campbell isn't the problem, even though opposing teams would like to think so. He's been part of our great success this year. Our problem is the lines, offense and defense.


New Member
Hmmm...this comes out after every loss.

One guy...maybe blasts Campbell and all the sudden-like all Skins nation loathes Campbell. Campbell isn't the problem, even though opposing teams would like to think so. He's been part of our great success this year. Our problem is the lines, offense and defense.

Please refer to post #122. I said the people I work with. I didnt say all Skins fans.:smack: Now back to the point, Skins suck :razz:

Peter Forsberg

New Member

But I thought a few weeks ago all these Skins fan were talking about Campbell being the MVP, offensive player of the year. What happened? I don't hear that talk anymore. Now all they do is slam him. The Skins fans I work with are fair weather fans. They love em when they are winning and talk smack about them when they are losing.
I like you. :killingme