Crazy PMS


Does anyone else find themselves throwing caution into the wind while PMSing? I don't get mad, psycho, or anything like that. I just do things that I might think twice about otherwise. I've always been this way. Is this normal? Sometimes I wish I just turned into a beyotch. It would be so much easier than becoming a felon. JK. It's not that bad. Well, maybe I have just been lucky.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Does anyone else find themselves throwing caution into the wind while PMSing? I don't get mad, psycho, or anything like that. I just do things that I might think twice about otherwise. I've always been this way. Is this normal? Sometimes I wish I just turned into a beyotch. It would be so much easier than becoming a felon. JK. It's not that bad. Well, maybe I have just been lucky.

I get psycho and evil and I can't stand anyone around me during that time, but I also think it is what caused me to buy a convertible one day at lunch for no apparent reason.


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Does anyone else find themselves throwing caution into the wind while PMSing? I don't get mad, psycho, or anything like that. I just do things that I might think twice about otherwise. I've always been this way. Is this normal? Sometimes I wish I just turned into a beyotch. It would be so much easier than becoming a felon. JK. It's not that bad. Well, maybe I have just been lucky.

It's as normal as pms gets. :howdy: I go into overdrive one day and become super productive and then I need to sleep and be alone the next. :lmao: Guess everybody is different.


Why me??
I get psycho and evil and I can't stand anyone around me during that time, but I also think it is what caused me to buy a convertible one day at lunch for no apparent reason.

I am a ##### during that time of the month. I work with mostly all guys, so they usually know when that time of the month is. I tell them just give me chocolate and I will be fine:killingme
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New Member
I've pretty much been consistently pregnant the last nine years but if I remember correctly..... I don't think I get PMS. No one has told me differently and I don't remember acting differently.


I've pretty much been consistently pregnant the last nine years but if I remember correctly..... I don't think I get PMS. No one has told me differently and I don't remember acting differently.

Well, at least your consistent on something.........:killingme
Hmm, I'm hit or miss with my monthly moodiness. I know I get moody though so I've gotten really good at controlling the cRaZy, lol.


Well-Known Member
I've pretty much been consistently pregnant the last nine years but if I remember correctly..... I don't think I get PMS. No one has told me differently and I don't remember acting differently.

You must have quite a few children...


I've never had PMS... Honestly, I think it's a myth and all you women are brainwashed.:lmao:

Nanny Pam

I get psycho and evil and I can't stand anyone around me during that time, but I also think it is what caused me to buy a convertible one day at lunch for no apparent reason.

Wait a minute....Is there something unusual about buying a car at lunch time?