CRE Are you ready for this?


You're a LOON :)
Ok I wasn't able to attend the meeting after all. I heard it went on for hours. I also heard the forums were discussed at the meeting.

I was told that someone on the forums was the head of the water company and stirs up crap in the forums but is someone who doesn't announce meetings and keeps adding fees to the water bill which in turn raises his salary. As I said I wasn't at the meeting and I heard this from someone else. So can anyone else add to this?

From what else I heard the board is not to please with Hot Coffee and the board also wants the convenants changed or so they claim.

Also that they want to fix up the campgrounds and things to hold events there and bring a feeling of "togetherness" into our community.

I really wish I had been able to attend the meeting and hear everything that was said.
Ok I wasn't able to attend the meeting after all. I heard it went on for hours. I also heard the forums were discussed at the meeting.

I was told that someone on the forums was the head of the water company and stirs up crap in the forums but is someone who doesn't announce meetings and keeps adding fees to the water bill which in turn raises his salary. As I said I wasn't at the meeting and I heard this from someone else. So can anyone else add to this?

From what else I heard the board is not to please with Hot Coffee and the board also wants the convenants changed or so they claim.

Also that they want to fix up the campgrounds and things to hold events there and bring a feeling of "togetherness" into our community.

I really wish I had been able to attend the meeting and hear everything that was said.

Please tell us that you do not believe everything you are being told. No ONE person can raise your water fees; unless you're getting the water from a private water-hauling company, which I seriously doubt. And, unless this person is the owner/President/CEO, I doubt too that he has the power to raise his own salary.


You're a LOON :)
Please tell us that you do not believe everything you are being told. No ONE person can raise your water fees; unless you're getting the water from a private water-hauling company, which I seriously doubt. And, unless this person is the owner/President/CEO, I doubt too that he has the power to raise his own salary.

:lmao: No I don't... Which is why I brought it to here.


New Member
It's OK.

When they roll out the defamation, slander, and libel campaign, its a sure sign they are feeling desparate and in trouble.

Bring it on.


New Member
It's OK.

When they roll out the defamation, slander, and libel campaign, its a sure sign they are feeling desparate and in trouble.

Bring it on.

how about just that the president felt he needed to have a lawyer present when he talked to the membership????

I wonder how much that cost us?

And why the county deputy in the back of the room?


New Member
Ok I wasn't able to attend the meeting after all. I heard it went on for hours. I also heard the forums were discussed at the meeting.

I was told that someone on the forums was the head of the water company and stirs up crap in the forums but is someone who doesn't announce meetings and keeps adding fees to the water bill which in turn raises his salary. As I said I wasn't at the meeting and I heard this from someone else. So can anyone else add to this?

From what else I heard the board is not to please with Hot Coffee and the board also wants the convenants changed or so they claim.

Also that they want to fix up the campgrounds and things to hold events there and bring a feeling of "togetherness" into our community.

I really wish I had been able to attend the meeting and hear everything that was said.

They don't like me???? :cds: :killingme

OK... Phase II

Now that we have discussed the rate increase, and brought the "no increase" to the table.... let's talk about what the new board will face if we all vote "no increase"...

Based on past experience, this board will develop one budget to bring to the membership for their approval. That budget will probably have the increase of at least a CPI built into it.

This is extremely difficult to start a new board year with....

THIS IS MY SUGGESTION: Contact the board members.... each one of them seperately but all in one envelope.... in writing... and request that they bring two budgets for our approval.... one with an increase and one without... or one for each increment on the increase spectrum....

While you are at it .... it might be wise to remind the board members that they were going to save the world about a year ago... and now they should consider the membership when they vote... instead of just staying in the good graces of the president of the board....



New Member
I saw Veronica Moon today.....

You will remember Veronica... she's been working for our community for some time now.... she's also active in the local PTA and some of you might know her from her son's baseball games.....

I asked Veronica if she was still talking to me.... she knows that I'm Hotcoffee on the forums.... she is... cautiously ...:coffee:

I asked her how she feels about the increase... and she said "I am on this board to do whatever the majority of the members want me to do"....

Three cheers... now .... maybe we should ask the other members of the board if they remember that they work for us....

Just sign me Hot Coffee..... :coffee:


Active Member
Call for a Special Election (You CAN do that! Takes 100 members,
a Special Meeting, pass a Resolution calling for it, announce it, and


AND START OVER! can stick a fork in it because YOU ARE SOOoooo DONE!

Nice touch having the Polizei present for intimidation.


New Member
While I appreciate your input Woogie... shouldn't we make it clear that you don't live in CRE anymore.... right?


Active Member
Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt.

Don't like politics anyway. Didn't then. Only
did it because neighbors asked me to do it.

The clique wants to do what THEY want to
and NOT what the RULES say to and what the
MEMBERS WANT. Tired of shoveling S*** against
the tide. Had better things to do than waste time
spinning my wheels and getting an ulcer.

Budgets were "massaged" to look like they were OK
when they were not. Fraud, waste and abuse was
everywhere and the clique just kept doing what they
wanted. BoD has FOR YEARS been in bed with a
certain builder in CRE. Friends and relatives of BoD
and BoD members themselves used their influence to
gain employment in Admin which further contribute
to the fraud, waste and abuse. (Not me, I had a nice
job and no children or wife who needed a job there.)

When the market picks up I will most likely sell out to
the builder and be done with it. It's just chaos.


New Member
For anyone curious enough to try and find out why POACRE and Chesapeake Ranch is so screwed up, just go to This link exposing the fraud of the covenants and read the documents. They will remain posted there for all to read.

Please pass the link on to all in CRE.

I'm going to do a bump for you.... but I have to tell you that your information on the Special Taxing District is incorrect... you are once again confusing it with a Special Services District or a Road Taxing District. It is neither.

Other than that.... good for you... you did some nice work... when do you get your law degree?


New Member
You actually need to read the Maryland Code. It most certainly does apply to our STD just as I've published it.

The law is specifically for special taxing districts, and is specifically assigned to Calvert County. We are not any of the other types you and others try to make people believe we are.


New Member
You actually need to read the Maryland Code. It most certainly does apply to our STD just as I've published it.

The law is specifically for special taxing districts, and is specifically assigned to Calvert County. We are not any of the other types you and others try to make people believe we are.

:killingme ok then I guess you told me! :killingme

Guess you were appointed to that committee and studied the plans so you could report back to the General Assembly. :killingme

Geez... I'd believe you if I hadn't read it and discussed it with some of the best lawyers in the State. You're so defensive when you're wrong! The bit about the covenants... you may be correct...worth checking out... but on the STD... you are off base...:drummer::killingme
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New Member
:killingme ok then I guess you told me! :killingme

Guess you were appointed to that committee and studied the plans so you could report back to the General Assembly. :killingme

Geez... I'd believe you if I hadn't read it and discussed it with some of the best lawyers in the State. You're so defensive when you're wrong! The bit about the covenants... you may be correct...worth checking out... but on the STD... you are off base...:drummer::killingme

I've read your report. It's a piece of crap and the commissioners put it in the circular file.

I've done my homework. I've provided hard evidence written in the law that clearly supports my argument. Can you provide anything close to that, and not just simply saying you have a lawyer's opinion? And, if you have such an opinion, it should be published as should the opinion of the POACRE Attorney that wrote the opinion for the county saying it was legal.

If you can point me to ANY law authorizing a special tax district in Calvert County can be formed without a bond, and without 2/3 of the property owners approving that bond, I will apologize.

I doubt that even once, your team of "the best" ever once questioned whether the STD was legally formed in the first place. Besides, who was paying your "some of the best" for their opinion? Calvert county, that's who.
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New Member
I've read your report. It's a piece of crap and the commissioners put it in the circular file.

I've done my homework. If you can point me to ANY law authorizing a special tax district in Calvert County can be formed without a bond, and without 2/3 of the property owners approving that bond, I will apologize.

I doubt that even once, your team of "the best" ever once questioned whether the STD was legally formed in the first place.

See that's the problem with you.... you can only play nice for as long as everyone is kissing your bottom.... :killingme

You expect everyone to be taking you serious all this time? I don't! :killingme

Even huricane floyd blew out eventually.... remember that one.... you'll blow out too.... eventually....:killingme

No rate increase... that's the issue and that's the only issue....:coffee:

stop confusing things with your wish to be king of the world....:killingme