Credit Card Rant


Obama destroyed America
There is no minimum. If a merchant charges a minimum, they do so on their own accord and I will not patronize them. You can go to McDonalds and get a $1.20 cheeseburger and pay by card.

kara teoke

Not in SOMD any more
There is no minimum. If a merchant charges a minimum, they do so on their own accord and I will not patronize them. You can go to McDonalds and get a $1.20 cheeseburger and pay by card.
I thought cheeseburgers were 89 cents. Granted that was a some years back. They've gone up that much?


They're out to get us
Let's see...rewards cards and non-rewards cards don't really have differences in much except that when I spend money using rewards cards I get cash back or prizes. Please explain why would I get a non-rewards card if I have the option. Is it to help someone else out, that chooses to accept credit cards, at my expense? Either accept all cards and quit whining or become cash-only and deal with it. Don't cry about the cake and then eat it.

In fact, the places that tick me off are given my AMEX card (where accepted) because I know they charge more and I just want to stick it to them for a couple more pennies.


New Member
I paid my daughter's college expenses on plastic to get a 1% cash back award. Is this acceptable?

I went to a liquor store a year ago and informed them they had to accept my CC charge of 8.99 or so (they had no idea)

I have a roll of quarters in my car for when I travel and encounter toll booths.

I do NOT carry cash.

Plastic is my friend. Cash can be stolen and never replaced.

Had my wallet stolen once. There was $100 cash and credit and debit cards in there. They used my credit card at a bar for almost $300. Guess which money I got back... credit card.


Well-Known Member
I am reviewing my monthly merchant credit card statement and just want to let you rewards credit card holders know that we, the merchants, are paying for your free TVs and 'round the world excursions! I am paying as much as 3.6% of every dollar you spend in my store so you can bask in the sun in Jamaica. For the average Joe with the no frills credit card, I only have to pay 1% of every dollar you spend.

To make it simple for ya - if the rewards card customer spends $100 in my store, I pay a total fee of $3.60 when I swipe your card. :cds: I only pay $1 for that same $100 purchase if you have no rewards card. I still like cash at my business. And don't give me the argument that it costs a lot of money to take cash to the bank for deposit. I could go to the bank twice a day every day of the month and not spend as much money in vehicle and payroll expense as I do in credit card fees. And with cash, I have your money when you walk out of the door, not 2-4 days from now when the credit card company decides to give it to me.

And while I am at it, if merchants have agreed to accept Visa and Mastercard at their business, they are NOT, I repeat, NOT allowed to impose a minimum charge to your card. You, the consumer, can charge $.50 to your card if you choose. If you encounter a retailer that imposes a minimum, you inform that retailer that they will accept your card for whatever amount you choose and that you will call Visa/Mastercard to report them. If I have to play by these rules, all other retailers should play by the rules as well - white, black, hispanic, or illegal immigrants!

Thanks for listening - rant over.

I am so sorry you are having this problem. Please tell me the name of your store so I don't burden you further.


happy to be living
That's what I had thought too. Thai Inter had a minimum of $15, but the new owners have changed that policy.

Isn't the fee charged to the business cheaper for a debit transaction than for a credit transaction? I'm not sure why so many businesses just run all of the charges as credit

When I opened my 1st store 6 years ago, the cost of the pin pad for debits was about $500. Equally high was the cost of one of the check verification machines that debits the checking account and spits to check back to return to the customer.

I dropped AMEX because their fees are so ridiculously high. I have not encountered one person that wanted to use AMEX that did not have another cc in their wallet. I have not encountered one customer that said they would not return because I do not have AMEX.

TPD, I can put you in touch with the company I switched to about 6 months ago that has the lowest fees around, sends monthly statements that explain all the charges and has been pleasant to deal with (as opposed to the other 2 processors that were impossible)
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Well-Known Member
I am reviewing my monthly merchant credit card statement and just want to let you rewards credit card holders know that we, the merchants, are paying for your free TVs and 'round the world excursions! I am paying as much as 3.6% of every dollar you spend in my store so you can bask in the sun in Jamaica. For the average Joe with the no frills credit card, I only have to pay 1% of every dollar you spend.

To make it simple for ya - if the rewards card customer spends $100 in my store, I pay a total fee of $3.60 when I swipe your card. :cds: I only pay $1 for that same $100 purchase if you have no rewards card. I still like cash at my business. And don't give me the argument that it costs a lot of money to take cash to the bank for deposit. I could go to the bank twice a day every day of the month and not spend as much money in vehicle and payroll expense as I do in credit card fees. And with cash, I have your money when you walk out of the door, not 2-4 days from now when the credit card company decides to give it to me.

And while I am at it, if merchants have agreed to accept Visa and Mastercard at their business, they are NOT, I repeat, NOT allowed to impose a minimum charge to your card. You, the consumer, can charge $.50 to your card if you choose. If you encounter a retailer that imposes a minimum, you inform that retailer that they will accept your card for whatever amount you choose and that you will call Visa/Mastercard to report them. If I have to play by these rules, all other retailers should play by the rules as well - white, black, hispanic, or illegal immigrants!

Thanks for listening - rant over.

Well, I don't have any credit cards, but I do use my debit card all the time. Just curious, do you have to pay (as the retailer) if I use my debit card as a credit instead of a debit? I usually do it as a credit, because for some reason I used to get charged $1.00 per transaction if I used it as a debit. Now I just do everything credit. The bank doesn't charge me any fees to do it this way.


Hot Flash
Well, I don't have any credit cards, but I do use my debit card all the time. Just curious, do you have to pay (as the retailer) if I use my debit card as a credit instead of a debit? I usually do it as a credit, because for some reason I used to get charged $1.00 per transaction if I used it as a debit. Now I just do everything credit. The bank doesn't charge me any fees to do it this way.

Good question. We, as a consumer, have to pay if we tell the merchant "debit" and don't have to pay our bank if we say "credit".

There are still many people out there who do not know this.


Well-Known Member
Good question. We, as a consumer, have to pay if we tell the merchant "debit" and don't have to pay our bank if we say "credit".

There are still many people out there who do not know this.

I found out the hard way. Like I said, I use my debit card all the time. I had something like 38 transactions in a month. Cost me the $38 bucks. Now everything is credit. Pisses me off when the retailer will only do debit, and I have to pay the fees! MY RANT.


Jam out with ur clam out
I found out the hard way. Like I said, I use my debit card all the time. I had something like 38 transactions in a month. Cost me the $38 bucks. Now everything is credit. Pisses me off when the retailer will only do debit, and I have to pay the fees! MY RANT.

I have never had a retailer tell me i could only use debit....

I have never used it as a debit card.... i have always done credit.


Well-Known Member
I have never had a retailer tell me i could only use debit....

I have never used it as a debit card.... i have always done credit.

Dollar General is one I can think of. That may have changed, it's been quite awhile since I've been there.


Hot Flash
I found out the hard way. Like I said, I use my debit card all the time. I had something like 38 transactions in a month. Cost me the $38 bucks. Now everything is credit. Pisses me off when the retailer will only do debit, and I have to pay the fees! MY RANT.

I have never had a retailer tell me i could only use debit....

I have never used it as a debit card.... i have always done credit.

Spread the word.

I've done my good deed for the day. :lol: :howdy:


New Member
I found out the hard way. Like I said, I use my debit card all the time. I had something like 38 transactions in a month. Cost me the $38 bucks. Now everything is credit. Pisses me off when the retailer will only do debit, and I have to pay the fees! MY RANT.


what bank is that? I think I would change banks. I thought they had all backed off on the threat of debit card fees


Active Member
It depends on your particular merchant agreement, but debit cards are sometimes a lesser fee, just a "swipe fee", and not the percentage fee that the credit card is. So that could work both ways. Then it's on the merchant to realize is it costing me more to swipe a debit at 20 cents flat fee, but if the amount is only $6.48, what will the percentage fee be? I used to get worked up about this too but at the end of the day it's a CC world and it's easier to just take the cards as they come and not let customers feel your frustration over pennies. Most people just don't carry a ton of cash any more.


curiouser and curiouser
Good question. We, as a consumer, have to pay if we tell the merchant "debit" and don't have to pay our bank if we say "credit".

There are still many people out there who do not know this.
Not if you're a credit union member. I use Navy Fed and have no fees.