Cross Country Clinic - Harwood - Update!!


New Member
I need to get some confirmations from people who are riding and checks if they are.

I currently have four for the 18"-2'

I have none for the 2'3" - 2'6"

and five for the 2'6" +
Eventer29 + 3

If your name is on this list please confirm that you are still planning to come and contact me for payment information. Eventer29 I just returned from California and didn't return your call. I put you plus 3 in the 2'6+ is that right?

If your name is not on the list and you want to ride please let me know as soon as possible.

Jumps are solid, natural cross country jumps like you'd encounter on a horse trials cross country course they also have ditches. These jumps are not standards and poles in a field. Warm-up will be in the sand arena with "regular" jumps.

What about Whitney & Wanda? Do you still have their checks? They'd probably do the 2"3-2'6 and I could ride with them if I can stay on the lower end of those jumps. Email me directly and let me know. Thanks!


Update -
I currently have two for the 18"-2'

3 for the 2'3" - 2'6"

and four for the 2'6" +
Eventer29 + 3


New Member
Yep we will be there. I will get checks from the kiddies and send them. I will need directions. I'm glad there will be a ditch..Well I am and I'm not, Ditches are like my biggest XC fear. I hate them with a passion. I was going to have one of my girlfriends find the video her dad took of me dissapearing into a very large ditch, but think I'll wait till after the clinic now!


New Member
LOL well you have nice horses who act more like they are going over a ground pole instead of a man and equine eating ditch. Lol and you've never found yourself layin on your back in a ditch, lookin up n wonderin how ya got there! Lets hope ya never do.


K Betit
haha, Eventer29--ditches are MOST DEF the scariest part of XC. I agree. I just have a fear of my horse ending up in the ditch. **Shivers**. Phyxius, I sent you a PM.


New Member
i have a fear of ending up in the ditch myself! i'm pretty sure my horse can stay out of it LOL. one time i did land perfectly inside a coffin jump that my sister's pony preferred not to jump...


K Betit
hahaha. My boy was FINE with ditches. Then all the sudden we tried one over at Cage that was about 2 feet wide and you had to jump Up as well, it wasn't straight across. The ground next to it was gravel and he'd go at it force force and slam on the brakes at the last second. I was just waiting for his front end to slip in. And it was deep. haha. We eventually got over it but still, they are a little scary.


Newest Update - 12/12
Update -
I currently have three for the 18"-2'
kmbetit's friend

4 for the 2'3" - 2'6"

and four for the 2'6" +
Eventer29 + 3


K Betit
This is going to be so much fun!! I'm sending my check in today. :-D. My other rider is trying to decide if she wants to take her little Morgan XC next year. But her Morgan isn't consistently jumping yet, so she's gonna take my guy next weekend to see if she likes it (that is, as long as things go well on her rides on him this weekend, which i'm sure they will). :-D. Eventer29, will you have some younger ones there?


New Member
Dammit! I think the transmission is gone in our truck. Well I suppose it is still physically there, but not working. The truck had been acting just a little funny, more vibratey than usual, slightly slow to react to the gas pedal. Then we went to the schooling last weekend and while talking to the person who took the money/releases mom shifted into drive and it didnt want to move. She shifted back and forth a couple times and it finally moved but very very slow. We made it home and parked in front of our barn to unload. Now it will start and the engine will run but the truck will NOT move! This sucks so horribly! So not sure if we will make it next weekend or not :( (Thankful that our next "horsey event" is the show here so we dont have to haul.)
kmbetit if we make it it will be me and sis and a 15 and 16 yr old. No lil ones this time. But if there is another I would like to have my younger kids go. Ya oughta come to our lil schooling show!


K Betit
My "young one" is 16. hahaha. When is your schooling show? We have a crap ton of greenies that need to get out.


New Member
The first show is Sunday Dec 14..Tomorrow lol. The next is Jan 11 and the last is Feb 8. Are you still boarding with V? I know she is bringing the 2 kids and a student tomorrow.