Customer Service


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
otter said:
Clouds fill the skies, like the mists in my eyes,
The way I feel right now, I'd thought I was hypnotized.
Visions of you laid out on that hospital bed,
Beep, Beep, Flat line … that ####'s burned into my head,
I refused to believe, but there came no relief...
As your body was lifted from those hospital sheets,
In my mind I wanted to believe there was hope,
Grief for a character … god … I feel like such a dope,
We never kicked it or even hung out,
The familiarity of "Bree", there was just something about.
Bree's death touched our hearts, it left a hole,
Only in each other, were we left to console,
So then I finally come to the fact,
That we can't bring you back,
Death just can't be undone,
I still can't believe you're gone…

Just like Aaliyah, we missing you girl...


Happy Camper
SoMDMama82 said:
I said the school system failed him because after I explained 2 $5 for 5's and a $4 sandwich could not equal $24, he still didn't understand and insisted it was right. I understand fat fingers can type in mistakes, but after it was brought to his attention, he still couldn't see the obvious mistake. No harm done, I simply got my money back, and went on my way.

:howdy: I wasn't disagreeing with you that the school system failed him. I was just pointing out that some can't count right even when told the correct amount of change to give. You should have really confused him by agreeing to pay the $24 then pointing out that he would have to give you 20 sandwiches plus the single $4 sandwich!! You probably would have seen smoke coming out of his ears! :lmao:


New Member
belvak said:
:howdy: I wasn't disagreeing with you that the school system failed him. I was just pointing out that some can't count right even when told the correct amount of change to give. You should have really confused him by agreeing to pay the $24 then pointing out that he would have to give you 20 sandwiches plus the single $4 sandwich!! You probably would have seen smoke coming out of his ears! :lmao:
Would you all drop it with the school system crap. Snotts & Finger Hymen will be in here dancing around. :nono:


aka Mrs. Giant
K_Jo said:
But you're so friggin eloquent. You should be shared with the world! :love:
:nono: He stopped pm'ing me when I started posting his pm's. Actually, since I was posting everybody's pm's at that time, everybody stopped pming me...which was actually my goal, but anyway - the point is...don't post Otter's pm's or he won't pm you anymore. YW


Pete said:
:yeahthat: and I would like to add.

1. This isn't Minnesota.

2. Walmart pays crap wages.

3. There are borderline retards everywhere.

4. Borderline retards often work at Walmart because they will hire them.

5. Maybe you do have a third eye and you scared the shiat out of her.

6. Your example while somewhat strange is not out of the ordinary at Walmarts all across the country and is not exaclty poor customer service as it is indicative of Walmarts mantra "Cheap is cheap and you get what you pay for.".

7. If that experience as you explained it caused you to want to "break something" I would have to say you need to realign your priorities because you are seriously adrift.
I have never been more painfully aware of anything in all my life that this isn't Minnesota... from the random comments on my Minnesotan accent (it's only really noticeable when I say things like "Minnesota" or "Ya know") to the lady at Shoppers the other day saying "Wow, I don't remember the last time I heard it called 'pop'."

Yes, there are lame ass idiots everywhere... there just seems to be more of them working customer service here than any place I've ever been.


Active Member
BS Gal said:
Amen, brother! Well said!

DITTO............everyone has a bad day once in a while and we should not get upset at every little thing.

I have lived in so. maryland for 20 years and the service here is much better than other places in maryland.

I live here because I what to not because I have to !!!. That makes a differeance in what people expect.

Most of the complainers on this forum are transplants from other areas of the country, military or contractor. You won't find to many "locals" whinning.

Let the retaliation begin.....


kris31280 said:
I have never been more painfully aware of anything in all my life that this isn't Minnesota... from the random comments on my Minnesotan accent (it's only really noticeable when I say things like "Minnesota" or "Ya know") to the lady at Shoppers the other day saying "Wow, I don't remember the last time I heard it called 'pop'."

Yes, there are lame ass idiots everywhere... there just seems to be more of them working customer service here than any place I've ever been.
It's warmer here


Happy Camper
Mikeinsmd said:
Would you all drop it with the school system crap. Snotts & Finger Hymen will be in here dancing around. :nono:

:jameo: I don't have a problem with the school system. In the interest of keeping my post short, I only included the last sentence of the prior post quote which happened to mention the school system. My observation about not being able to count change was directed only at those cashiers out there who have no clue. I had no intention of stirring up trouble... :elaine:


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Would you all drop it with the school system crap. Snotts & Finger Hymen will be in here dancing around. :nono:

You're right...maybe the school system just had one slip through the cracks. Thinking 5+5+4=24. Or maybe he thought the tax in maryland was 70% instead of 5%, and the rest was just the tax?? I think somebody just wasn't paying attention in math, and somehow got through.

I don't think St. Mary's county schools are bad. I did alright in them! :razz: But kids do slip through the cracks sometimes.