Customer Service

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
:shrug: I don't usually have any problems with customer service. I usually get treated like the princess I am.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Pete said:
You mean you didn't froth at the mouth, demand to speak to the Vice President of East coast Operations, call them names, and demand free burgers for life because they dared be so indignant as to screw up your order?
He didn't even start a thread about it. I don't understand. :confused:


aps45819 said:
I didn't call their National headquarters, I didn't ask to speak to the manager. Did I stand there longer than I should have? Yes but it was no big deal.
Was I offended? No, I felt sorry for the poor girls reading skills
Was I amused? yes :lol:


Disclaimer: This post was probably unnecessary


24/7 Single Dad
Pete said:
You mean you didn't froth at the mouth, demand to speak to the Vice President of East coast Operations, call them names, and demand free burgers for life because they dared be so indignant as to screw up your order?
:lol: that show was better than most any thing on TV


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
Every time I get out of walmart I want to break something.

But rarely has it been because of the customer service. (It's usually the other idiot customers lumbering around who make my life hell in there. I especially love when someone busts their ass to get in front of you - and then crawl along like a turtle. It should be legal to shoot people for that.)

Actually - in my experience, Walmart has been on of the best around here in the Customer Service arena. Walmart and Outback and Target. And Best-Buys... I've always been happy when walking out of Best Buys.

Only thing I hate about Walmart is that the aisles are all to close together, and some areas in the store get way too congested. Maybe the expansion will help alliviate some of that problem. I hope so.

:yay: :yay:

Outback took care of my issue without me asking/acting like an @$$ and causing a scene. Re-did the kid order, didn't have to pay for it and received a gift card. Talk about customer service!!

if some people would just bring it to someones attention respectfully and give them time to resolve the issue.


Great post Pete, especially the pizza incident. I drove for a pizza place for a few years and I cant tell you how many times ppl were just plain rude and wanted you to waste your gas bringing them another FREE pizza because it had one stinking mushroom on there that was out of place. Keep up the great posts Pete!


Bookseller Lady
I spent 5 years working in a retail pharmacy that was the only one open for all of Southern Maryland on Sundays after 6 pm. That meant every urgent care, every ER, ever pediatrician phoning in meds for a 2 year olds earache sending us people. Easy enough to see why anyone could be in a bad mood waiting around with a screaming child. We'd get them in and out as fast as we could. There was still a large contingient of People-You-Just-Can't-Please. Like the ones who forgot to pick up RXs from other (closed) pharmacies who did not understand that container in their hand was not an RX but a piece of plastic with a label on it and the law requires we call the other pharmacy before we can fill it (my fault). Then the folks who complained about the wait even though everyone that was ahead of them in the Urgent Care waiting room was now ahead of them in line here (of course, my fault too). Then you had the folks with RXs they had gotten from their doc 3-4 days earlier, the doc left off some piece of info (not a good idea to fill prescriptions with what you think they are - could do away repeat customers) and the answering service tells us to call back during office hours (again, my fault). Then there are the insurace issues that I spend long stretches of time on the phone trying to correct, but alas they tell me the patient needs to contact someone not available until the next day to fix it (again, it's all my fault). :smack:
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New Member
Thank You! Well Said
Pete said:
Allow me to opine. It seems not a day goes by that there is not a thread or a post wanking about bad customer service in Southern Maryland. After being stationed all over the country for the last 25 years, and a few foreign countries, I am at a loss because I don’t see it. In my experience from Maine to San Francisco and Key West to Phoenix the customer service here is on par with that everywhere. Certainly I have gone to places where the service wasn’t exceptional and even a few that were downright pretty bad. Everyone has a bad day and shiat happens. :shrug: But as a whole I would have to say customer service is adequate if not good.

I was wondering why so many people have so many bad experiences yet I am yet to be offended or pizzed off? Could it be I am more understanding? I hardly doubt that as my red Kramer comments show regularly. I think it safe to say I may be an unyielding a-hole. Are my expectations not as high? Perhaps that is it. Let me explore;

I would rather be Mike Rowe’s stunt double for jobs that are just too damn nasty and dirty for him to do than to work in the service industry. You see I think we as a nation have become a society of spoiled, tantrum throwing, gimme-gimme, obnoxious son of a biatches with little civility. Now before you kirk out and gird up your loins to blast me, I am not talking about you specifically, well maybe I am, but people as a whole.

From the pimply kid working the counter at KFC making $6.75 an hour, who gets a blast of shiat and attitude because someone wanted slaw and not mashed potatoes with their #3 combo to the poor customer service person at the cable TV company who gets unloaded upon every time the phone rings by a mouth frothing lunatic who has not had cable TV for 2 whole hours because they didn’t personally run out and stop the tree from falling over the lines, or take off the headset and with a Swiss Army knife and a roll of duct taps drive immediately to the site of the problem and splice the wires themselves. Can you imagine reporting for work every stinking day, putting on the goofy ass paper hat, tucking in your ill fitting company provided polo shirt, the cost of which was deducted from your first measly check, and busting through the swinging double doors to face a freaking angry obnoxious mob everyday? Not I buddy, you get shiatty with me over a simple mistake or something that is out of my control and you would be picking cole slaw out of your nose for a week and I may be in the county detention center but I will probably be smiling and you will smell cole slaw for days.

We are stuck in a degenerative feed back loop. We have become sadly to say, an entitlement culture. Not the entitlement culture you think IE welfare and food stamps, but a culture of people who feel the world, and all those that inhabit it must kiss our asses 100% of the time and if they don’t we are justified in pitching a tantrum of epic proportions, and press the tantrum increasing it exponentially until the rat bastard who has “wronged” us relents and showers us with freebees or at the very least genuflects and offers themselves for public execution at our own hand.. A great many kids are raised this way and the first wave of them are now those who are the “offenders”. So now we have competing egomaniacs who face off and want the others lips planted firmly on each others asses and the worker because they are now in a “service” position are forced to acquiesce first because back in the break room there is a poster that says “The customer is always right” and more so because they really need the $6.75 an hour job for new rims.

I am sure the waitress (I refuse to be politically correct and “server” sounds retarded) just loves to wait on you hand and foot, tip toeing to avoid the shriekfest sure to breakout if you are not pampered and then clean up the 4 inches of paper, smashed crackers, silverware, crayons, French fires and drool your spawn deposited there during the course of your 40 minute stay all while you looked on and did nothing. I am positive that the night manager at the pizza place, covered in flour, loves spending hours making pizza and trying to keep your teenagers making pizza’s and not in the cooler playing stink finger instead, and making sure they wash their hands after they come back from break and then getting a phone call from some rabid person about a driver how left a spin mark in their dirt driveway because Jack is rushing off to make the next 5 deliveries so he can make an extra $20 because his other shiatty job pumping septic systems doesn’t quite make ends meet. I am sure that the person at the county transportation department is sitting there right now with their hand hovering over the handset waiting anxiously for it to ring and taka blast of shiat from a bubble mommy who’s precious baby has to walk 60 feet to the bus stop on the corner now because it is more convenient and efficient to stop once and pick up 3 households kids than to stop 4 times in 60 feet.

Service is service. They owe us “the norm” and that doesn’t involve purple robes, a crown and bowing. If I go out to eat, show up within a few minutes, take my order, keep my glass filled and be sure I get what I ordered. If it isn’t we can work it out without causing an international incident or causing some deep rooted psychological injury to either of us. If my cable craps out, tell me what the problem is, guess about how long it will take and be nice and I promise not to insult you or your parents. You be decent to me and put forth the effort and I will make sure when Boy and I get up to go home you don’t have to spend 30 minutes cleaning up the hideous mess we made so your next customer can sit down and we will all be good.


Gwydion said:
:yay: Excellent post.

I came close to punching some ##### at wawa the other day who threw a tantrum to the cashier and then stood in line forcing the rest of us to wait while the manager came up and talked with her get this...

There were no Cobb Salads in the pre-made bar.

After about 2 minutes of the manager telling her that there was nothing they could do except have her order one from the Made to Order counter (But she was in a rush and couldn't wait) some guy in the back of the line screamed "GET THE #### OUT OF LINE"

It was quality.
:yeahthat: Yesterday I had to stop and get gas. I forgot about it so I had to go to Burchmart instead of Wawa so I pull in. It is crowded so I wait patiently in line while I watch 4 moronic a-holes who were finished pumping gas and standing there visiting. Every once in a while the jackasses would cast an eye at the line of cars waiting to get gas then go back to yakking and yukking it up. Not only were they taking up a pump but because it was so crowded the woman in front of me filled up and had to wait because she couldn't pull out. I couldn't back up to give her room because someone came in behind me.......and still they stood there laughing and jabberjawing.

Now that situation being what it was you let one of these a-holes have to wait an extra 45 seconds for something and they would no doubt kirk out and have a damn cow.


Customer Service 08-24-2007 11:46 AM You are a moron that truly needs to get a life!

Hmmmmmm was it the crackhead, the pizza delivery basher or the bubble mommy? :lol:


b*tch rocket
For the most part, I agree with your assessment Pete, however, I don't agree that just because you make $6.75 an hour, that you are justified in being lazy and rude. I'm not a complainer, but it still aggravates me when some pimple faced kid acts like he/she can't be bothered to do their job because they're not pulling in $50k to make a batch of fries.


Supper's Ready
Never been much of a complainer or have too high expectations of customer service, but tend to vote with my feet rather than voice.

But in a way it’s good to have poor customer service, case in point Home Depot/Lowe’s. Going there makes the Sneade’s experience all the better. :yay:


Christy said:
For the most part, I agree with your assessment Pete, however, I don't agree that just because you make $6.75 an hour, that you are justified in being lazy and rude. I'm not a complainer, but it still aggravates me when some pimple faced kid acts like he/she can't be bothered to do their job because they're not pulling in $50k to make a batch of fries.
I am not saying you should have to deal with lazy and rude. It is the over the top complaining over the slightest things that I am talking about.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
I am not saying you should have to deal with lazy and rude. It is the over the top complaining over the slightest things that I am talking about.
You mean like when a local flooring company came 9 hours late to install my carpet and the installer's girlfriend got on my phone and made long-distance phone calls? Rude like that?


BS Gal said:
You mean like when a local flooring company came 9 hours late to install my carpet and the installer's girlfriend got on my phone and made long-distance phone calls? Rude like that?


b*tch rocket
Pete said:
I am not saying you should have to deal with lazy and rude. It is the over the top complaining over the slightest things that I am talking about.

Eh, I deal with them, but it does annoy me. :lol:


New Member
Toxick said:
Every time I get out of walmart I want to break something.

But rarely has it been because of the customer service. (It's usually the other idiot customers...QUOTE]

Ha ha! I was thinking the SAME thing! I HATE going to Walmart. Customer service has always been great! It's been the rude customers that drive me nuts!! Especially at the Waldorf store!

The only customer service issue that comes to mind for me is Arby's. I was picking up dinner for the family and ordered 2 $5 for 5 deals, and a $4 sandwich. The boy gave me the total of $24!! I tried to tell the kid it shoudln't be that much...5+5+4 does not equal 24. He insisted it was right, so I politely asked for my money back and left. Didn't feel like I wanted to break something though. Just kind of sad that the school systems had failed that boy!


Happy Camper
SoMDMama82 said:
Just kind of sad that the school systems had failed that boy!

Most of the the cash registers tell them how much change to give and some still can't get it right! I bet he just couldn't figure out how to correctly key in the 5 for $5 order...


New Member
belvak said:
Most of the the cash registers tell them how much change to give and some still can't get it right! I bet he just couldn't figure out how to correctly key in the 5 for $5 order...

I said the school system failed him because after I explained 2 $5 for 5's and a $4 sandwich could not equal $24, he still didn't understand and insisted it was right. I understand fat fingers can type in mistakes, but after it was brought to his attention, he still couldn't see the obvious mistake. No harm done, I simply got my money back, and went on my way.