

CageKicker Extraordinaire
Dear Mig,

Is this really worth spending so much time thinking about? What are you looking to gain by having the question answered? Is answering the question going to give you that? Is the ROI worth the hassle? Aren't there more pressing issues to calculate? And as hard as it is to find a compatable mind, is the body really that important?

Your pragmatic friend,



aka Mrs. Giant
Chain729 said:
Dear Mig,

Is this really worth spending so much time thinking about? What are you looking to gain by having the question answered? Is answering the question going to give you that? Is the ROI worth the hassle? Aren't there more pressing issues to calculate? And as hard as it is to find a compatable mind, is the body really that important?

Your pragmatic friend,


:lmao: I seriously just wanted to know how everybody views the word "cute". I hold a negative view of the word, and it seems with the exception of Dems I am the only one who does. It wasn't so much about me as my fascination with words. I live my own life and do my own thing, regardless. However, sometimes differing viewpoints are refreshing. There are always more pressing issues to calculate, however I am taking a mental health day and doing something trivial. As for my mind, there are very few that can come close to being "compatible". I'd settle for that any day over sex.

Nothing but love for you my brother.


This Space for Rent
I think I leart some stuff today on the forum.

1) Beastiality is okay if women want to get their hands on your pup
2) Cute is bad; whore is good
3) Love your brother
4) If anyone can find someone with a mind like Mig's, she will be set. Odds 9,927,316,287,862,267:1... Since there are only 6.7 billion people in the world, she has a long way to go for the odds to work out.



CageKicker Extraordinaire
migtig said:
:lmao: I seriously just wanted to know how everybody views the word "cute". I hold a negative view of the word, and it seems with the exception of Dems I am the only one who does. It wasn't so much about me as my fascination with words. I live my own life and do my own thing, regardless. However, sometimes differing viewpoints are refreshing. There are always more pressing issues to calculate, however I am taking a mental health day and doing something trivial. As for my mind, there are very few that can come close to being "compatible". I'd settle for that any day over sex.

Nothing but love for you my brother.

I was starting to worry there for a second. :huggy:

At any rate, IMO, it depends. I've used it for both. The positive use meaning someone that I am attracted to physically, but not entirely because of their physical qualities. Some may take it as a slam but usually it means that in addition to being OK to look at, the person has love for life, a child-like innocence and curiousity (possibly gets a kick out of baby toys). All things that I find myself drawn to like a mosquito going for the bug zapper (which, ironically, is usually how it turns out).

Negatively, it means they either look or act like a 12 yr. old.

So, in conclusion, you're better off judging the comment, not by the word, but by tone of voice and body language.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
FromTexas said:
I think I leart some stuff today on the forum.

1) Beastiality is okay if women want to get their hands on your pup
2) Cute is bad; whore is good
3) Love your brother
4) If anyone can find someone with a mind like Mig's, she will be set. Odds 9,927,316,287,862,267:1... Since there are only 6.7 billion people in the world, she has a long way to go for the odds to work out.


:lmao: And people think the forums aren't educational.