And, the discussion appears to me to be whether a choice of abortion or not should even be considered a viable choice. The argument for is that the life in the mother isn't a life yet. The argument against is that the life in the mother is a life, and mom's (and dad's) choice was before the baby was put there, not after.
It's understood that some people consider the fetus not a separate life until the umbillical (sp?) cord is cut, and others consider it a life immediately upon fertilization. Many noted scientists have argued first trimester abortions okay, because of the look of the child (developmentally) being insufficient, but everything after being wrong. Some people are good with killing the child as it's emerging from the womb, because the cord hasn't been cut yet.
If you accept the choice of killing the child as a fetus, people consider that pro-abortion (because you're either for it or not - no grey area allowed). It's not being for the choice, because you have to accept both alternatives of the choice as acceptable to be for allowing the choice.
Is that more clear?