Daddy's New Roommate


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Arista said:
I suppose the "gay thing" doesn't phase me because my uncle is gay and I've got many gay friends. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them and they're the type of people I'd gladly let around my children. "The Gay" doesn't rub off.
If that was directed at me, you're preaching to the choir. But people have the right to their opinion and the right to not be subjected to what they find offensive, or have their children subjected to it.


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:

If someone snuck up behind an interracial couple with a bat and bashed some skulls, I'd call that a hatefilled act.

Unless the assailant was simply robbing them. Then it wouldn't be a hatecrime.... just a crime.
so there has to be a physical attack?
Thats just retarded. If you are so threatened by an idea that you have to throw a book away in a public library, i'd say you are full of hate for that particular idea.


Arista said:
Yes, you can try to protect them from more than one thing and I think any sensible parent does.

I suppose the "gay thing" doesn't phase me because my uncle is gay and I've got many gay friends. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them and they're the type of people I'd gladly let around my children. "The Gay" doesn't rub off.

Unless you want it to.... :rimshot:

I don't have anything against the Gay either. I support gay marriage. I have been to several Elton John Concerts.*

However, I also support every American's God Given Right to be a bigot, regardless of race, creed, sex, or whom they're bigotted against.


*1 point


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Midnightrider said:
so there has to be a physical attack?

That was an example.

Midnightrider said:
Thats just retarded.

So is not recognizing a mere example when you see one.

Midnightrider said:
If you are so threatened by an idea that you have to throw a book away in a public library, i'd say you are full of hate for that particular idea.

And I say you're not.

I don't equate intolerance with hatred. Hatred requires much more energy and effort.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
I don't have anything against the Gay either. I support gay marriage. I have been to several Elton John Concerts.*

However, I also support every American's God Given Right to be a bigot, regardless of race, creed, sex, or whom they're bigotted against.


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
That was an example.

So is not recognizing a mere example when you see one.

And I say you're not.

I don't equate intolerance with hatred. Hatred requires much more energy and effort.
Hey, i also support your, or anyone elses, right to be a bigot, just dont kid yourself into thinking you are just intolerant when you really hate.
Gwendolyn said:
I fell the same way about bigotry with my children. I have a lesbian cousin and she's been with her partner for 20 years. They see her at all the family stuff and it's no big deal. All three of my kids this is strange when people are afraid of the scary gays. So do I.

If they happen to be gay when they grow up I'm ok with that too. I just want them to be happy with who they are. They are most likely not, but still I'd love them the same no matter what. Do you really want to teach your kids the same in homosexuality and have them living a lie their whole life because they are afraid you will disown them?

About the only ting I would be against is their becoming Mormons or one of those other wacko religions that ring my doorbell at 7 am on a Saturday.
So who is placing books about bigotry in children's libraries?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
just dont kid yourself into thinking you are just intolerant when you really hate.
I think it's adorable how you can read the mind of someone you don't even know - THROUGH THE COMPUTER!!! :clap:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
If that was directed at me, you're preaching to the choir. But people have the right to their opinion and the right to not be subjected to what they find offensive, or have their children subjected to it.
I wasn't necessarily directing that at you. In all honesty, to argue about this or try to convince each other that we're the "right" one is a moot point. You feel the way you do and I feel the way I do. :shrug: Moving on with life.


CAPPY2609 said:
Sheep banging books should always be available!!! :killingme

But seriously, :coffee: you have a point that it should be accessible to those who may have a use for it. But it was obviously a self help book for kids with these issues. We should be glad that there are materials out there to help young people sort these issues and know they are'nt alone in their home situations.
Does anyone have a title of this book in question? I find it hard to believe that it was truely that graphic.

I'm thinking its this one


New Member
Pete said:
I have seen pics of the parades many of those type of people have. :yay:

Have you been to gay pride parades? It's like 100 people dressed up like
show girls.

Do you really think that those 100 people are indicative of all the gays and lesbians in the country?

I very good friend of mine is a 1st Lieutenant in the Canadian armed forces. Two of his sergeants got married the day after gay marriage was legalized up there. Not one thing has changed in his unit and almost everyone attended the wedding. No running abound in purple body paint holding fans. They just do their job like everyone else. No one cares. I went to a ball as Morgan's date and those guys went together. Not one person cared or thought it was odd. I have no idea why everyone down here in the states care to much about people's sexuality.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gwendolyn said:
About the only ting I would be against is their becoming Mormons or one of those other wacko religions that ring my doorbell at 7 am on a Saturday.
Oh, is that right? A little bigotry going on? With a side of intolerance? And, dare I say it? HATE???

Why is it okay for you to not want to deal with Mormons, but not okay for someone else to not want to deal with homosexuals?


Midnightrider said:
Hey, i also support your, or anyone elses, right to be a bigot, just dont kid yourself into thinking you are just intolerant when you really hate.
I don't hate. I don't agree with their lifestyle, gay marriage, etc., but I feel they have the right to that lifestyle if that is their choice. Just not the right to shove it down the throats of children or anyone else and make the choice for them through the use of books, movies, or teaching it in the schools.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Arista said:
I wasn't necessarily directing that at you. In all honesty, to argue about this or try to convince each other that we're the "right" one is a moot point. You feel the way you do and I feel the way I do. :shrug: Moving on with life.
Well, you're no fun :mad:


Gwendolyn said:
Have you been to gay pride parades? It's like 100 people dressed up like
show girls.

Do you really think that those 100 people are indicative of all the gays and lesbians in the country?

I very good friend of mine is a 1st Lieutenant in the Canadian armed forces. Two of his sergeants got married the day after gay marriage was legalized up there. Not one thing has changed in his unit and almost everyone attended the wedding. No running abound in purple body paint holding fans. They just do their job like everyone else. No one cares. I went to a ball as Morgan's date and those guys went together. Not one person cared or thought it was odd. I have no idea why everyone down here in the states care to much about people's sexuality.
Good for you and them, I still think it is perverse and you can call me bigot and all the names you can thing of and it wont change my mind nor will it make me feel bad. :neener: