Daddy's New Roommate


Well-Known Member
Vince said:
I don't hate. I don't agree with their lifestyle, gay marriage, etc., but I feel they have the right to that lifestyle if that is their choice. Just not the right to shove it down the throats of children or anyone else and make the choice for them through the use of books, movies, or teaching it in the schools.
again i ask how a book or any other inanimate object forces anything down anyones throat. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED READING, its jsut a book.

BTW, have you tried the Heiniken light? pretty good stuff :yay:


New Member
desertrat said:
So who is placing books about bigotry in children's libraries?

I think throwing away a book in a public library is a statement for bigotry. I was the Net Admin for the county library system when I got out of college. When things were running smoothly or they were short handed I helped out at the circulation desk at one of the branches. I believe that in a library there should be books about every single topic, yes even bestiality or furries or a simple what is happening to my body.

Teenagers have questions and a lot of the time their parents are not willing to give them straight factual answers. If my kids felt unable to come to me with a question I'd like for there to be a place there they can get the straight facts about what they were feeling. I'd rather it be in a library than typing something into Google or them getting "educated" my someone in the neighborhood.

That's just me though. You do what you like with your own kids.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
again i ask how a book or any other inanimate object forces anything down anyones throat. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED READING, its jsut a book.
Right, and I agree that this book isn't necessarily "shoving it down someone's throat".

However, it does deal with mature subject matter and shouldn't be available on the library shelves. If parents want their children to have a book like that, they can buy it on Amazon (where the kooks shop).


New Member
This is my current favorite read. HAWT!


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Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Right, and I agree that this book isn't necessarily "shoving it down someone's throat".

However, it does deal with mature subject matter and shouldn't be available on the library shelves. If parents want their children to have a book like that, they can buy it on Amazon (where the kooks shop).
you could make the argument that the bible contains much more graphic and mature subject matter..... does that mean it should be banned from public libraries?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gwendolyn said:
Teenagers have questions and a lot of the time their parents are not willing to give them straight factual answers. If my kids felt unable to come to me with a question I'd like for there to be a place there they can get the straight facts about what they were feeling. I'd rather it be in a library than typing something into Google or them getting "educated" my someone in the neighborhood.
I know you are not suggesting that libraries thwart a parent's wishes about what they do and do not want their children exposed to???

And how are library books any better than a Google search? Do you think all library books are the absolute truth and infallible?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
you could make the argument that the bible contains much more graphic and mature subject matter..... does that mean it should be banned from public libraries?
The Bible is not in the children's section nor is it targeted toward young readers. :smile:


Midnightrider said:
you could make the argument that the bible contains much more graphic and mature subject matter..... does that mean it should be banned from public libraries?
I can't recall ever seeing a bible in the public library. :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
I can't recall ever seeing a bible in the public library.
It's there - in fact, I think most religious works can be found at the library.

In the children's section, however, they have the Children's Bible, which leaves out all the sex and violence and just tells the basic stories.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
I can't recall ever seeing a bible in the public library. :confused:
they are there..... at least they were when i was a kid.

Vrai, i thought you had shifted the emphasis:
"However, it does deal with mature subject matter and shouldn't be available on the library shelves."


Lovin' being Texican
Gwendolyn said: be a place there they can get the straight facts about what they were feeling. ...

Now you're onto something. Will the library allow a book that talks about straight sex on the shelves? In the adolescent section? Will the librarian allow them to read it (assuming it's allowed on the shelf) without parental permission slip? I bet not!

But you and the ALA are more than willing to allow unfettered access to books on alternative sex? That's what you're saying.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
Vrai, i thought you had shifted the emphasis:
"However, it does deal with mature subject matter and shouldn't be available on the library shelves."
Sorry - I meant in the children's section.


Well-Known Member
Lenny said:
Now you're onto something. Will the library allow a book that talks about straight sex on the shelves? In the adolescent section? Will the librarian allow them to read it (assuming it's allowed on the shelf) without parental permission slip? I bet not!

But you and the ALA are more than willing to allow unfettered access to books on alternative sex? That's what you're saying.
no, they are talking about alternate lifestyles, not gay sex. I haven't seen it, but i am willing to bet this book didn't have anything specific about gay sex.


Midnightrider said:
again i ask how a book or any other inanimate object forces anything down anyones throat. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED READING, its jsut a book.

Here's my take on it...:ohwell:

As usual, I'm not on either side of this debate but somewhere in the murky middle. I was a little irritated at the first post in the thread and how it referred to the book as "garbage" and this person's need to immediately throw it away. But I realize some people (like me) just word things wrong sometimes.

Then from reading some of the posts on here it got me thinking :crazy: - I don't feel the hospital was an appropriate place for such a book to begin with and agree with the first guy's post after all - I too feel it should have been thrown in the trash, not because I felt it was "garbage" and would lessen the spread of gay people and kids exposure to them but for the fact that any child in a hospital is dealing with enough problems at that moment. The child is there at the hospital for a reason and I'm quite sure the reason is not learning about Daddy and his Roommate. The child could be sick or injured and the patient at the hospital or the child could be visiting an ailing relative. It's certainly NOT the time or place for discussing and bringing up "gay" issues, especially if he's sadly in the middle of one with his parents at that time as well. As for other kids getting a'hold of the book that don't have the same issues - it still brings up questions that the kid doesn't need to think about until he's much older and in a more appropriate setting.

Where ever the book is found outside of hospitals, I think there should be a warning of some sort on the book, and if its around smaller children and mixed in with their books, it should definitely be on a much higher shelf or something :shrug: Books like that I think are intended as teaching and relating kind of tools for those going through a similar situation - not for everyday bedtime story reading. I feel that that book being in the hospital was entirely inappropriate. JMO



New Member
Lenny said:
Now you're onto something. Will the library allow a book that talks about straight sex on the shelves? In the adolescent section? Will the librarian allow them to read it (assuming it's allowed on the shelf) without parental permission slip? I bet not!

But you and the ALA are more than willing to allow unfettered access to books on alternative sex? That's what you're saying.

Actually the policy for the library system I was working at was yes we would check out the book and give it to them. They were always in the Young Adult or Non-Fiction sections.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I know you are not suggesting that libraries thwart a parent's wishes about what they do and do not want their children exposed to???

And how are library books any better than a Google search? Do you think all library books are the absolute truth and infallible?


If parents really gave a damn they would be going to the library with their children and not giving them unrestricted internet access.