Gwendolyn said:
No that parent engaged in censorship. He used his values to make the decision for all the other families that have access to the library. why don't people understand that not letting your kids read that book or turning the channel from unacceptable programming is how you express your opinions. Not by tossing things into the trash and writing the FCC to have things canceled.
I've never heard of a gay person going into the library and throwing all the heterosexual books in the trash.
G - It was an adult themed topic. Just the same as a book about - How to Properly Wear Condoms. If you saw that book would you not have removed it from the other kiddy books at the hospital? :shrug: After all - boys do need to learn about this one day...

it was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, it would have been censorship, but it is for a good cause. And before you pull out your "gay friends" card I have one of those too.

Most of my gay friends would have agreed with most of the comments posted on this thread.
G honey,

you need to keep in mind the "theme" of the book and stop honing in on the fact that a book about "gay people" got thrown away

... remember - it had to do with "theme" and the context of the book compared to the level of innocence that is possessed only by a child. He did it to protect children not as a means of bashing or supressing gay people. The book was written for a purpose - taking away the innocence of a child was not the target. There's a time and a place for such a book.