Daddy's New Roommate


This Space for Rent
Midnightrider said:
Hey, i also support your, or anyone elses, right to be a bigot, just dont kid yourself into thinking you are just intolerant when you really hate.

I'm intolerant of crack heads, but I don't hate them.

I'm intolerant of stupid people, but I don't hate them.

I'm intolerant of those who abuse entitlements, but I don't hate them.

Why can I be intolerant of these things and not hate them, but when it comes to homosexuality, I must hate them? It must suck for you to live in such a black and white world.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Books like that I think are intended as teaching and relating kind of tools for those going through a similar situation - not for everyday bedtime story reading. I feel that that book being in the hospital was entirely inappropriate. JMO
That was beautiful :sniff:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gwendolyn said:
If parents really gave a damn they would be going to the library with their children and not giving them unrestricted internet access.
Why is the library better than the internet?


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
Why is the library better than the internet?

Well, the library would be better for a kid than *unrestricted* internet access, but she gave you a false argument. There was no winning a situation where she made the absurd statement *unrestricted*. Well, certainly any logical human being doesn't want their child surfing all the stuff on the internet, but just like the internet, the library should be *restricted* (i.e. a parent should pay attention to what their child is looking at).


New Member
Gwendolyn said:
If parents really gave a damn they would be going to the library with their children and not giving them unrestricted internet access.

Parents do give a damn and thats why the book ended up in the trash! It probably ended up ontop of hiliary clintons autobiography!


New Member
wv4x4 said:
Parents do give a damn and thats why the book ended up in the trash!

No that parent engaged in censorship. He used his values to make the decision for all the other families that have access to the library. why don't people understand that not letting your kids read that book or turning the channel from unacceptable programming is how you express your opinions. Not by tossing things into the trash and writing the FCC to have things canceled.

I've never heard of a gay person going into the library and throwing all the heterosexual books in the trash.


Ubi bene ibi patria
poster said:
Well....while I do not agree with that lifestyle there are children in this world that will have to deal with that situation. I think it's a good thing that there's some sort of positive material for those children to relate to and make that transition easier on them.

Personally, I would have just told my children that it was inappropriate reading material for them or not they're reading level and put it back on the shelf - problem solved. I always monitor my kids reading anyway.

At last, a rational post! Thank you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gwendolyn said:
No that parent engaged in censorship.
That he did! But I have no real problem with censorship anyway. I think unfettered access to questionable material is an abuse of our freedoms.


New Member
Gwendolyn said:
No that parent engaged in censorship. He used his values to make the decision for all the other families that have access to the library. why don't people understand that not letting your kids read that book or turning the channel from unacceptable programming is how you express your opinions. Not by tossing things into the trash and writing the FCC to have things canceled.

I've never heard of a gay person going into the library and throwing all the heterosexual books in the trash.

A kid should be able to go through the "kids" section and pick out a book without elton john and george michaels being in it!

Theres a problem with "god" in the pledge of allegence. So tell your kid and the rest of your liberal friends not to say it! Dont take it out of school!
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Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
That he did! But I have no real problem with censorship anyway. I think unfettered access to questionable material is an abuse of our freedoms.
how is freedom of ideas an abuse of our freedoms?


Gwendolyn said:
No that parent engaged in censorship. He used his values to make the decision for all the other families that have access to the library. why don't people understand that not letting your kids read that book or turning the channel from unacceptable programming is how you express your opinions. Not by tossing things into the trash and writing the FCC to have things canceled.

I've never heard of a gay person going into the library and throwing all the heterosexual books in the trash.

G - It was an adult themed topic. Just the same as a book about - How to Properly Wear Condoms. If you saw that book would you not have removed it from the other kiddy books at the hospital? :shrug: After all - boys do need to learn about this one day... :sarcasm: it was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, it would have been censorship, but it is for a good cause. And before you pull out your "gay friends" card I have one of those too. :jet: Most of my gay friends would have agreed with most of the comments posted on this thread.

G honey, :huggy: you need to keep in mind the "theme" of the book and stop honing in on the fact that a book about "gay people" got thrown away :jameo:... remember - it had to do with "theme" and the context of the book compared to the level of innocence that is possessed only by a child. He did it to protect children not as a means of bashing or supressing gay people. The book was written for a purpose - taking away the innocence of a child was not the target. There's a time and a place for such a book.


New Member
wv4x4 said:
A kid should be able to go through the "kids" section and pick out a book without elton john and george michaels being in it!

Theres a problem with "god" in the pledge of allegiance. So tell your kid and the rest of your liberal friends not to say it! Dont take it out of school!

Actually I do not say The Pledge of Allegiance. I stand up with everyone else and just don't say anything. I don't' jump and scream about how unfair and unconstitutional is is to take a pledge of allegiance. I don't try and get it removed from schools either.

Why do you feel the need to make other's choices for them?


New Member
dems4me said:
G honey, :huggy: you need to keep in mind the "theme" of the book and stop honing in on the fact that a book about "gay people" got thrown away :jameo:... remember - it had to do with "theme" and the context of the book compared to the level of innocence that is possessed only by a child. He did it to protect children not as a means of bashing or supressing gay people. The book was written for a purpose - taking away the innocence of a child was not the target. There's a time and a place for such a book.

the theme of the book was helping some poor kids through a divorce and a very tough time in his/her life. Divorce is hard enough without your dad moving in with your new "Uncle Steve". The book was to let them know they are not the first kid to deal with it and things will get better. THAT was the theme of the book.

Then some homophobe threw it away. I thought we were on that part of the post now.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Why does it have to be "hate"? Can't it simply be "I don't agree with your personal choices and prefer not to have my children exposed to them"? Don't people have that right?


Gwendolyn said:
the theme of the book was helping some poor kids through a divorce and a very tough time in his/her life. Divorce is hard enough without your dad moving in with your new "Uncle Steve". The book was to let them know they are not the first kid to deal with it and things will get better. THAT was the theme of the book.

Then some homophobe threw it away. I thought we were on that part of the post now.

No, I'm getting this back on topic before it went awry and trying to find some common ground with you. You have to agree, a hospital is not the place or time for this kind of discussion. Also bear in mind not ALL kids are going through this. Same with alcoholic parents or daddy being in prison for selling crack ... where are those books??? Save it as a relating/teaching tool as you and I both know it was intended to be. When the time is appropriate introduce the child to the book.


New Member
dems4me said:
No, I'm getting this back on topic before it went awry and trying to find some common ground with you. You have to agree, a hospital is not the place or time for this kind of discussion. Also bear in mind not ALL kids are going through this. Same with alcoholic parents or daddy being in prison for selling crack ... where are those books??? Save it as a relating/teaching tool as you and I both know it was intended to be. When the time is appropriate introduce the child to the book.

But then why throw it away? He could have just handed the child another book or just passed it by. Kids are easily distracted and the parent making a big deal would be more damaging to the child than just simply saying, "Hey look an Elmo book! Let's go read it!"


Gwendolyn said:
the theme of the book was helping some poor kids through a divorce and a very tough time in his/her life. Divorce is hard enough without your dad moving in with your new "Uncle Steve". The book was to let them know they are not the first kid to deal with it and things will get better. THAT was the theme of the book.

Then some homophobe threw it away. I thought we were on that part of the post now.
Could the theme of the book actually be, "Your daddy is a self centered ass who dumped your mommy because he couldn't supress his desire to engage in perverse behavior with another man and now he wants to do it in direct view of you and there is nothing you can do about it so suck it up (pardon the pun) and just accept it and if any of your little friends even hint at being disgusted call them a bigot."


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Could the theme of the book actually be, "Your daddy is a self centered ass who dumped your mommy because he couldn't supress his desire to engage in perverse behavior with another man and now he wants to do it in direct view of you and there is nothing you can do about it so suck it up (pardon the pun) and just accept it and if any of your little friends even hint at being disgusted call them a bigot."
definately no hate there :sarcasm:


Midnightrider said:
definately no hate there :sarcasm:
Why is it hate? I don't hunt them, I don't assault them, I don't seek them out to heckle them, I don't stalk them, I don't say anything to them in public or private, I don't avoid them, I treat them no differently, I have never knowingly denied a gay person employment or business, I just refuse to accept it as normal behavior or embrace it. :shrug:

As a matter of fact what I typed is exactly the same thing I would say (slightly modified) if "Daddy" dumped mommy to take up with a nympho porn star, or a younger chick, or a wealthier chick.
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