Dallas @ Washington: The Smackdown!


New Member
...we lose and it is catastrophic, nothing more than the last gasp piled on to all the other frustrations and mistakes and moves of the last 4 seasons that didn't work out and all of that stuff.

This is a ####ed up team that needed the Taylor tragedy AND the loss of the starting QB for everything to come together. Think about that. It didn't come together after yet one more good effort/close loss game. It didn't come together as the QB matured. It was on the verge of collapse in the Bears game and Jason going down snapped something into everyone, the last straw.

I do not mean to lesson the players in any way, shape or form as they are not the ones who put this together or call the shots; they have played hard all season. I'm just saying this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The stars have aligned and the opportunity is right here for an all time sports story to be written. The Gold Plated Coaching staff and bottomless wallet weren't supposed to need trauma to make things work.

We lose Sunday, it's the last straw the other way. Think about it. Win or lose this team STARTS next year with serious doubts at qb. This team starts with the fact that having high draft picks are not necessary. This team starts with the uncertainty of so many key players; Springs, Rogers, Macintosh, the o line.

The Skins win Sunday because they basically have to. It is as close to life or death as a team gets.
The question is what happens if we lose the first game Campbell comes back (if he comes back). Would Gibbs make the mistake of starting Campbell in the playoffs as good as Todd Collins is doing? What happens if he does start Campbell and he (JC) makes the same ####ups?

Even if we do go all the way, there will be doubts. Those doubts will be levied at Jason Campbell. It wasn't until Campbell was outed to an injury that the Redskins really started playing well. They're playing better now, without JC, than they have in a long time.

It's not all Campbell though. Moss and Portis are stepping up. Ladell Betts is capable of making the big plays, and he has.

You're right though, it's a shame it took Sean's death to light a fire under the Redskins. 4 weeks ago, they were talking about selling the franchise alltogether on the sports talk shows. Now, the Redskins are in a do or die.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is...

The question is what happens if we lose the first game Campbell comes back (if he comes back). Would Gibbs make the mistake of starting Campbell in the playoffs as good as Todd Collins is doing? What happens if he does start Campbell and he (JC) makes the same ####ups?

Even if we do go all the way, there will be doubts. Those doubts will be levied at Jason Campbell. It wasn't until Campbell was outed to an injury that the Redskins really started playing well. They're playing better now, without JC, than they have in a long time.

It's not all Campbell though. Moss and Portis are stepping up. Ladell Betts is capable of making the big plays, and he has.

You're right though, it's a shame it took Sean's death to light a fire under the Redskins. 4 weeks ago, they were talking about selling the franchise alltogether on the sports talk shows. Now, the Redskins are in a do or die.

...inconceivable to me that Gibbs play Campbell a down the rest of this season if he comes back from the injury unless it is mop up.

Having said that;

It was inconceivable to me that Gibbs did not put Ramsey back in the Bears game or at least start him the next week.

Collins now has a 3 game resume in which has played good teams and made good decisions and made them quickly and all around played well.

Jason has a bunch of games showing a basic pattern of good play but making bad decisions and/or throws at the worst time.

Collins is the starting from here on out. Has to be.


New Member
I'm not sure thats true.... However all of the Dallas fans I know live here.

You have a point there. I wasn't thinking of the the Cowboys fans that live here. I'm sure this rivalry is probably the biggest one for them.

For some reason I've been getting the feeling that the Cowboys/Eagles rivalry has become bigger. I could be wrong. :shrug:

I still think that it's more of a big deal for Skins fans than Cowboys fans. Kind of like how the Browns still think their rivalry with the Steelers is their biggest, but most Steelers fans wouldn't agree.


New Member
Believe me, the Redskins are not the biggest rivalry for the Cowboys. It gets all the press here, but in Dallas, the Eagles and the Giants have both surpassed the Redskins as far as being a hated opponent.


New Member
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!


Ironically enough, the Cowboys are the only reason that the Redskins still have that song.


New Member
Did you receive my PM ?.........a week ago...........:howdy:

Sure did, I was in San Diego enjoying the sunshine! I think it's hilarious that everyone thinks Romo played badly because of Jessica Simpson. It was her third game at Texas Stadium this year and the Cowboys are 2-1 in those games. A severely bruised thumb had nothing to do with Romo playing poorly, it was some blonde bimbo with nosebleed seats that did it.


Well-Known Member
Sure did, I was in San Diego enjoying the sunshine! I think it's hilarious that everyone thinks Romo played badly because of Jessica Simpson. It was her third game at Texas Stadium this year and the Cowboys are 2-1 in those games. A severely bruised thumb had nothing to do with Romo playing poorly, it was some blonde bimbo with nosebleed seats that did it.

honestly...if he is the type of player I think he is...all of this "ruinromo" stuff is just going to motivate him to play even better...which I really don't like the sound of...


New Member
Sure did, I was in San Diego enjoying the sunshine! I think it's hilarious that everyone thinks Romo played badly because of Jessica Simpson. It was her third game at Texas Stadium this year and the Cowboys are 2-1 in those games. A severely bruised thumb had nothing to do with Romo playing poorly, it was some blonde bimbo with nosebleed seats that did it.

Well, yeah...but...but...but was she wearing a pink Romo jersey for the other 2 games?!?!?! I bet not! :smile:


New Member
Collins now has a 3 game resume in which has played good teams and made good decisions and made them quickly and all around played well.

Todd Collins
Week 15 vs. New York Giants

8/25 166 yds. 0 TDS 0 INTS.

I know the Redskins are starved for good QB play, but that's a poor game in anyone's book. There's a reason why he's been a backup for over a decade.


New Member
Penalties were the only reason the Cowboys won in Dallas. In a playoff game, there's going to be a lot more attention being paid to the refs though, and they won't be making as many :bs: "Holding, defense, automatic first down" calls.

Washington had 3 penalties for 71 yards.

Dallas had 7 penalties for 58 yards.

Washington had two first downs as a result of penalties.

Dallas had one.

So much for your theory.


Nothing to see here
Todd Collins
Week 15 vs. New York Giants

8/25 166 yds. 0 TDS 0 INTS.

I know the Redskins are starved for good QB play, but that's a poor game in anyone's book. There's a reason why he's been a backup for over a decade.

And what were the stats of the Giant QB who has been a starter for a while?? Game conditions had everything to do with the stats in that game. You have to toss that game out if you are gonna judge any QB's stats.


Football addict
The Cowboys are sitting Terence Newman, Jay Ratliff, Andre Gurode, Pat Watkins and of course, Terrell Owens. Marion Barber and Tony Romo will see limited action. Marcus Spears, a defensive end, is going to be the back up nose tackle. The game is in D.C. and the Redskins are desperate for a win. That being said, I wouldn't pencil this one in "W" column for the Redskins just yet. The Cowboys still have some pretty good players out there and there's a reason why they're 13-2. By the way, if the Redskins DO make the playoffs, they're one and done. Seattle will destroy them.
So we can't pencil a win on Sunday, alright.

...but wait! We can surely pencil a loss in the first week of the playoffs (if they make it).

Lovely logic.:yay:


New Member
So we can't pencil a win on Sunday, alright.

...but wait! We can surely pencil a loss in the first week of the playoffs (if they make it).

Lovely logic.:yay:

Nope, write it in ink. Then watch in horror as your team is disbanded next year trying to get out of salary cap hell.


New Member
While it is certainly possible (probable) that The Skins will win this weekend, I certainly don't see them escaping both Seattle and Dallas with a victory. I understand they've been playing very well lately, but it's hard to keep that momentum rolling over the course of 6 weeks or so.

Plus, we're getting to the point where there's a few weeks of tape to study Collins. Remember, he was the backup for a reason...unless the coaching staff totally dropped the ball (pun intended) by starting Campbell.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am not...

Todd Collins
Week 15 vs. New York Giants

8/25 166 yds. 0 TDS 0 INTS.

I know the Redskins are starved for good QB play, but that's a poor game in anyone's book. There's a reason why he's been a backup for over a decade.

...arguing he is Joe Montana or Tom Brady. If you watched that game you know it was windy as hell and Eli played pretty bad as well.