damn, air raid sirens!!!


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by SuperGrover
I say that we all petition to increase the property tax to get permanent firefighters so we all don't have to put up with the #%$@ sirens!
Sound so nice, you said it twice?:wink:

Seriously though, I think that those of you who are bitchen about the sirens are being pretty close-minded and selfish. You will get used to the sirens, I swear you will. Until then, whether you believe it or not, they are calling volunteers, the only firefighters that we have, to the firehouse so that they can get to your house. Not all the firefighters have pagers (which as been said many times in this thread), so the sirens are back-up. You say that the truck is leaving as the siren is going off, but are you noticing the second truck leaving 5 or 10 minutes later?


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Ehesef

You say that the truck is leaving as the siren is going off, but are you noticing the second truck leaving 5 or 10 minutes later?

Or these people stay at the station as a second crew so when you call for help someplace else you don't have to wait even longer for the next due fire company to come to your aid:angel:


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by CMC122
Or these people stay at the station as a second crew so when you call for help someplace else you don't have to wait even longer for the next due fire company to come to your aid:angel:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by SuperGrover
I say that we all petition to increase the property tax to get permanent firefighters so we all don't have to put up with the #%$@ sirens!
That will most likely never happen. IF anything they'll get paid EMS like charles county has now first. I don't think they could tax us enough right now to pay for a full paid fire service. Plus that dosen't mean the volunteers would go away.


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by Ehesef
Sound so nice, you said it twice?:wink:

Seriously though, I think that those of you who are bitchen about the sirens are being pretty close-minded and selfish. You will get used to the sirens, I swear you will. Until then, whether you believe it or not, they are calling volunteers, the only firefighters that we have, to the firehouse so that they can get to your house. Not all the firefighters have pagers (which as been said many times in this thread), so the sirens are back-up. You say that the truck is leaving as the siren is going off, but are you noticing the second truck leaving 5 or 10 minutes later?

It's a firehouse.. use smoke signals.. those would be quiet.. yet a little difficult to see at night.. And I'm not close minded and selfish.. I'm republican!!