Dating a pregnant girl? Should I?

Old Timer

New Member
My brother was in the same situation as you. He was in the delivery room for the birth of the son that he ended up adopting. He and his wife celebrated their 22nd anniversary this year. Good things can happen!
Also, one other thing. She has briefly mentioned that she'd like me to be in the delivery room, what you do you all think about this? I want to be there for her, but I just don’t feel like its in my place to be in the room. I already feel awkward talking about it. I just feel as though, even though we are close and I care for her, there are some boundaries I don’t want to cross.

You can't make that decision now as you have no idea where your relationship will be in 4 months. You are both thinking way too hard on this. You guys haven't even officially become a couple yet. But if 4 months from now you and her are a committed couple and you have every intention to be their to raise that child along with her, of course you'd want to be a part if it's venture into this world and you won't be thinking twice about it.


It's a Jeep thang!

Yea, I did a double take. I am hoping he forgot to put the sarcasm icon.

I had to smile at snicole's post too. It does appears that she has developed some feelings for you dude. That is a lot to ask from you at this stage.

Personally, Take it slow and re-evaluate every month or so. Time will give you the best indication.


New Member
That was a joke, sorry if anyone took it out of context. I really care for her and I know she feels the same way. Im just going to take it slow over the next couple of months and see how it all plays out.


I know nothing
Also, one other thing. She has briefly mentioned that she'd like me to be in the delivery room, what you do you all think about this? I want to be there for her, but I just don’t feel like its in my place to be in the room. I already feel awkward talking about it. I just feel as though, even though we are close and I care for her, there are some boundaries I don’t want to cross.

If you havent seen her cooch yet, you better before you get in the delivery room.
The view of what it goes through will scar you for life.

If you wait to have something physical till after the birth and she is healed, you wont be able to get that picture out of your head.


Well-Known Member
Two of my very good friends started dating when she was pregnant with another mans child. The father of the child beat feet when she found out she was pregnant. Sadly, she ended up giving birth to a stillborn child because of an incompetent cervix. My friend was the one standing in the delivery room and mourned the loss of the child.

They've now been married for 15 years. They have four children of thier own and adopted a 5th child they cared for from the time he was 2 days old and placed in foster care. They also have 2 other foster children.

I say if you can truly accept this child as your own and care for the mother like you say you do, then go for it! Anyone can be a father, it takes someone special to be a daddy. The world could use more daddies.


:QUOTE=Geek;2546173]:yeahthat: Does anyone call it jizz anymore? I think he went back to 1982 for that sentence.[/QUOTE]

Also, one other thing. She has briefly mentioned that she'd like me to be in the delivery room,

So far, everyone has talked about how you should feel about this, and that's OK. What I'm reading into this is that she might be a bit scared, heading into a life with a new child and no daddy, and maybe she's looking to fill that void. Not saying it's good or bad, just wondering if you've approached this from her frame of mind as well.


New Member
If you havent seen her cooch yet, you better before you get in the delivery room.
The view of what it goes through will scar you for life.

If you wait to have something physical till after the birth and she is healed, you wont be able to get that picture out of your head.

Men are such wusses. You are worried about seeing it, try doing it!


I know nothing
So far, everyone has talked about how you should feel about this, and that's OK. What I'm reading into this is that she might be a bit scared, heading into a life with a new child and no daddy, and maybe she's looking to fill that void. Not saying it's good or bad, just wondering if you've approached this from her frame of mind as well.

Yeah, it would suck if he supports her during the pregnacy, she delievers with his help, and she leaves him.


I know nothing
I wasn't suggesting that. I was thinking she's looking for a crutch more than she is a husband.

yes, and just like when your foot heals and you no longer need the crutch you throw it away and stop using it.

Same goes for her. He could be her crutch, and when she is emotionally healed, she throws him away!