Dating a pregnant girl? Should I?


Cowgirl Up
So a friend of mine is 5 months pregnant. Her baby's daddy is not in the picture and has vowed that he would be there to support the kid from a financial perspective, but wants nothing to do with the child.

Her and I have been friends for sometime now and have never dated up until this point. Her and I have been getting close as of late, as I have been helping her out through the pregnancy and try to be as accommodating as possible.

Lately her and I have been getting really close and we've talked about being together, as a couple. I will admit, I feel kind of weird being in the situation, seeing its another man's child. I am personally ready to accept fatherhood responsibility if we continued to see each other past the child birth.

What does everyone think of this? Just curious because most of my friends think I should wait until the baby is born to move into her life more and start dating. I don’t want to mess up what we have together. I love this girl a lot and would provide for her. But maybe the timing is wrong?

I think she must be the luckiest girl alive, and you sound like Prince Charming. One thing I will tell you is...anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Daddy. I hope that you go with your feelings and don't hold back. This is a special time and sharing it with her will be something she will never forget. I wish you both the best.


If you truly have feelings for each other... why wait? In fact, you can take advantage of the next 4 months to become a couple and see if it will be a lasting relationship before the kid gets in the picture. Once the baby comes, being a couple will take the back burner for quite some time.


call me George foreman hit it and forget!!!

How did I misss this fread earlier?


New Member
You are setting yourself up for a very difficult relationship when there are so many more women around without that kind of baggage. I think all the crutch comments are more than likely right on. Not saying anything bad about this girl or anything, but it would be a very common and understandable thing for her to need someone right now and her judgement is probably clouded.


Hmmm. Let me tell you about my personal experience. I too was dating someone other than my son's father when I was pregnant. Everything was going well (we never had sex though) up until I went into labor. He too vowed to be there for me, yada yada yada. Then when I went into labor and called him, he ran like a chicken with his head cut off. I have never seen him since. And if I ever run into his sorry @$$, SOL :wah:


New Member
Hmmm. Let me tell you about my personal experience. I too was dating someone other than my son's father when I was pregnant. Everything was going well (we never had sex though) up until I went into labor. He too vowed to be there for me, yada yada yada. Then when I went into labor and called him, he ran like a chicken with his head cut off. I have never seen him since. And if I ever run into his sorry @$$, SOL :wah:

Sorry to hear that. Yea since this post, we've talked and decided (more my decision) that its just best to wait and see how things go after the childbirth.

Crow Bait

New Member
You are setting yourself up for a very difficult relationship when there are so many more women around without that kind of baggage. I think all the crutch comments are more than likely right on. Not saying anything bad about this girl or anything, but it would be a very common and understandable thing for her to need someone right now and her judgement is probably clouded.

I totally agree with this advice... especially if you are under 30.

Also...move to a different state.


New Member
LOL. It's better when ya wait right..? HEHE

I wanted companionship when I was pregnant and decided not to go that route because I knew my life was changing in a few months and didn't know if I could handle having a broken heart and deal with post partum depression. I made a thread in here a long time ago and got some comments about how I should wait and not rush into dating. Well, I took that advice and I think it was a good move on my part. I had a baby daddy that swore till he was blue in the face he would be there for me and now he is singing a different tune and hasn't been around at all. I think if you care for her as much as you say you do and you will be there for her no matter what then you should do your thing, but I would wait to have sex with her and wait until the last day to decide whether you are going in the delivery room with her. Alot of things can happen in 4 months, good or bad, just take it day to day and cross the bridges when you get to them. If you love her and it is true, then I think you guys will do fine. You will get a ride of your life though after lol :whistle:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
You gotta hit it at least once, pre-ripped. That way you know how much fun the donor had, that you missed out on, when it's twice the size and you're taking care of his responsibilities.

Since there is at least one person around that doesn't have enough brain cells to figure it out, here you go: :sarcasm: Now, do I need to post the definition for you, or are you capable of finding that on your own?