De Sean Jackson...

But then what? Will fans stop watching football and attending games? Buying team merchandise? Actually make a financial protest that the powers that be will care about?

I doubt it. We can talk about love of the game all we want, but to the decision makers it's all about the $$$.

So either fans make a financial stand or they say eff it, let them kill each other.

They know the rules, they know the risks. They know some guys don't care.


A Salute to all on Watch
It's a rough sport and people have bred the NFL into what it is today, nobody wants to see someone get hurt and it sucks that they do at times. These guys are paid to do a job and just like it was Jacksons job to catch the ball it was Robinsons job to make sure he doesn't. Does it suck he got hurt? - Yea. Should Robinson be characterized a villian for it? - No, he wasn't malicious with the hit. Violent contact is part of the game and will continue to be and personally it's part of the excitement of the sport and part of the reason I watch it. There are many jobs out there and the reason these athletes get paid so much is because of the nature of the game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's a rough sport and people have bred the NFL into what it is today, nobody wants to see someone get hurt and it sucks that they do at times. These guys are paid to do a job and just like it was Jacksons job to catch the ball it was Robinsons job to make sure he doesn't. Does it suck he got hurt? - Yea. Should Robinson be characterized a villian for it? - No, he wasn't malicious with the hit. Violent contact is part of the game and will continue to be and personally it's part of the excitement of the sport and part of the reason I watch it. There are many jobs out there and the reason these athletes get paid so much is because of the nature of the game.

The point is you can still have the violence, as football should, with proper play. Watch that Curtis video and tell me what you notice. The worst part of the helmet hits is they are absolutely unnecessary even if you ONLY watch to see people get KO'd.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
But then what? Will fans stop watching football and attending games? Buying team merchandise? Actually make a financial protest that the powers that be will care about?

I doubt it. We can talk about love of the game all we want, but to the decision makers it's all about the $$$.

So either fans make a financial stand or they say eff it, let them kill each other.

Oh, please! Who are we talking about?

Free, independent thinking people who make up their own minds?




I give you second hand smoke, man made global warming, breast cancer awareness century, hope and change, bytch set me up, jumbo shrimp...

When, not if, Bubba Dean Payzcheck gets KIA'd on Monday Night Football, we'll have a national wake for a year, at minimum.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's a rough sport and people have bred the NFL into what it is today, nobody wants to see someone get hurt and it sucks that they do at times. These guys are paid to do a job and just like it was Jacksons job to catch the ball it was Robinsons job to make sure he doesn't. Does it suck he got hurt? - Yea. Should Robinson be characterized a villian for it? - No, he wasn't malicious with the hit. Violent contact is part of the game and will continue to be and personally it's part of the excitement of the sport and part of the reason I watch it. There are many jobs out there and the reason these athletes get paid so much is because of the nature of the game.

So I can put you in the "eff it, let them kill each other" category? Because that's probably the way I feel about it.

It just annoys me when commentators say something dumb like, "Oh, gosh, we just don't know how to stop this sort of thing!" Because - who's the commish now, Goodell? - he could stop it rather quickly.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's a rough sport and people have bred the NFL into what it is today, nobody wants to see someone get hurt and it sucks that they do at times. These guys are paid to do a job and just like it was Jacksons job to catch the ball it was Robinsons job to make sure he doesn't. Does it suck he got hurt? - Yea. Should Robinson be characterized a villian for it? - No, he wasn't malicious with the hit. Violent contact is part of the game and will continue to be and personally it's part of the excitement of the sport and part of the reason I watch it. There are many jobs out there and the reason these athletes get paid so much is because of the nature of the game.

That is 100% :bs:

It WAS a malicious hit. More so than most because he had time to line up properly so, the split second argument is weak here. On top of that, do you really want to pretend I am the only one on the internets who knows how to tackle properly? :diva: :lol:

He KNEW what he was doing. He took the risk. My point is to make taking the risk more costly than playing right.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
That is 100% :bs:

It WAS a malicious hit. More so than most because he had time to line up properly so, the split second argument is weak here. On top of that, do you really want to pretend I am the only one on the internets who knows how to tackle properly? :diva: :lol:

He KNEW what he was doing. He took the risk. My point is to make taking the risk more costly than playing right.



After the 2nd shot that Merriwether delivered to Heap Phil Simms realizes that he did go high on the Heap 16 yd TD.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

After the 2nd shot that Merriwether delivered to Heap Phil Simms realizes that he did go high on the Heap 16 yd TD.

Wow. That was about 6 inches from being a total KO shot. And, as I am saying, from high atop my soap box, had he Mike Curtis'd him, that is, heads up, hit him with his shoulder, he could been on target and laid waste to Heap and been clean as a whistle AND not risked his OWN dumb ass!



A Salute to all on Watch
So I can put you in the "eff it, let them kill each other" category? Because that's probably the way I feel about it.

It just annoys me when commentators say something dumb like, "Oh, gosh, we just don't know how to stop this sort of thing!" Because - who's the commish now, Goodell? - he could stop it rather quickly.

Yea pretty much; I work in the field I do because I am relatively ok with the risk that comes with it. I know the risks involved and realize there are variables and yet I choose to do it for what i feel is fair compensation, as do NFl players.