Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by Tonio
BudoPo, I don't blame you one bit. The whole concept of proselytizing troubles me, because it assumes that there is One True Faith. Throughout human history, that notion has led to the deaths of millions.
It doesn't bother me, but I don't assume that is the reason (although it often is pretty close). It's advertising. It's no more obnoxious to me than someone advertising a pool party or a BBQ. They like it, and they want others to know about it. I tell people about my mechanic, who is outstanding, and fair.
Some religions, such as Islam - frequently execute people for violating religious laws. But I know of no conflict in history that could reasonably be considered religious in nature where millions have died. Wars are not fought over religious ideology. Wars are only frequently *justified* by means of religious ideology. They are also justified by other means as well - revenge, "breathing room" etc.