* Do you believe in God (or a Supreme Being)? Why or why not?
No because it's not logical and the idea of it makes absolutely no sense to me.
* Do you belong to a religious group? Which one?
* Have you always been a member or have your religious beliefs changed since childhood?
Changed several times
* Do you believe in a life after death? If so, what do you think happens? If not, why not?
No - I think when you're dead, you're dead and that's it. That's why it's so important to live your life to the fullest and make every moment count, because this is all you're going to get.
* Have you explored other religions? Which ones? What did you think? Have you ever been to a different religious service (if Christian, have you ever been to a mosque or synagogue and vice versa)? Why or why not?
I've been to several different religious services and I tend to like church. I like the singing and I like the fellowship, I like the moral stories and the philosophy. I like Buddhism the best so far.
* Do you feel your religious beliefs make you a better person? In what ways?
I think my lack of religious beliefs make me a better person because I feel solely responsible for my actions and behavior. Plus the only impetus I have to behave is my own conscience, not fear of God or Hell.
* What if everything you believed turned out to be wrong? (Not saying it is but hypothetically... what would you do?)
I'd try to find a way to get the message to 2A that he was right.
* Do you feel that there could or should be peace on earth? How could we get there?
There should be but there won't be. Even in the wild, animals fight and kill. As long as there are people who have different ways they do things, there will be no peace on earth.