Dealing with People "Spreading the Word"


Ms. Othmar said:
How would you feel if someone approached you -- at home or otherwise -- and said something along the lines of:

"I don't mean to bother you... If I promise not to judge you or try to convert you, could we talk for 10 minutes about God and life?"

Does it count if I go onto a discussion board, and there's several rabid atheists shitting on my beliefs, calling me ignorant and backward for believing in "fairy-tales", and offering other unsolicited denunciations?

Cause if that does count, I can go into detail about how I feel about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ms. Othmar said:
"I don't mean to bother you... If I promise not to judge you or try to convert you, could we talk for 10 minutes about God and life?"
I would say, "If you aren't going to judge me or try to convert me, why do you care what I think about God and life?"

* Do you believe in God (or a Supreme Being)? Why or why not?

No because it's not logical and the idea of it makes absolutely no sense to me.

* Do you belong to a religious group? Which one? No
* Have you always been a member or have your religious beliefs changed since childhood?

Changed several times

* Do you believe in a life after death? If so, what do you think happens? If not, why not?

No - I think when you're dead, you're dead and that's it. That's why it's so important to live your life to the fullest and make every moment count, because this is all you're going to get.

* Have you explored other religions? Which ones? What did you think? Have you ever been to a different religious service (if Christian, have you ever been to a mosque or synagogue and vice versa)? Why or why not?

I've been to several different religious services and I tend to like church. I like the singing and I like the fellowship, I like the moral stories and the philosophy. I like Buddhism the best so far.

* Do you feel your religious beliefs make you a better person? In what ways?

I think my lack of religious beliefs make me a better person because I feel solely responsible for my actions and behavior. Plus the only impetus I have to behave is my own conscience, not fear of God or Hell.

* What if everything you believed turned out to be wrong? (Not saying it is but hypothetically... what would you do?)

I'd try to find a way to get the message to 2A that he was right. :lol:

* Do you feel that there could or should be peace on earth? How could we get there?

There should be but there won't be. Even in the wild, animals fight and kill. As long as there are people who have different ways they do things, there will be no peace on earth.

What about you, Ms. Othmar? Answer your own questions. I like to hear other peoples' beliefs, too. Unlike a lot of atheists, I don't hate Christians or religion - I think it's interesting.
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Routinely Derailed
Slynx said:
I too find it hard to be rude to people who are only following their heart.....but......I find that what works for me is when I tell them I have a congregation (Church) that I am very happy with and already have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What else is there for them to say? That usually brings about a "Thank you Maa'm and have a great day". Back to the coldest beer in St. Mary's county.....
What's even better is when it's true! :)lol:)


New Member
I guess door to door evangelism has been taken over mostly by Mormons and JW's...although it was the mainstay of the 1960's-70's in the evangelical churches...I never did but I certainly know plenty who do.

Interesting view coming from the other side. I suppose that everyone reaches a point in their life when they want things to make sense...want a sense of purpose...want to know what is after death or the reasons why things happen. If one tries to talk about faith with these people...then there is some openess but for those who have built up a wall of contempt and labels for believers...I can see that a visit with a believer just makes you more disgusted by them.

Look at it from a slightly different perspective: People want others to find the same satisfaction, peace, assurance, that they have found.
However....I understand the contempt for the "buddy" method. I can see how that is seen as deceptive IF it means just getting one person in the pew or filling some sort of quota. If they are genuinely trying to befriend you with no ulterior motives...they should back off religion and wait til you feel that you want to discuss it.

There are many ways to reach out to those who are "lost." (I know that just frazzled a bunch of you...sorry) but the chief way is to meet needs...not lure, intimidate, or beguile someone into it. There will come a time in everyone's life when they are interested in answers...just not when you're doing laundry and playing computer games.
My apologies on behalf of some of my more zealous brothers for pushing too hard.

Friendship evanglism is praticed by cowards. The feel they need to have a relationship with someone before they can share their faith, while I agree its much more comfortable with having a real relationship, and not a deceptive one, if your really concerned about the lost you will get out of your comfort zone. as that person could die and go to hell while your working up your own courage to talk to them. Using a con or a deceptive means is unexceptable!
I perfer The Way of The Master aproach. Rather than ask someone if they found Jesus it would be better to ask them if there a BORN Again Chriatian. If you just ask someone if there a Christian, a lot of times they will say yes and dont even know what it means to be born again.
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New Member
What I was saying is that those that have no faith might not be any worse off then those that believe. Who knows? Certainly not me..

I believe the only way we get faith, is if it is given unto us. So if God dosent give you faith it's something other.

I believe that there is a Father, a Son, and the Holy Spirit. Do I need a Church to pray in? No, but I do go sometimes. Do I need a Church to guide my understanding of this? No, but I will listen to others to enhace my understanding. Do I need a church to read the Bible? No, but will read it if inclined. Am I content in my beliefs? Yes and I am surprisingly happy as compared to how some people complain about their lives...

Three in one I hope not three seperate? I hope I misunderstood the questions in regard to the need for the church as there terribly selfish in nature. Its not all about you. Attending church is to worship God and edification of the saints. The body needs you, also you need the body there is always someone you can benfit from as well as someone that can benifit from you. There are numerous verses in scripture verses to support this. If your not hungering for the word and in it everyday somethings terribly wrong as thats one of the two ways God talks to us, if fact scripture suggest every morning and evening we should be reading it.

Do I believe that we are all here for a purpose? Yes, as I think all of us have some reason for existing. Do I know what my purpose is? No, not looking either as I believe it will become apparent eventually. Does any of that bother me? No, as I am grateful to be alive and enjoying life. I am simply a man not willing to judge others on their religious beliefs. I do unto others as I would have them do unto me. All of this without the Church. Does that mean that I can’t get into Heaven? No and I don’t think God looks at it that way either.

Faith comes in many forms and I just don’t think any specific religion has a monopoly on life or is better or worse then another.

You really should know why were here, in fact this thread centers around it.
We are here soley to bring Honor and Glory to God and to present the Gospel as were commanded. If you know God by his word, and through sermons, if your not reading or hearing and obeying, how can you love or have a personal relationship with someone you dont know and only know of?
Its not about religion my friend, religion is a worthless endever and is man centered. Religon is trying to work your way to heaven or take part in it in someway. It's all about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ without that you have nothing.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

We cant get there by doing it "MY WAY"

"For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!"

<TABLE width="80%"><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>Matthew 7:</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>13.</TD><TD>Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering it. (also Ezekiel 3: all)</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>14.</TD><TD>But the gate is narrow - contracted by pressure - and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are they who find it. [Jer. 21:8; Deut. 30:19] </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Mark 8:36"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?
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talking about the ones that come to your dorr, see you in the parking lot etc. They try to hand you a pamphlet and DO NOT take it, hold both hands up as if you're saying don't even touch me with that. Then they try to put it on your door, between your door, on your car, you tell them that they are littering so get you camera phone out and get a picture of them "littering". Even if you don't have a camera phone, pretend like you do and "take a pic".

These are the people that will call DSS on you for not answering your door when they hear your children playing inside the house.


Bookseller Lady
talking about the ones that come to your dorr, see you in the parking lot etc. They try to hand you a pamphlet and DO NOT take it, hold both hands up as if you're saying don't even touch me with that. Then they try to put it on your door, between your door, on your car, you tell them that they are littering so get you camera phone out and get a picture of them "littering". Even if you don't have a camera phone, pretend like you do and "take a pic".

These are the people that will call DSS on you for not answering your door when they hear your children playing inside the house.

If I don't know you and I'm not expecting a delivery of any kind I'm not answering the door. Period. Last time I answered a knock from a stranger was 20 years ago. I ended up in the ER at Calvert Memorial speaking to some nice police officers. Pardon moi' if I'm a bit skittish.