Dealing with People "Spreading the Word"

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: You Gotta Have Faith

Originally posted by penncam
No real arguement on your last, KEN, But I recall during a class called Disciple I took at my church, In order to gain entrance to the Gates of Heaven, you have to(1) acknowledge Jesus as your Savior,(2) believe he died on the cross for all of us, (3) believe He arose from the dead, and (4) that he ascended into Heaven where He dwells with His Father.
The last thing He told His Disciples was to go out into the world and preach His message; that most likely has some significance too. The Protestant Religion maintains we will not enjoy a happy afterlife merely by doing good deeds. We gotta have Faith!

That is your belief and religion and it is all good. I just don't think that was God's, his Son's or the Holy Spirit's intent or wouldn't they have dictated the one and only church in a manner that was totally clear for us all?


b*tch rocket
Personally, I'd like bigger puppies.

You and me both Sxy! :lmao: But like I told my friend (who happens to have Great Danes! ) God won't allow us to have both puppies and brains! :lmao: You gotta make a choice! I'm still wondering why the heck I chose brains! :twitch: In this day and age, those puppies take you farther than brains! :roflmao:

Oh and come on! Before any feminist types chime in. I'm just joking!


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: A run for my money!

Originally posted by Ken King

What I was saying is that those that have no faith might not be any worse off then those that believe. Who knows? Certainly not me. I believe that there is a Father, a Son, and the Holy Spirit. Do I need a Church to pray in? No, but I do go sometimes. Do I need a Church to guide my understanding of this? No, but I will listen to others to enhace my understanding. Do I need a church to read the Bible? No, but will read it if inclined. Am I content in my beliefs? Yes and I am surprisingly happy as compared to how some people complain about their lives. Do I believe that we are all here for a purpose? Yes, as I think all of us have some reason for existing. Do I know what my purpose is? No, not looking either as I believe it will become apparent eventually. Does any of that bother me? No, as I am grateful to be alive and enjoying life. I am simply a man not willing to judge others on their religious beliefs. I do unto others as I would have them do unto me. All of this without the Church. Does that mean that I can’t get into Heaven? No and I don’t think God looks at it that way either.

Faith comes in many forms and I just don’t think any specific religion has a monopoly on life or is better or worse then another.


Originally posted by penncam
remember that many of our laws were "fashioned" after the Ten Commandments.

As I said in an earlier post, this doesn't apply to all the commandments. Some are clearly religious (sabbath day, taking the Lord's name in vain, no other gods, no graven images). I believe adultery used to be illegal, although many cultures in both East and West had adultery laws that applied only to women.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by cariblue

Uh, excuse me? Why am I still working? :bawl:

I think "farther" depends upon whether you are trying to go up the corporate ladder -- or somewhere else. :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Getting ahead with Puppies

Originally posted by Frank

I think "farther" depends upon whether you are trying to go up the corporate ladder -- or somewhere else. :biggrin:
:bubble: OH, Frank! That was very cheeky; of course there are many ways to get a(head) in the world, and people who are on the lookout for upscale movement will do what they think is best, not necessarily what is right.


New Member
Dealing with People "Spreading the Word," - the thread that just won't die!


Okay, nobody flame me for this post. Is there a "tongue-in-cheek" smilie?


Dancing Up A Storm
You Gotta Have Faith

Originally posted by Ken King

That is your belief and religion and it is all good. I just don't think that was God's, his Son's or the Holy Spirit's intent or wouldn't they have dictated the one and only church in a manner that was totally clear for us all?
So, let's recap this: You believe in what you believe. You do not have to believe in what other's believe, it doesn't really matter WHAT other people believe, it doesn't matter WHERE you believe, and finally, you do not HAVE to have a belief at ALL.
And yet half the population of the planet is dying to get to Heaven, and the other half wishes they had "bigger puppies"
We will never see an extraterrestial in our time; they will never understand us, perhaps that is why we never have!


Dancing Up A Storm
You Gotta Have Faith

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I BELIEVE I will get bigger puppies one day! :getdown:
:cheers: And I also suppose you think the Tooth Fairy will grant your wish! I tend to believe(did I already use that word one or two times today?) the only way you're gonna get bigger puppies is through medical science or an act of God. Which do you prefer?:bubble:


New Member
Re: You Gotta Have Faith

Originally posted by penncam
:cheers: And I also suppose you think the Tooth Fairy will grant your wish! I tend to believe(did I already use that word one or two times today?) the only way you're gonna get bigger puppies is through medical science or an act of God. Which do you prefer?:bubble:

Maybe not the tooth fairy but sure as hell my sugar daddy! :biggrin: Any questions?


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: You Gotta Have Faith

Originally posted by cariblue

why don't we have a "batting eyelashes" smilie?

How's this one:


Dancing Up A Storm
You Gotta Have Faith

Originally posted by cariblue

why don't we have a "batting eyelashes" smilie?
:blushing: Oh MY GOD! I think we might be hearing from the voice(s) of experience. bknarw, it just goes to show you, ya gotta more have faith in your vet than the family
doctor. Women are so vain! They do not seem to realize they got what they got; if you don't stay "natural", (boy, am I going to open the flood gates here), most men don't care. Of course I could be way off base here in the fact that women do not want "bigger puppies" for their mens sake. Flame On!!



New Member
I have a cute little story. When I was still living at home with my parents, JW's knocked at the door. My older sister answered the door, she had a very dry sense of humor. They stated who they were and asked if they could come in. My sister replied "sure but we have been quarantined for leprosy". Needless to say, they weren't interested in coming in after all.:biggrin:

Ms. Othmar

New Member
Sorry to revive a very old thread...

Sorry to bring this old thread back to life but I found the dialogue quite interesting. It got me thinking...

How would you feel if someone approached you -- at home or otherwise -- and said something along the lines of:

"I don't mean to bother you... If I promise not to judge you or try to convert you, could we talk for 10 minutes about God and life?"

There would be some ground rules:

1. A timer is set with 10 minutes and, when the time is up, the conversation is over.
2. If either party feels like they are being judged or attacked, the conversation will end immediately.
3. Each party must respect the right of the other patry to believe what they believe.
(additional ground rules can be set as needed)

Personally, I am fascinated by what people believe and why. I would love to talk to Budopo, Tonio, Penn, Vraiblonde and others on this thread and find out things like:

* Do you believe in God (or a Supreme Being)? Why or why not?
* Do you belong to a religious group? Which one?
* Have you always been a member or have your religious beliefs changed since childhood?
* Do you believe in a life after death? If so, what do you think happens? If not, why not?
* Have you explored other religions? Which ones? What did you think? Have you ever been to a different religious service (if Christian, have you ever been to a mosque or synagogue and vice versa)? Why or why not?
* Do you feel your religious beliefs make you a better person? In what ways?
* What if everything you believed turned out to be wrong? (Not saying it is but hypothetically... what would you do?)
* Do you feel that there could or should be peace on earth? How could we get there?
* etc.
