I just learned something!
One entry found for inerrant.
Main Entry: in·er·rant
Pronunciation: -&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin inerrant-, inerrans, from in- + errant-, errans,
present participle of errare to err
Date: 1837
: free from error
You got me on that one but now I see the light!
Originally posted by Frank
This is part of the reason why I do NOT believe it is literally inerrant.
One entry found for inerrant.
Main Entry: in·er·rant
Pronunciation: -&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin inerrant-, inerrans, from in- + errant-, errans,
present participle of errare to err
Date: 1837
: free from error
You got me on that one but now I see the light!