Dear Axl...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Why not let a sleeping dog lie?

...because Mr. Billy Bad Ass sent me two e mails via my company web address telling me HE would see ME. I let it go last night. Until I read my e mails this AM. I never threatened he/she/it. I called he/she/it out on what he/she/it said. Period. He/she/it chose to take it personally even though he/she/it is an Axl. Whatever that is. If that is in reference to the lowest POS in music history, I am not surprised and think he/she/it's behavior entirely appropriate.

I had let it go.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
He/she/it chose to take it personally even though he/she/it is an Axl. Whatever that is. If that is in reference to the lowest POS in music history, I am not surprised and think he/she/it's behavior entirely appropriate.

:gulp: Did you just bust on GnR? After I told you my deepest darkest secret about them???


Larry Gude

Strung Out

:gulp: Did you just bust on GnR? After I told you my deepest darkest secret about them???

:frown:, I busted on Axl, the lowest POS in music history; not Guns and Roses, one of the better bands in rock and roll history. Let's not make the mistake, as Axl does, of thinking he IS GNR.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You did the wild thing with Axle Rose?


At least he's better looking than Tom Petty. And Phil Collins. And Keith Richard. And all the Who except for Roger Daltrey (who is still alive, btw).

Axl is also better looking than Joe Cocker.



At least he's better looking than Tom Petty. And Phil Collins. And Keith Richard. And all the Who except for Roger Daltrey (who is still alive, btw).

Axl is also better looking than Joe Cocker.

Next you are going to say when he sang "Sweet child of mine" it was about you?