Dear Axl...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vrai's gonnna get you! :lmao:

He'd have to define "talent". Because if you're going on sheer musical ability, obviously Mike Nesmith was the only Monkee who had any. Even my beloved Mickey had to learn the drums to become a Monkee, and Davy was just cute and could carry a decent tune. Peter Tork was a musician but not like Nesmith.

But talent has so many different meanings. Nesmith without the cute front man is a session guitarist.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

He'd have to define "talent". Because if you're going on sheer musical ability, obviously Mike Nesmith was the only Monkee who had any. Even my beloved Mickey had to learn the drums to become a Monkee, and Davy was just cute and could carry a decent tune. Peter Tork was a musician but not like Nesmith.

But talent has so many different meanings. Nesmith without the cute front man is a session guitarist.

...why are we using the word 'talent' when discussing the Monkees? Anyone?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
He'd have to define "talent". Because if you're going on sheer musical ability, obviously Mike Nesmith was the only Monkee who had any. Even my beloved Mickey had to learn the drums to become a Monkee, and Davy was just cute and could carry a decent tune. Peter Tork was a musician but not like Nesmith.

But talent has so many different meanings. Nesmith without the cute front man is a session guitarist.

I loved them all. Mom will tell you that! :lmao:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
...why are we using the word 'talent' when discussing the Monkees? Anyone?

I'm saying that Nesmith was an actual musician (He may have been no Esteban, but he did more than bang a tambourine) :duckandrun:and a pretty good songwriter.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This sounds ignorant but since playing Rock Band, I have a new appreciation for musicians. That #### ain't easy. I can get through Medium on drums, and struggle mightily on Hard, forget Expert.

And Expert is what the real musician is playing. Effortlessly.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm saying that Nesmith was an actual musician (He may have been no Esteban, but he did more than bang a tambourine) :duckandrun:and a pretty good songwriter.

I'm okay with Mike Nesmith being above being a Monkee. But he was a Monkee, and I appreciate that.


He just wasn't as hot as Mickey and Davy.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Is it seamless? Because last time I heard you play it, it was somewhat choppy.

...see, this is a problem. You said "How long did it take me...?" and I said "Counting today?" as to say " I still ain't got it..." and you have to tell the whole world that I play LTTC choppy. Do you know how difficult that will make being seen in public, starting tomorrow, for me? An artiste?


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
...see, this is a problem. You said "How long did it take me...?" and I said "Counting today?" as to say " I still ain't got it..." and you have to tell the whole world that I play LTTC choppy. Do you know how difficult that will make being seen in public, starting tomorrow, for me? An artiste?


Cut the hair and shave the beard. No one will know it's the same person. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...see, this is a problem. You said "How long did it take me...?" and I said "Counting today?" as to say " I still ain't got it..." and you have to tell the whole world that I play LTTC choppy. Do you know how difficult that will make being seen in public, starting tomorrow, for me? An artiste?


Right. So don't you be picking on no Monkees.

"The least they could do is tune their instruments....."


And you should be able to serenade me with Monkee tunes by now. It's only been 10.5 years.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Right. So don't you be picking on no Monkees.

"The least they could do is tune their instruments....."


And you should be able to serenade me with Monkee tunes by now. It's only been 10.5 years.


Here: (I shaved)

Did you know that when a certain guitar player started out on his career, he opened for them on a tour? Did you know this guitar players name was Jimi?