Dear women who think men suck as non-custodials

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I'm sorry, but an animal must have given up its skin in order for me to love footwear. Plastic makes your feet stink.

So does marching around New Orleans after you break your animal skin sandals, chuck them in the trash, and parade around with naked feet. :killingme


Boy is old enough to make a decision in court. Pee or hide? Hide or pee?

There is no court, she doesn't contact him or return his calls for weeks. He was having a moment about it and I was helpless to make it better.


Adopt me please !
There is no court, she doesn't contact him or return his calls for weeks. He was having a moment about it and I was helpless to make it better.

There is nothing you can do about it other than be there as a good father. In the long run, you need say nothing, actions speak louder than words.


Adopt me please !
Oh I know.

When I was coming up, my Mom said bad things about my Dad a few times, but instead of making us kids think she was better, it made us upset with her TOO. Dad had reasons for why he was acting badly - wife #2 was in charge and she didn't LIKE HIS kids.

Eventually he divorced Wife #2 and tried to make amends with the kids, I was the only one who forgave him. He died feeling he had failed as a Father. He knew that I forgave him though, and that's what is most important to ME.
When I was coming up, my Mom said bad things about my Dad a few times, but instead of making us kids think she was better, it made us upset with her TOO. Dad had reasons for why he was acting badly - wife #2 was in charge and she didn't LIKE HIS kids.

Eventually he divorced Wife #2 and tried to make amends with the kids, I was the only one who forgave him. He died feeling he had failed as a Father. He knew that I forgave him though, and that's what is most important to ME.
He did fail as a father if he let some woman come between him and his kids...:shrug:


Adopt me please !
He did fail as a father if he let some woman come between him and his kids...:shrug:

My Rebuttal = defensive LOL

I think it took him a couple/few years to realize it though - she was being subtle at first, but when she said I had to MOVE because I was too sexy to be my age, then I knew she was cuckoo because I was only 12 years old ..... she had self-esteem issues.

He said he thought she was good for him until he realized her goal was to separate him from his kids. We saw it WAY before HE DID. She was just good at securing the next meal ticket while she stayed at home and he worked. She didn't have a job when he met her DING DING DING !!!!! She used her sex-appeal to get him, then once he was on the hook, she started taking charge ...... a long Courtship can eliminate SOME issues.

Lisa's Ark Critter Rescue
making a difference
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Adopt me please !
PS -Miss Linda who claimed to LOVE his kids so much never even tried to stay in touch with us once she got us out of HER life - yeah I see how much you care, you B. OOPS - let me stop .... :jerry:
PS -Miss Linda who claimed to LOVE his kids so much never even tried to stay in touch with us once she got us out of HER life - yeah I see how much you care, you B. OOPS - let me stop .... :jerry:

Ok... now I'm starting to think that's the infection talking...:lol: