I think it depends on the situation. We had 4 healthy great kids, and i was (well) over 35 when i got preggo with our 5th (by choice). We had discussed it prior to getting preggo with our OB because of my age, then with each other, and found, surprisingly, that we agreed. If the child were handicapped in some major way that would impact the rest of our lives and possibly that of our existing kids (aside from the shock of a preggo mom while they are in HS

), we would abort, given the opportunity. We didn't tell the other kids i was pregnant until the amnio results came back normal.
After we told them, one daughter attended an ultrasound apt with us and thought i was going to birth to an alien based on what she saw on the screen, and yet she said nothing, NOT ONE WORD, until baby-girl was born beautiful and normal, she busted out in hysterical happy tears the moment she saw her

talk about stress!