Debt past their eye balls


Stubborn and opinionated
BadGirl said:
I have exceptional credit. No credit card debt, very high FICO rating, pristine credit reports, and have been granted a very favorable low interest rate mortgage and car loan.

It's really not that hard to have good credit. You just have to be responsible and live within your means. I live modestly, but there is NOTHING that I need that I cannot purchase myself.
My soulmate!:huggy:


Right Where I Belong
Wickedwrench said:
Anyone want a divorcee that can't quit spending and has debt to her eyeballs. PM me for her number.:killingme
Maybe your ex and my ex should get together.:killingme


At some point you have to consider the future. Handling relationships like a business transaction sounds unromantic but it saves tons of problems later.

Loves a big ole lie like Santa Claus anyway. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Kain99 said:
At some point you have to consider the future. Handling relationships like a business transaction sounds unromantic but it saves tons of problems later.

Loves a big ole lie like Santa Claus anyway. :lmao:
love is real, its just that FOREVER is like santa


Stubborn and opinionated
Kain99 said:
At some point you have to consider the future. Handling relationships like a business transaction sounds unromantic but it saves tons of problems later.

Loves a big ole lie like Santa Claus anyway. :lmao:
So much truth to this statement.:bawl: Truly not how I pictured a happy relationship.


aka Mrs. Giant
bresamil said:
But the criteria I use is this: Are they still out shopping, buying toys, going on expensive trips, got plenty of money for gambling or other habits? If yes, definitely run.
On the other hand, if they are living low key, not buying luxuries, etc, I would have an easier time believing that either the debt wasn't their fault or that they've learned from it and are working to pay it off. Now that may be someone to consider.
:yeahthat: As a single female who recently found herself upside down in debt because of her car dying unexpectedly before it was completely paid for, I have to agree.
Before that misadventure, I had very little debt, and three quarters of my credit cards completely paid off and had a start to a nest egg. I was working one full time job and an on-call part time job. Now I am working my arse off to take care of my situation and rebuild my nest egg. I have a full time job, two part time jobs and the on-call part time job.
Does my current financial "crisis" situation reflect poorly on me? I don't think so. I am living way below my means and am working hard to remedy my situation.


migtig said:
:yeahthat: As a single female who recently found herself upside down in debt because of her car dying unexpectedly before it was completely paid for, I have to agree.
Before that misadventure, I had very little debt, and three quarters of my credit cards completely paid off and had a start to a nest egg. I was working one full time job and an on-call part time job. Now I am working my arse off to take care of my situation and rebuild my nest egg. I have a full time job, two part time jobs and the on-call part time job.
Does my current financial "crisis" situation reflect poorly on me? I don't think so. I am living way below my means and am working hard to remedy my situation.
No way Mig... being broke does not equate to being neck deep in debt. Everyone falls on hard times. Chin up sista! :love:


b*tch rocket
vraiblonde said:
That's not love - wanting to take up with a debt-ridden loser is called "desperation", not "love". Because next thing you know, he/she is hitting you up for a "loan" and their problem becomes your problem.
:lol: I took up with a debt ridden loser ten years ago. But then again so was I. :lol: We're just now starting to get our heads above water from it all. Steve's ex ran their credit cards up like you wouldn't believe, and on top of my own credit card bills, and buying plane tickets to and from Hawaii and Texas every few months. We were living pretty close to broke. :lol: I guess that's why that commercial makes us laugh every time it comes on. We have felt the pain. :bawl: Somehow we always managed to pay our bills on time so we have excellent credit. And if I had to do it all over again, I'd still marry my debt ridden loser. I luvs him. :love: :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Christy said:
:lol: I took up with a debt ridden loser ten years ago. But then again so was I.
Very different scenario. It probably didn't concern you that Steve was in debt because you were, too, so obviously financial responsibility wasn't high on your list of priorities. Gumbo sounds like it IS on his list or he wouldn't be writing about it.

I took on over $20,000+ in credit card debt when I divorced my ex - and they were HIS credit cards, not mine. After paying and paying on it for 6 years and making barely a dent in the principal, I declared bankruptcy. And I will NEVER get myself in that kind of situation again. NEVER.

So there's a seat for every ass. :shrug:


b*tch rocket
vraiblonde said:
I took on over $20,000+ in credit card debt when I divorced my ex - and they were HIS credit cards, not mine. After paying and paying on it for 6 years and making barely a dent in the principal, I declared bankruptcy. And I will NEVER get myself in that kind of situation again. NEVER.

So there's a seat for every ass. :shrug:
:yikes: Okay, so he wasn't as big of a loser as you. :lol: (But came close) :lol:

We were both just poor Airmen with high dolla spouses. :lol:


I gots no debt welfare and the SSI checks for the baby cover all my bills. Gots a couch and TV from dat rent place Lives in Reggie place and he pay the rent.

I gots a headache


New Member
What about this:
Would anyone date a person who had to shell out half(or more) of his pay in to child dupport??
I was in court to witness my friends divorce, I watched this guy get ordered to pay out like 1400 dollars a MONTH in child support. Poor man had to live with his mom. WOW!!


I am so very blessed
fttrsbeerwench said:
What about this:
Would anyone date a person who had to shell out half(or more) of his pay in to child dupport??
I was in court to witness my friends divorce, I watched this guy get ordered to pay out like 1400 dollars a MONTH in child support. Poor man had to live with his mom. WOW!!