Debt past their eye balls


New Member
BadGirl said:
Since I've always taken care of myself, I think it would be nice to have someone take care of me for a change. I don't expect that to happen, though. Besides, I take pride in knowing that I am fully capable of taking care of myself, and don't need no stinkin' man to provide anything for me other than :gossip: .

You know, with the magic of technology, there are some women that don't even need a man for :gossip: :lmao:


For the record , I don't have children. I'm not in debt and don't want to be.
Past history : Been severely used, by beotch that had nothing before.
that blamed all on ex (lied too)

Paranoid ? Maybe !

All as I know, is that when I was in trouble financially,
The last thing I wanted to do was to include someone else in my troubles.
And I sure as he11 didn't want to be in a relationship.
I didn't feel it was fair to anyone, so I waited.

Now that the ex and her troubles are gone, I have been dating.
I wrote this because I keep finding the same type.

Woman: I'm depressed..
Me: why.
Woman: I'm in debt, can't pay all the cards off. :blahblah:
Me: You just went shopping and bought 10 different things using 10 different cards. :loser:
Woman : If I don't use the card's they cancel them.
Me: thinking to myself :whip: Another retard just like the ex. :loser:
Woman: judging by look on my face... Say's you wouldn't understand.
Me: Now it's on :boxing: OK woman if you put $100 on each of 10 cards how much interest are you paying on $1000.00 .vs if $1000.00 was on one card..
Woman: says you don't understand.
Me : Running for door.
Woman: she hears car door slam shut and tires squealing.
Me: Thinking .. are all woman like this ? God, if I get told enough that I don't understand or wouldn't understand, I start to believe that maybe I will never understand. :blahblah: or is this a trick so I won't understand ?

What ever it is don't ever ask a woman whats the matter !
A: you will get told that you don't understand and end up a prick.
B: you will get told nothing is the matter and you will be a prick for not having ESP..Because you needed to ask ?
C: If you don't ask your a insensitive prick for not asking.

So what! I am a prick that doesn't understand sheot about women,
I must learn to except this fact :notworthy

Hi I am Gumbo ,I am an idiot because women say so :lmao:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
Me : Running for door.
And don't look back! :yay:

And no, not all women are like that. My parents taught me how to handle my finances when I was a kid. I taught my kids to do the same. Sometimes they don't listen, but sooner or later they figure it seperating their "wants" from their "needs".


Right Where I Belong
Sharon said:
And don't look back! :yay:

And no, not all women are like that. My parents taught me how to handle my finances when I was a kid. I taught my kids to do the same. Sometimes they don't listen, but sooner or later they figure it seperating their "wants" from their "needs".
:yeahthat: My parents taught me the value of a dollar and how to wisely save (not spend) money. I teach my children the same thing.


Stubborn and opinionated
gumbo said:
For the record , I don't have children. I'm not in debt and don't want to be.
Past history : Been severely used, by beotch that had nothing before.
that blamed all on ex (lied too)

Paranoid ? Maybe !

All as I know, is that when I was in trouble financially,
The last thing I wanted to do was to include someone else in my troubles.
And I sure as he11 didn't want to be in a relationship.
I didn't feel it was fair to anyone, so I waited.

Now that the ex and her troubles are gone, I have been dating.
I wrote this because I keep finding the same type.

Woman: I'm depressed..
Me: why.
Woman: I'm in debt, can't pay all the cards off. :blahblah:
Me: You just went shopping and bought 10 different things using 10 different cards. :loser:
Woman : If I don't use the card's they cancel them.
Me: thinking to myself :whip: Another retard just like the ex. :loser:
Woman: judging by look on my face... Say's you wouldn't understand.
Me: Now it's on :boxing: OK woman if you put $100 on each of 10 cards how much interest are you paying on $1000.00 .vs if $1000.00 was on one card..
Woman: says you don't understand.
Me : Running for door.
Woman: she hears car door slam shut and tires squealing.
Me: Thinking .. are all woman like this ? God, if I get told enough that I don't understand or wouldn't understand, I start to believe that maybe I will never understand. :blahblah: or is this a trick so I won't understand ?

What ever it is don't ever ask a woman whats the matter !
A: you will get told that you don't understand and end up a prick.
B: you will get told nothing is the matter and you will be a prick for not having ESP..Because you needed to ask ?
C: If you don't ask your a insensitive prick for not asking.

So what! I am a prick that doesn't understand sheot about women,
I must learn to except this fact :notworthy

Hi I am Gumbo ,I am an idiot because women say so :lmao:
Like looking in a mirror over here.:twitch:


Very strange. Before divorce I never had any money to spend on things I needed. Money I made was "ours." Money she made was "hers." After divorce: all bills are paid, done paying daughters college, no more debts, money in the bank, and I've done things that I've wanted to do. No excess spending, but I pretty much get what I want. Funny how that worked out. :biggrin:


I've always been fairly lucky, bills are paid, no debt, besides the house, and I don't live above my means. :shrug:

My girlfriends and I always joke around and say we'd be lesbians if we could actually find that way of life satisfying.


i'm not supporting no man, if he can't take care of himself then i'm not going to be his momma

Ricky Racer

Boyz under the hood
Scrappy said:
I've always been fairly lucky, bills are paid, no debt, besides the house, and I don't live above my means. :shrug:

My girlfriends and I always joke around and say we'd be lesbians if we could actually find that way of life satisfying.
:cartwheel We have a keeper :cartwheel

PM me don't be shy :howdy:


When I was dating my ex, he ran up my credit cards to 10K, but I paid EVERY single dime off on the credit cards, it took me a while but they got paid off. When we were together he bought a 4-wheeler in my name because he didn't have a real job(ok I was the duma$$ that signed the paperwork), when we broke up he tried to take the 4-wheeler which i was STILL paying on. Told me it was a gift, I told him to get a grip and I sold it.

The thing that killed me was medical bills when I had no health insurance. I am still paying them off, but they are getting paid off. When you have no health insurance but still make above the poverty level, the state doesn't give you financial assistance.

Betty Boop

New Member
Katie said:
When I was dating my ex, he ran up my credit cards to 10K, but I paid EVERY single dime off on the credit cards, it took me a while but they got paid off. When we were together he bought a 4-wheeler in my name because he didn't have a real job(ok I was the duma$$ that signed the paperwork), when we broke up he tried to take the 4-wheeler which i was STILL paying on. Told me it was a gift, I told him to get a grip and I sold it.

The thing that killed me was medical bills when I had no health insurance. I am still paying them off, but they are getting paid off. When you have no health insurance but still make above the poverty level, the state doesn't give you financial assistance.

Amen to that - been there and still doing it :banana:


New Member
Love is not blind. In your case love has made u simple. You can do bad by yourself.
It's nice 2 help someone, but you should not suffer in the process.

Ricky Racer

Boyz under the hood
Mentally Disturbed said:
Love is not blind. In your case love has made u simple. You can do bad by yourself.
It's nice 2 help someone, but you should not suffer in the process.

Your first post is this :confused:

Hope you don't mind that I fixed your name to something more appropriate.
