Deep State Corruption and Opposition


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that a top official at the Customs and Border Protection has been slapped with federal charges, which include a scheme to commit fraud via disaster aid and lying to federal agents. The charges facing Serina Baker-Hill, 55, Director of United States Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Center for Excellence and Expertise over Automotive and Aerospace Engineering, stem from application for FEMA funds in 2023 after the Detroit floods (via FBI/DOJ):

One down....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

I feel like a reporter for shouldn't be making sht up and spreading fake news. What's irritating is that the "military" newspapers and news sites aren't really military at all - they're civilians *reporting* on the military. Many times they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and just make sht up or write whatever some corrupt POS pays them to write.


PREMO Member

IRS Tax Examiner GOES ON RECORD AND BLOWS WHISTLE ON AGENCY: “I'm Going to Bull Ahead and Do the Right Thing,” Reveals Congress Prioritizes “Band-Aid Issues” Over Systemic Problems: ‘We’re Handcuffed by Antiquated Systems’

“We also have very antiquated software. We use a software called Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS)."

“We can’t do anywhere close to what the American people think we can.”
