Deep Throat comes out...


Asperger's Poster Child
Why should we believe anyone who steps forward claiming to be Deep Throat? It's tempting to dismiss his claim as just someone trying to grab some glory in his old age, to make himself look good in the eyes of his family. I don't know if those were Felt's intentions, but it certainly looks suspicious to me.


curiouser and curiouser
Tonio said:
Why should we believe anyone who steps forward claiming to be Deep Throat? It's tempting to dismiss his claim as just someone trying to grab some glory in his old age, to make himself look good in the eyes of his family. I don't know if those were Felt's intentions, but it certainly looks suspicious to me.
Maybe he feels his time on earth is coming to an end, and wants to put it out in the open before he dies. For one, it would be anticlimactic for such an influential, albeit anonymous figure in American History to die without anyone ever knowing who he was. Also, it's probably a burden he just wants to let off his chest. :shrug:


This Space for Rent
Tonio said:
Why should we believe anyone who steps forward claiming to be Deep Throat? It's tempting to dismiss his claim as just someone trying to grab some glory in his old age, to make himself look good in the eyes of his family. I don't know if those were Felt's intentions, but it certainly looks suspicious to me.

We will know soon enough. I imagine if he is not, Woodward will be stepping forward quickly to denounce. However, the guy was in the right places at the right time and he is on his practically on his deathbed... the place W&B always agreed we would find out (at his death). While yes, it could not be him, I would rather still have some faith in humanity to not always make such stupid mistakes... despite what I read on the forums. :lmao:


Nothing to see here
FromTexas said:
We will know soon enough. I imagine if he is not, Woodward will be stepping forward quickly to denounce. However, the guy was in the right places at the right time and he is on his practically on his deathbed... the place W&B always agreed we would find out (at his death). While yes, it could not be him, I would rather still have some faith in humanity to not always make such stupid mistakes... despite what I read on the forums. :lmao:

Woodward has confirmed...msnbc from what they are saying on Free Republic.

*edited* WP article
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
otter said:
Woodward has confirmed...msnbc from what they are saying on Free Republic.

*edited* WP article
Bit suprised Woodward would confirm this source so quickly. Why not stick to the principal you stood on when originally asked to devulge your source. Didn't the stance against the Justice System used by Woodward and Bernstien , set the presedence for journalists and protecting the identity of sources?

Sell-Out, maybe


This Space for Rent
Airgasm said:
Bit suprised Woodward would confirm this source so quickly. Why not stick to the principal you stood on when originally asked to devulge your source. Didn't the stance against the Justice System used by Woodward and Bernstien , set the presedence for journalists and protecting the identity of sources?

Sell-Out, maybe

I believe it is much different when the source wants to be exposed. :wink:


Well-Known Member
FromTexas said:
I believe it is much different when the source wants to be exposed. :wink:
Yeah, Woodward denounces this source, he looks suspicious. Confirms it, he still looks suspicious :wink:

But, But,...

What about principle, integrity?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Here's a laugh for you. Allow me to show my age. When I saw saw the headline, I thought it was about the porn movie. Not old enough to know about the Nixon thing.


Well-Known Member
Bustem' Down said:
Here's a laugh for you. Allow me to show my age. When I saw saw the headline, I thought it was about the porn movie. Not old enough to know about the Nixon thing.
Well, Ms Lovelace did set a presedence or two.


curiouser and curiouser
Bustem' Down said:
Here's a laugh for you. Allow me to show my age. When I saw saw the headline, I thought it was about the porn movie. Not old enough to know about the Nixon thing.
How the heck old are you? I'm only 23 and the first thing I think of when I hear the term is the Watergate scandal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bustem' Down said:
Here's a laugh for you. Allow me to show my age. When I saw saw the headline, I thought it was about the porn movie. Not old enough to know about the Nixon thing.

1972 Deep Throat deputs
1972 June, cops arrest 5 men at the Watergate Hotel.
1973 Watergate burglers tried and convicted

Not old enough or narrow focus?


Salt Life
Nickel said:
How the heck old are you? I'm only 23 and the first thing I think of when I hear the term is the Watergate scandal.
I'm 26 and I hadn't heard the term before today when Elliot was talking about it. :shrug:
Chasey_Lane said:
I'm 26 and I hadn't heard the term before today when Elliot was talking about it. :shrug:
You have GOT to be kidding me. You grew up in the DC area, and you have never heard the name "Deep Throat" applied to anything other than a movie? I take it you slept thru history/civics class in High School? Ever heard of G. Gordon Liddy? Ever heard of Watergate? Ever heard of Richard Nixon? If you have heard of any of these, trust me, you HAVE heard of Deep Throat, you just forgot it.


Fighting like a girl
Chasey_Lane said:
I'm 26 and I hadn't heard the term before today when Elliot was talking about it. :shrug:

Are you actually wondering why you never heard this term before? How about you turn off "Elliot" in your drive in and tune into NPR, you will become more informed and engaged in the world.
truby20 said:
Are you actually wondering why you never heard this term before? How about you turn off "Elliot" in your drive in and tune into NPR, you will become more informed and engaged in the world.
I listen to Elliot on the drive in quite often. I never listen to NPR. I am well informed and engaged in the world. KMA


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
1972 Deep Throat deputs
1972 June, cops arrest 5 men at the Watergate Hotel.
1973 Watergate burglers tried and convicted

Not old enough or narrow focus?
No entry found for deputs.