Democrat, Republican, or Independent?

Where do you fall?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Republican

    Votes: 41 47.1%
  • Independent Party

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Something else you neglected to mention

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • Politics, Schmolitics... I don't even care to vote!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates.

    Votes: 19 21.8%

  • Total voters


I'm curious to see how many of the users on this forum consider themselves to be Republican, Democrats, Independent Party, or something else I didn't list.

I have a theory, but I'd like to see it play out to find out if I'm correct.


Lem Putt
kris31280 said:
I'm curious to see how many of the users on this forum consider themselves to be Republican, Democrats, Independent Party, or something else I didn't list.

I have a theory, but I'd like to see it play out to find out if I'm correct.
I've never heard of the "Independent Party." Please enlighten me. :popcorn:


New Member
kris31280 said:
I'm curious to see how many of the users on this forum consider themselves to be Republican, Democrats, Independent Party, or something else I didn't list.

I have a theory, but I'd like to see it play out to find out if I'm correct.
You're new so I'll help ya out. This is a primarily right board. A few lefties post and some can even hold their own but most get blown out of the water with one post.

I know there are some quiet lefties who know it's a no win situation here.

For the most part, we welcome spirited debate but only ask that you bring facts and leave the spin where it belongs, in the toilet. :yay:


24/7 Single Dad
I consider myself to be a conservative independent, but registered as a Republican so I can vote in the primaries.


Voters must be registered so I'm not sure this line "I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates." was appropriate for your poll. Unless you were also tracking non voters! :lmao:


Well-Known Member
I'm conservative, mostly. On some things, I'd be considered moderate. That's how I vote, and how I view my political views. In actuality, I've always been a registered Democrat, even though I vote Republican more often. I don't see myself as "Democrat" or "Republican". Conservative. I have and do vote for conservative Democrats, which is the reason I registered that way.

If I don't know anything about a candidate or the office he's running for - I don't cast a vote. If I think an incumbent is doing a good job based on what I know about them, I vote to keep them, regardless of party - and that's mainly because, despite "party" platforms, the two main parties aren't that different when it comes to practical matters. At the local level, different parties are like high school elections - you can HAVE a party, but it doesn't really mean anything.


Well-Known Member
Kain99 said:
Voters must be registered so I'm not sure this line "I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates." was appropriate for your poll. Unless you were also tracking non voters! :lmao:

Voters must be registered but do not have to affiliate themselves with a party UNLESS they want to vote in a primary.

On the other hand, the poll question does not ask about voting - only what you consider yourself to be. You can consider yourself Communist and still vote Democrat or Republican.


Lem Putt
kris31280 said:

Welcome to the U.S. Independent American Party (IAP)

You can do better than that. They not only have no candidates for office, they also have nobody seeking their nomination. They haven't even ever had a candidate for President.

You just threw that out there because you realized that "Independent Party" is not a real choice, but you refuse to admit you are wrong. This refusal is becoming a common theme in your posts.


MMDad said:
You can do better than that. They not only have no candidates for office, they also have nobody seeking their nomination. They haven't even ever had a candidate for President.

You just threw that out there because you realized that "Independent Party" is not a real choice, but you refuse to admit you are wrong. This refusal is becoming a common theme in your posts.
No, I didn't throw that in because I realized that Independent was not a real choice... in the past when a third candidate has run for president against the Democrats and Republicans, the media often refers to them as an Independent Party candidate.

Based on your accusation, I wikipedia-searched two such candidates from the past and found that one of them was on the Reform party ballot while the other was on the Green party ballot.

Boy... we could fill the grand canyon with crap you claim to know about me and about 90% of it would be wrong (because I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you can get the basics correct).


New Member
kris31280 said:
No, I didn't throw that in because I realized that Independent was not a real choice... in the past when a third candidate has run for president against the Democrats and Republicans, the media often refers to them as an Independent Party candidate.

Based on your accusation, I wikipedia-searched two such candidates from the past and found that one of them was on the Reform party ballot while the other was on the Green party ballot.

Boy... we could fill the grand canyon with crap you claim to know about me and about 90% of it would be wrong (because I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you can get the basics correct).

Yeah that. Plus, my beef is with the TV journalists who won't take the time to mind their wording (or even grammar for crying out loud), often call anyone not aligned with Democrat or Republican as "Independant". It makes me so mad, because they are truly considered "Non-Affiliated" not independant.

Leiberman is a perfect example: He couldn't win his own Dem primary in CT so he ran as a "Independant". The guy is Jewish! Even he, a policitician, who should know enough about parties.. See the IAP Platform Below (from its website):
We, Independent Americans of the United States, out of great love for God, our families, our country and Constitution, do proclaim:

1. [Christian Heritage] We believe that Jesus Christ is the God of this land; that we are fundamentally a Christian nation; and that only by faith in and obedience to God shall we be preserved as a great nation.

2. [Family] We believe that families are the fundamental building blocks of a moral society; that traditional family values are the strength of our nation; and that Christian principles are the key to strong homes in America.

3. [Citizenship] We believe that patriotism, civic duty and good character are essential to personal liberty and responsibility in America.

4. [Unalienable Rights] We believe that God has endowed men with certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty and property; that these rights are guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; and that it is the function of government to protect these rights.

5. [Education] We believe that Christian principles originally were the foundation of our educational system; and that they should again be made the center of American education.

6. [Economy] We believe that "free enterprise" is the best economic system for America; that taxation should be limited to those methods provided for in the original Constitution; and that our nation must return to a debt-free monetary system in accordance with the Constitution.

7. [Society] We believe that government has no Constitutional authority to convert to socialism; that state and local governments have the right and moral obligation to discourage drug and alcohol use and gambling in their jurisdictions; and that the safety of law-abiding citizens must take precedence over the rights of criminals.

8. [Natural Resources] We believe protection of the environment should be a state responsibility; that there must be a dynamic balance between energy development and conservation; and that there are safe and inexpensive alternative energy sources that should be developed.

9. [U.S. Constitution] We believe that the Constitution for the United States was prepared and adopted by men under inspiration from Almighty God; that it is a solemn compact created by the people of the states of this nation; and that it was made only for a moral and religious people.

10. [Government] We believe that the sole function of government is to protect life, liberty and property; that the federal government is an agent of the states and the people; and that each state is sovereign in performing those functions reserved to it by the U.S. Constitution.

11. [Defense] We believe that a strong defense establishment is essential to the preservation of our nation; that America must not commit its military to any international organization; and that no foreign military bases should be allowed on American soil.

12. [U.S. Sovereignty] We believe that a sovereign America is necessary for us to maintain our freedom and way of life; that we must withdraw from all international agreements that diminish our sovereignty; and that we must resist all efforts to draw us into a global government.


Well-Known Member
kris31280 said:
No, I didn't throw that in because I realized that Independent was not a real choice... in the past when a third candidate has run for president against the Democrats and Republicans, the media often refers to them as an Independent Party candidate.

Actually, what they usually say is they are running as an independent. No "party" mentioned.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am a registered Republican - my political beliefs are conservative, with liberal leanings on several issues.

When asked in the Zogby poll, I check "Moderate".


Lem Putt
PsyOps said:
I interpreted that as AN Independent party.

Wouldn't that be an oymoron? Doesn't the term independent imply independence from a party?

What does an independent party do, eat jumbo shrimp and talk about military intelligence?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
What does an independent party do, eat jumbo shrimp and talk about military intelligence?

Because I am a woman and not a man, I didn't overanalyze the poll selections. I assumed that she meant "independent" as in not belonging to a particular political party.