Democratic Presidential Candidates


New Member
Here is what I would do as a campaigner:

Bush is vulnerable on the economy...offer more expansive tax cuts for the poor and middle class and propose a minimum wage increase. Point to the faults of the economy, but this time OFFER A PLAN!!

In the inner-citites run Trent Lott's comments about Strom Thurmond with Thurmond talking about keeping the negroes out of our pools and schools. Then show a picture of Lott, Thurmond, and Bush and say "President Bush Defends Lott" (Misleading yes, but I am a political science major and have made many commercials for campaigns).

Health Care...there is always a large amount of Americans without health insurance. There plan does not provide enough for seniors in poverty and relies too much on the private sector - which is dominated by greed and not stabilty.

And of course the other domestic programs that I don't feel like writing about.


Minimum Wage

Oh no not minimum wage, its not that im against people making more money it was just that when I was in college and worked a minimum wage job and the minimum wage was raised the price of everything went up along with it and the extra money really did nothing for me then. I even asked at Blockbuster when they told me it would be $4 to rent a movie, they said it was because the minimum wage was increased. Heck just a couple years earlier I could rent a movie for $1.50. Later on in college when I was making $8.50 an hour the minimum wage was raised again, they increased my pay by the same amount, prices went up etc etc. Increasing the minimum wage just causes inflation without doing anything useful in my opinion.


endangered species
i have no experiene at campaigns, but lack of experience never stopped me from offering my opinion! So here's mine:

Go way liberal. Make a definite break from all major current policies. Anti war. Make a big deal about income disparities. Multi million dollar bonuses to executives while folks gat laid off and companies go bankrupt. Childish behavior in foreign policy. Convicted felons working in this administration. NO Repub blacks in congress. Oil wells off California coast and Alaska (Mt. Rushmore and Yellowstone next!) Logging our national forests!

Have a plan:
Environmental protection. Worker safety. Universal health care. Alternative energy seed money. End embargo's of Cuba and North Korea (make them be capitalist). Tarriffs on Chinese imports. National tax on cigarettes goes to health care (and I smoke).


If the Dems adopt your strategy I will be a very happy man Mr. Krebs.


endangered species

Originally posted by MGKrebs
The moderates may have had a hand in convincing Gore not to run, and then they turn around and elect Pelosi as their Senate leader, and I think she is perceived as being pretty liberal.

I just realized I called Pelosi the Senare leader. she's actually the Dem. House leader.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Bruzilla
If the Dems adopt your strategy I will be a very happy man Mr. Krebs.

Me too, as the Republicans will easily win in 2004 with an extreme swing to the left by the Democrats.


endangered species
Well, there's no danger of that happening anyway, so...sorry. Either Bush will self destruct or he will win. In which case the dems are a shoe-in in '08.


New Member
We don't need to go liberal or anti-war. We need to go anti-unilateral war and for a different path. We need to offer a plan and not just say that we are Bush-lite.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tut tut. Last time a Republican President did 8 years, his VP was elected. '08 is NOT in the bag for you!


New Member
Oh yeah, 1988 is definitely a good election to compare this too. Michael Dukakis, what a great candidate! Massachusetts liberal during an era of moderation and conservatism, not a good chance at winning. Don't you remember that at one time Dukakis was winning by 17 points in the polls? If it wasn't for a great strategy by the Bush team and Dukakis's inability to make a good strategic decision, Dukakis would have won. I was working for Senator Sarbanes at that time and he remarked "I don't know what the hell they are doing. They have no clue on how to win an election do they?"

We have a great chance in 2004 and in 2008. Cheney has no presidential ambition, and well he will probably die by 2008. And after all, Gore did win the 2000 Election, right?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You are consistently, with your nazi comments and others and now this...

and well he will probably die by 2008

..the most repugnant person in here.

You constantly prove Kyle, Bruz and others correct about your ilk; you are just mean, vicious and ugly.

Thanks for showing your true colors.


New Member
Jeez, sorry that you can't take a joke. Good god! I was being humorous, take it easy!

I did not mean offense and I am sorry that you took it that way.

"mean, vicious, and ugly"

Totally disagree with that, I just have a different opinion. The ugly thing is the most untrue :biggrin: (you see, more humor)


yeah yeah
Breaking News:

Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman plans to run for president in 2004, sources tell CNN. Full story soon.

Oh good lord...:lol:


New Member
What's wrong with Liberman, you guys should love him. Complete war hawk, supports Iraqi war, opposes affirmative action, leans towards vouchers, deeply religious. But oh, yeah, he's a Democrat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
And after all, Gore did win the 2000 Election, right?
He did? So he's President Gore now, right? That must be why he decided not to run in 2004 - why run if you're already President? Stupid me...

..but all the Teddy Kennedy barbs are OK?
Maynard, since you seem to like to compare apples an oranges and won't let me allow you to save face by just going :duh:, I'll explain to you why there is a big difference between saying Cheney will probably be dead and saying that Kennedy is a fat drunk:

Dems has no way of knowing if Cheney will be dead by 2008. He can only hope. There is no real reason to believe that Cheney will be dead by 2008. People with heart situations can live for many many years, happily and productively. Currently Cheney is alive and kicking and there is no reason to believe he will be dead in 5 years.

Kennedy, on the other hand, is indeed fat, by the common usage of the term. He is overweight in a rather grand fashion - all you have to do is look at him to see it. He is also, by all accounts, a drunk. No, I don't know this for absolute fact - I don't know the guy personally nor have I ever tossed a few back with him. But we do know that he had been drinking when he drove his car off that bridge and killed that girl. Unless the media made it up and Kennedy chose not to demand a retraction. We've also seen news accounts of his various DWI incidents.

Do you understand now or shall I give you a refresher course in deductive reasoning?


New Member
Like I said, that was that is made often by political satires. Ever watch SNL? How about the skit that had Cheney saying "Oh, God, I'm dead again!' I was doing the same thing.
Cheney is a fairly large man as well and I think that the hypocrisy spewing forth from your mouth VRA is not fair. You guys can make jokes about Teddy and any other lib, but I can't make one about Cheney?

Gore won the popular vote but the Bushes stole it "fair and square" as one of Nixon's aides said on Election Night 1960. They did it all legally but more people did go into their polling place in Florida intending to vote for Al Gore than what actually happened. Just how many Jews will vote for Pat Buchannan who even said "those aren't my votes."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lieberman did himself in with me during the 2000 election. Prior to that, I thought he was the only Democratic candidate I'd consider voting for. Then he denounced everything I ever liked about him so he could be on the Gore ticket. On a more shallow note, I hate the sound of his voice - too weak and trembly.

Gore won the popular vote but the Bushes stole it "fair and square" as one of Nixon's aides said on Election Night 1960.
See, this is where I have problems. The popular vote doesn't decide the Presidency - the electoral vote does. Also, if someone doesn't mark their ballot properly, there's no real way of determining who they intended to vote for, unless you use that ESP the Dems are so famous for.

The problem comes in when someone makes an incorrect statement like, "Gore won the election". Next thing you know, some college girl is on national TV, crying and shaking, because her country deceived her. If that's the goal - to make people cry and shake and fear their country - mission accomplished. But I don't think that is a very good goal.