Democrats Beg For Help As Crime Forces Supermarkets to Close in DC.


Well-Known Member
This says it all:

You deserve the government you vote for. Absolutely right!

Well, guess what? I voted and not one person I voted for won. So I did not get the government I voted for!

So now I have to leave Maryland, and go where exactly?

Maybe if it were not for white flight, it would be different. Ya think???

Maybe the whites that ran away are the problem, did they raise the children that go to liberal colleges and want to be Marxists, Socialists, Communists?

God Damned right they did.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Maybe if it were not for white flight, it would be different. Ya think???

Maybe the whites that ran away are the problem, did they raise the children that go to liberal colleges and want to be Marxists, Socialists, Communists?

God Damned right they did.

Ahhh nope. White people become intolerant of errant, disrespectful, offending and lawless behaviors that happen on a daily basis by those that could care less how their actions affect others, forcing them, through this unchecked anti-social behavior, to pull up stakes and leave. It is Whites of all political persuasions that get tired of putting up with the behaviors of a certain class of blacks. Trying to remedy this, by any means, is an exercise in futility as the current and well established system, since at least LBJ, will not, and does, not give a shait. Because any attempt to rectify is considered racist and bigoted. So, White people vote with their feet since any other type of voting simply does not work.

Add in on top of this, every government's role in forcing the development of high density housing, aka section 8, in areas where none should exist, such as next to, or within, well established majority White subdivisions, and this is what happens. In addition to newer subdivisions with cookie cutter single family homes now having to have high density apartment buildings built the next street over in said subdivisions. It almost as if TPTB want the races to clash.

As an example, just look to Lexington Park's newest development in the works. Stewart’s Grant would include 670 townhomes, a four-story 224-unit apartment building and 291 single family homes. How much ya wanna bet that whole bunch of those town homes will be bought and used as section 8 housing as well? A future problem in the making. However, the silver lining is that it will keep the Sheriff's office, and the courts, in job security.



Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Ahhh nope. White people become intolerant of errant, disrespectful, offending and lawless behaviors that happen on a daily basis by those that could care less how their actions affect others, forcing them, through this unchecked anti-social behavior, to pull up stakes and leave. It is Whites of all political persuasions that get tired of putting up with the behaviors of a certain class of blacks. Trying to remedy this, by any means, is an exercise in futility as the current and well established system, since at least LBJ, will not, and does, not give a shait. Because any attempt to rectify is considered racist and bigoted. So, White people vote with their feet since any other type of voting simply does not work.

Add in on top of this, every government's role in forcing the development of high density housing, aka section 8, in areas where none should exist, such as next to, or within, well established majority White subdivisions, and this is what happens. In addition to newer subdivisions with cookie cutter single family homes now having to have high density apartment buildings built the next street over in said subdivisions. It almost as if TPTB want the races to clash.

As an example, just look to Lexington Park's newest development in the works. Stewart’s Grant would include 670 townhomes, a four-story 224-unit apartment building and 291 single family homes. How much ya wanna bet that whole bunch of those town homes will be bought and used as section 8 housing as well? A future problem in the making. However, the silver lining is that it will keep the Sheriff's office, and the courts, in job security.

This might be the stupidest thing i've read today.

Well done.

You think market forces are not the driver of home building but a secret government plot to bring a race ware by building apartments near SFH's?

Seems like there would be a myriad of ways to make that happen with alot less efforts and subtlety


Well-Known Member
The simple fact that you cannot see the difference is why you are a mental failure.

In fact it just proves that you will believe anything Fox news and Trump tell you.

Nothing different happened in this election other than more mail in voting which is just as safe and secure as in person voting.

Trump and his lawyers came up with a plan to lie about the security and results of the election prior to the election and started sewing seeds of doubt.

59 cases brought by the GOP failed to prove any voter fraud or anything untoward.

Trump put forth a group of fake electors and Pence did his constitutional duty and certified the true results of the election.

End of story.


Well-Known Member
The Congress is talking about taking DC back from home rule. Might be a good idea.

By they way Anacostia Stores are not closing in Northwest washington.
It's the usual suspects.
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