Democrats Beg For Help As Crime Forces Supermarkets to Close in DC.


Well-Known Member
This might be the stupidest thing i've read today.

Well done.

You think market forces are not the driver of home building but a secret government plot to bring a race ware by building apartments near SFH's?

Seems like there would be a myriad of ways to make that happen with alot less efforts and subtlety
I upvoted it because it triggered you.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Ahhh nope. White people become intolerant of errant, disrespectful, offending and lawless behaviors that happen on a daily basis by those that could care less how their actions affect others, forcing them, through this unchecked anti-social behavior, to pull up stakes and leave. It is Whites of all political persuasions that get tired of putting up with the behaviors of a certain class of blacks. Trying to remedy this, by any means, is an exercise in futility as the current and well established system, since at least LBJ, will not, and does, not give a shait. Because any attempt to rectify is considered racist and bigoted. So, White people vote with their feet since any other type of voting simply does not work.

Add in on top of this, every government's role in forcing the development of high density housing, aka section 8, in areas where none should exist, such as next to, or within, well established majority White subdivisions, and this is what happens. In addition to newer subdivisions with cookie cutter single family homes now having to have high density apartment buildings built the next street over in said subdivisions. It almost as if TPTB want the races to clash.

As an example, just look to Lexington Park's newest development in the works. Stewart’s Grant would include 670 townhomes, a four-story 224-unit apartment building and 291 single family homes. How much ya wanna bet that whole bunch of those town homes will be bought and used as section 8 housing as well? A future problem in the making. However, the silver lining is that it will keep the Sheriff's office, and the courts, in job security.
While what you assert is true and correct, you miss the point that this is the direct result of whites abdicating their ability to object by fleeing instead of using their votes to change the trajectory of the downhill spiral. Fleeing means these whites surrendered and accepted defeat, then retreated and left the others to face the challenge alone.


Well-Known Member
Myself? On me now?? Nope. No proof.

Thousands of examples and positive proof abound at the click of a button though. You should try it. It may help with your debate skills in the future :yay:

I've already done so. Iv'e posted multiple articles. Quotes and links to statutes and indictments.

And all you have is hot air. and opinions


Well-Known Member
I've already done so. Iv'e posted multiple articles. Quotes and links to statutes and indictments.

And all you have is hot air. and opinions
Statutes and Indictments of the USPS? Who did they indict? What were the statutes?? Did you forget the original point of the post and conversation we are having and switch over to TDS?


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Nope. Merely stating that when i say something i back it up with proof. not just flap my gums
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If I may ...
For your consideration ...

While what you assert is true and correct, you miss the point that this is the direct result of whites abdicating their ability to object by fleeing instead of using their votes to change the trajectory of the downhill spiral. Fleeing means these whites surrendered and accepted defeat, then retreated and left the others to face the challenge alone.

Well sure. But Whites abdication came about well after any and all attempts to rectify fell on deaf ears, as well as seeing the writing on the wall that any further attempts would be fruitless, to try have those people live at the minimum level of civil societal norms.

Besides, how many times have we seen in the past, that even with voting, and the supposed responsible person/s that was elected to change things, those necessary changes never materialized? We see it all the time locally.

Fighting a losing battle to the death is not heroic, it is idiocy. So when faced with a government that does not care about harmonious living; If the neighborhood goes to shait, people, those with the means, black, White, brown, it doesn't matter, leave.


Well-Known Member
Shopping further away may be a problem. The locals will have a difficult time jumping the toll booths for metro while pushing a cart full of shoplifted products. I guess the car jackings will increase.
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Well-Known Member
Shopping further away may be a problem. The locals will have a difficult time jumping the toll booths for metro while pushing a cart full of shoplifted products. I guess the car jackings will increase.
I remember when they decriminalized toll booth jumping on the metro. Funny now they see the the outcome they are spending money to outfit the gates to prevent jumping. What a bunch of idiots.


Power with Control
In fact it just proves that you will believe anything Fox news and Trump tell you.

Nothing different happened in this election other than more mail in voting which is just as safe and secure as in person voting.

Trump and his lawyers came up with a plan to lie about the security and results of the election prior to the election and started sewing seeds of doubt.

59 cases brought by the GOP failed to prove any voter fraud or anything untoward.

Trump put forth a group of fake electors and Pence did his constitutional duty and certified the true results of the election.

End of story.

When you remove the checks to ensure the validity of the vote, makes it a bit hard to prove fraud. Which was the fraud. Ever vote from overseas? Oddly enough, you have to request a ballot. And prove you are the person who is voting. When you mass mail ballots to everybody on the rolls, and make sure nobody can validate the rolls for accuracy, you open the election to all sorts of shenanigans which can never be proven.

Like leaving a store wide open and not letting anybody watch it. All the goods will go away, but you can never prove a crime happened.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Well sure. But Whites abdication came about well after any and all attempts to rectify fell on deaf ears, as well as seeing the writing on the wall that any further attempts would be fruitless, to try have those people live at the minimum level of civil societal norms.

Besides, how many times have we seen in the past, that even with voting, and the supposed responsible person/s that was elected to change things, those necessary changes never materialized? We see it all the time locally.

Fighting a losing battle to the death is not heroic, it is idiocy. So when faced with a government that does not care about harmonious living; If the neighborhood goes to shait, people, those with the means, black, White, brown, it doesn't matter, leave.
First let me clarify, I'm speaking specifically of D.C. and it's southern suburbs, and I still maintain white flight is the biggest factor in it's decline. Now, let me also say that you are absolute correct in inferring that government played the single biggest factor in white flight. Specifically, the federal government.

There already was a large influx of poor white people east of the Anacotia river. The poor whites helped the first black's and everything was cool for awhile, but then more and more blacks came and the federal government didn't want them on Capitol Hill so they forced them all east of the river on the poor whites. With the competition for resources coupled with the mistreatment of blacks by the all white police force, and the refusal of the federal government to alleviate the problem it had created, the resulting powder keg led to violence and by that time the number of whites had decreased substantially from white flight that they had such reduced political power voting became an exercise in futility.


Well-Known Member
It has been my experience that people can live together in peace and harmony until the ratio of blacks gets to 40% or higher. After that you need to pack up and move on, it is also my experience that when that ratio occurs the former blacks living there want to move to. They moved there to get away from the same problems and it followed them.