Democrats Beg For Help As Crime Forces Supermarkets to Close in DC.


Well-Known Member
You just don't like facts. It's been proven by the team Trump hired to investigate the election.

Why don't you try to educate yourself?

It's pretty easy.

The Donald Trump election campaign’s efforts to show that thousands of ballots were cast in the name of dead people in the pivotal state of Georgia during the 2020 election resulted in a research report that in fact contradicted Trump’s claims that widespread election fraud cost him the presidency, according to a report on Friday.

Joe Biden’s victory in Georgia in 2020 was key and the Trump team’s own information went against Trump’s subsequent denial of the legitimate win by his opponent, according to the Washington Post.

I don’t like facts!!!! Look in the mirror when you say that. You are by far the worst I have seen at refusing to intellectually accept facts. Stop being a hypocrite!


Well-Known Member
You agree that the USPS loses ballots or has the potential to lose or misplace ballots? Why do you insist that they are used? Can you think of a safer and suitable substitute? If not, then the only safest and secure way to vote would be in person. Agree?
STILLLLL waiting SMC... :coffee:


Well-Known Member
"potentially". But it didnt.

And how exactly does this effect Trump losing by millions of votes?

Are you suggesting Biden had a secret lawsuit no one heard about and the judges ruled he could throw out mail in votes for Trump?

If not this is irrelevant
YOU claimed military votes were counted for eons, I proved you wrong. MANY were shitcanned. Again, I'm amazed a military patriot veteran such as yourself didn't know common knowledge within the military ranks. You know you not knowing your ass from a hole in the ground makes me think yiou're one big lie. Tubby, why do you lie?