Well-Known Member
Are you dumb? No, but apparently, wisdom has been chasing you .... but you've been too fast for it to catch you.Are you dumb?
If you saw 100 kids starving would you say whats the point of helping one?
The tidepods break down into microplastics which have been found in pretty much everyones bodies and blood streams.
But keep complaining and crying about things you don't understand.
Enjoy having blood made of plastic
if you saw 100 kids starving would you say whats the point of helping one? No, but I would ask where the parents are first.
The tidepods break down into microplastics which have been found in pretty much everyones bodies and blood streams. Especially in the teens and those with questionable mental abilities who were swallowing them!
But keep complaining and crying about things you don't understand. I only complain about the idiots that have too much time on their hands who are running this country into the ground, and, why my blue jeans fade after a few washes with laundry detergent. I cried when my parents passed away and when I had to put my dog down.
Enjoy having blood made of plastic. My father had a hip made of that close?