Dept of Ed going away


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CA and NY have the most troubled uneducated kids in America and they have TONS of money. In fact, you'll note that the lowest performing students are primarily in....Democrat cities and states.
CA it's because they have the highest population of illegal immigrants. Poor or wealthy - they don't speak English.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
CA it's because they have the highest population of illegal immigrants. Poor or wealthy - they don't speak English.

Whose problem is that?

Californians voted for that and its their right to have illegal aliens and dumb kids. But no other state should have to suffer because Californians are retarded.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I don't think
There's really one problem there, to be resolved -

And that's because schools are only as good as the tax base around it, and the affluence of the community it serves.
A poor area is going to have less funded schools, with teachers who are there because they couldn't get out of being in the "poor" school.
Poor neighborhoods tend to have more troubled kids - latchkey kids - and less resources to educate kids with.

To be honest - I don't know that having a DoE had any affect on this - but it's not going to get better.
I don't think I can agree with this 100%. A tax base matters but the way the tax money is spent matters more. And in each county of Maryland and in each state district, it pays to pay attention to local politics and then elect the people who represent your views.

If you want your voice to be heard, you need to speak out and let your elected representatives know that.

(Edited to correct voice texting errors 😁)
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
That's what elections are for. And they're a lot easier for We the People to control and get what we want than national elections. If a state votes to turn schools into indoctrination camps and have boys in girls locker rooms, that's their right. But this way Iowa doesn't have to suffer the consequences of things decided by California.

That's why Democrat love to grow the fed and take away states' rights. They hate it that they can't tell FL and TX what to do.
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Whose problem is that?

Californians voted for that and its their right to have illegal aliens and dumb kids. But no other state should have to suffer because Californians are retarded.
Oh that's on them. Seriously, some weeks ago I was looking at school graduation, literacy rates and so on - and was surprised to see some states on the list.

NO SURPRISE to see DC on the list of lowest, worst schools - or Mississippi (because it's always been the poorest state).

It came on the heels of discussing with smug Democrats saying well WE spend more on education so no surprise, blue states have higher graduation and literacy rates - only for them to admit - ummm - California is the worst - right next to DC which spends the highest or second highest per pupil.


Generally the two do correlate - higher spending per pupil does track with better education outcomes. And spending more OFTEN means, you get better teachers who actually know what they're teaching. I've been disgusted with dealing with teachers - usually math or science - who seriously don't know the subject matter, even when they've this long pedigree of education credentials.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Odd that doesn't apply around here though. Median household income of Lex Park/California is ~$112K
Not a ton of schools in those areas to crow about. Local teachers I talk to say they are constantly going out of pocket. Local GOV the problem?
Your local governments work with the state government. You will let local and then you will let state representatives.

State. But all politics is local and now MAYBE young people and other people who never paid attention to politics before are starting to see that.


Well-Known Member
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I don't think

I don't think I can agree with this 100%. A tax base matters but the way the tax money is spent matters more. And in each County of Maryland and in each state district, it pays to pay attention to local politics and then elect the people who represent your views.

If you want your voice to be her you need to speak out and let your elected representatives know that.
Aren't schools likely to be funded all or in part by local taxes?

This was something that was discussed in the news, too - that part of the problem of schools being good or bad having a lot to do with how wealthy the surrounding area is - how good the teachers are - how much is devoted to education programs etc-

AND as a consequence - people concerned about their kid's education will MOVE TO THAT AREA. Good schools attracts homebuyers. So the process continues.

And I have lived in areas as a kid where the average household is poor, the teachers are poorly paid, and the kids - well the kids are dumb. Seriously. I was in schools where I didn't just get A's, I got 100s - and some kids were actually failing classes I could ace in my sleep. The school - was just bad. In first grade, I handed a completed workbook to my teacher that I finished in an afternoon - that was supposed to take ALL YEAR. My parents yanked me from that school to a more competitive one. So I have had first hand experience - more than once - that it's not easy getting schools up to par even in the same area.
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If I may ...
For your consideration ...

There's really one problem there, to be resolved -

And that's because schools are only as good as the tax base around it, and the affluence of the community it serves

Hahahaha. That's a fallacy if I ever heard one. If that were the case then Calvert County shouldn't have 50% of its students proficiency level in language and math being abysmal. Spending more money doesn't equate to a better education. Dedication to purpose with a proper curriculum and classroom discipline is what is needed more so.

Government spends what, $17,000 per student for mediocre results. And a home schooler might spend $1000 with those children getting a far better education.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Aren't schools likely to be funded all or in part by local taxes?

STATE and local taxes.

And I have lived in areas as a kid where the average household is poor, the teachers are poorly paid, and the kids - well the kids are dumb.

When the area is poor, it's also likely to not be a desirable location. Just the way it is, I don't make the rules. Parents typically either don't give a crap or they're too busy working to babysit the school their kids go to. Good teachers aren't going to be all, "Oh hell yeah, I wanna go live in Shithole, AK and teach those kids! I wanna teach in South Bronx!"

They can't get good teachers at the ghetto schools not because of money, but because when teachers have choices they choose not to be knifed or raped by their students. Again, just the way it is.

My parents yanked me from that school to a more competitive one.

See? Look at your parents all caring and sht. That's the way it's supposed to be. Too bad it's not, but I don't make that rule either.


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They can't get good teachers at the ghetto schools not because of money, but because when teachers have choices they choose not to be knifed or raped by their students.
I neglected to imply that, but - yeah. No one wants to work in a ghetto school. When I lived in Lowell MA, I had two friends working in the high school there - and they each broke up knife fights.

But yeah, no one wants to work there. So what kind of teachers do you think they end up with?

I still tell that I briefly dated a woman in Montgomery County - not exactly ghetto but there are parts of it with ghetto KIDS. She had a kid throw a CHAIR at her in the classroom, and she shouted at him - and got pulled out and reprimanded. For shouting at a kid who in OUR TIME would have been EXPELLED.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I still tell that I briefly dated a woman in Montgomery County - not exactly ghetto but there are parts of it with ghetto KIDS. She had a kid throw a CHAIR at her in the classroom, and she shouted at him - and got pulled out and reprimanded. For shouting at a kid who in OUR TIME would have been EXPELLED.

Which is why they can't get good teachers and the kids are failing.

But again, MoCo voted for that. They wanted it. And now that's what they have.
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Well-Known Member
I've been disgusted with dealing with teachers - usually math or science - who seriously don't know the subject matter, even when they've this long pedigree of education credentials.

One thing I am considering if a VSIP/VERA is offered is taking it because I'm getting sick of the back and forth in the federal government and teaching Math or Science long enough to get another pension. It's getting those BS education credentials that is holding me back.
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Which is why they can't get good teachers and the kids are failing.

But again, MoCo voted for that. They wanted it. And now that's what they have.
I don't see that - Parts of THIS county has bad schools - and it's just a consequence of crime areas and low income housing.

That's not something voting fixes or creates - it's just reality.
MoCo might be "rich" - but parts of the country are just - trash. I know - I lived there. Some of the areas around White Oak - Langley Park - parts of Silver Spring - and Takoma Park. I wouldn't live there.

Again, not a voting thing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't see that - Parts of THIS county has bad schools - and it's just a consequence of crime areas and low income housing.

That's not something voting fixes or creates - it's just reality.
MoCo might be "rich" - but parts of the country are just - trash. I know - I lived there. Some of the areas around White Oak - Langley Park - parts of Silver Spring - and Takoma Park. I wouldn't live there.

Again, not a voting thing.

Everything is a voting thing. Crime, gangs, poverty - all voting things. When you vote for people who are more concerned about raiding the piggybank to line their own pockets instead of spending that money on improving conditions, you get what you voted for.

I *believe* that ghetto shitholes can be rehabbed. In fact I know it can be done because I've seen it be done. Elected officials just have to have the will to do it. Instead they import more drugs and more sex trafficking that created these terrible areas in the first place, and I firmly believe they are getting a cut. Otherwise why would they do it?
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Well-Known Member
Everything is a voting thing. Crime, gangs, poverty - all voting things. When you vote for people who are more concerned about raiding the piggybank to line their own pockets instead of spending that money on improving conditions, you get what you voted for.

I *believe* that ghetto shitholes can be rehabbed. In fact I know it can be done because I've seen it be done. Elected officials just have to have the will to do it. Instead they import more drugs and more sex trafficking that created these terrible areas in the first place, and I firmly believe they are getting a cut. Otherwise why would they do it?
Where the people changed or just sent elsewhere?

I think that is the big difference.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Where the people changed or just sent elsewhere?

I think that is the big difference.

In every low income neighborhood there's a mix of shitbags and decent working people just trying to get along. So the shitbags were run out by various means, and the good people now had a decent place to live.

I'm guessing the shitbags emigrated to more "progressive" areas that would allow them to ply their trade without bothering them. Because that's what that area voted for - crime, poverty, and degradation and nobody would do anything about it. But the city in question was cleaned up quite a bit and the problem areas were eliminated.

So you could say they made it someone else's problem, but if the new area had strong laws that they enforced they not only wouldn't have inherited these shitbags, wouldn't have problems in the first place.

That's why it's important to pay attention to local politics. You can get something accomplished.


Well-Known Member
In every low income neighborhood there's a mix of shitbags and decent working people just trying to get along. So the shitbags were run out by various means, and the good people now had a decent place to live.

I'm guessing the shitbags emigrated to more "progressive" areas that would allow them to ply their trade without bothering them. Because that's what that area voted for - crime, poverty, and degradation and nobody would do anything about it. But the city in question was cleaned up quite a bit and the problem areas were eliminated.

So you could say they made it someone else's problem, but if the new area had strong laws that they enforced they not only wouldn't have inherited these shitbags, wouldn't have problems in the first place.

That's why it's important to pay attention to local politics. You can get something accomplished.
I'm all for running the crap bags away, they generally will go to where allows them to be crap bags, but they do have to go somewhere.