Soda in a baby bottle? I know I'm only now pregnant and don't have kids yet but why would it even cross someone's mind to give a baby soda? In fact when I worked with kids, I absolutely loved those parents who limited the sugar in their kid's diets - made my job SO much easier!
As for my pregnancy, I never smoked cigarettes (tobacco doesn't agree with my family so well) so I didn't have to worry about quitting. I would have quit though, just like I've quit drinking and cut back to one daily cup of coffee. No wine, cold ones or cherry vodka/sugar free redbulls for me until March 11th.
Oh no I have seen it. Soda in a freakin bottle, the baby was walking, just over a year.
You're not missing much. When I was preg my Bro in law was trying to get me to take a sip of dark beer once, he knew I liked micro brew beer prior to my "condition", I refused even 1 sip.
Unrelated, I asked the boy what he wanted in his lunch first day of school... he wants salad and juice. I'm rubbing off on him. I think I'll just do crudettes and some sort of dip. He will eat a whole pint of cherry tomatoes or a whole red bell pepper if I let him
The worst I have done was eat brie cheese (bloody cravings) at the end of my first trimester and drink coffee once a day, I was trying to quit it, no avail.