For your consideration ...
If the new Global Order is correct, that seems to suggest that the government will mandate more vaccines for everyone to include those who have not received any vaccines. I am not sure who it can be legally done. It sounds totally illegal to me. However, the mandates when I was working at Pax sounded illegal as well. But, they still did it.
Everyone person in the world has personal autonomy, which means: Choosing whether or not to act in a certain way or have certain experiences
and to freely make decisions and act according to personal beliefs, desires, and motives.
If a person does not any personal autonomy, by government edict, such as through the forcing of getting a spurious vaccine, then people are slaves. So, people, throw off those metaphoric yoke and chains of slavery and refuse, do not comply, and do not consent. And you
must speak it, you
must stand your ground when confronted by anyone demanding you get this poison, from a doctor, nurse, etc., especially someone from govement -- You
must say loudly and forcefully with conviction, so there is complete understanding,
"I DO NOT CONSENT!" The four most powerful words a person can speak. It shuts down any further confrontation. If not, keep yelling it until it does.
Relating to all medial care: Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics and medical law and media studies, that a patient must have sufficient information and understanding before making decisions about their medical care.
[I would add, not just what they have deemed "sufficient information", but one must demand all available information pertaining.]
If one does not understand certain words used when being given
any medical information, or for any drugs or vaccines, or know and understand all the ingredients in a vaccine, how each one interacts at a cellular level, what each one does, or can do, to the body, prior to making a decision, then do not consent. Do not pretend to understand to just go along. Never ever feel rushed or feel guilted into agreeing to something you do not fully understand or comprehend. You must educate yourself on words used, and how they are phrased, before giving anyone your informed consent. Stop trusting the medical establishment and doctors, (they don't know all the information themselves when pushing vaccines. All they do is regurgitate the talking points given to them by the pharmaceuticals). Treat any doctor visit like going to a car dealership. They try to force a sale. So tell them you'll go home a research, (and really do it), for whatever it is they are pushing and leave, and tell them you'll get back with them at a later date.
Remember this and take it to heart:
Silence is acquiescence. Silence is consent. Do not be silent. Popularity be damned. Who cares what other people think about you when you don't go along to get along? This is your life we are taking about. In the end, more people will respect you for standing up for yourself, than those that shun and criticize.
TL/DR: Do not blindly trust what anyone, doctors, the medical establishment, government, says. Verify. Verify. Verify.