Diminishing Biden


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The Great Democrat Party Train Wreck of 2024 continued piling up yesterday, as the New York Times breathlessly ran its crack investigative story headlined, “Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Months.” The Times leaned on its lone remaining investigative reporter who, after a desperate search, panicking editors finally found chained up in a sub-basement server closet in a Times storage facility in Camden, New Jersey.


Editors quickly force-fed the dusty reporter a high-calorie meal consisting of a Starbucks “coffee” milkshake. Once he was revived and came to his senses, the antique reporter began organizing teams of flabby laptop “journalists” and teaching them how to investigate Mr. Biden’s mental condition. They worked around the clock! Genius and diligence finally paid off, as it usually does. Displaying the kind of creative thinking, grit, and elbow grease on which the Times built its reputation, the squads of information diggers attacked the problem head on, and heroically checked the public White House visitor’s log.

They showed the logs to the guy from the basement in Camden, since all current-era reporters become suddenly stricken with snow blindness if they accidentally see the White House visitor logs. What does it say?, they asked. Blinking owl-like in the unfamiliar light, the ancient investigative reporter pointed to several lines on the logs. To the amazement of the Times’ journalism team, he managed to say, “see? Biden probably has Parkinson’s.”

The Times’ regular reporters cannot look directly at the logs. It hurts too much. So the journalists quickly grabbed a mirror, and saw in its reflection the thing they had missed for Biden’s entire term. Eureka! Then they locked the old guy back in the basement.

Having discovered that a top Parkinson’s expert had visited the White House once a month for at least the last eight months, the Times’ exhausted reporting team lay down to recover and feebly slurp some more milkshakes. Here’s what they found:

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Whew! Good thing we have the Times, or nobody would have ever known. By “nobody,” I mean no corporate media reporter would have known, of course, since until last week they’d always fussily ignored plain evidence of Biden’s incomprehensive utterings, mumbling, and mental dissolution. Only conspiracy theorists would have known about Biden’s Parkinson’s expert and his monthly appointment.

To be fair, the White House has officially denied everything, sort of, asking “who knows who the Parkinson’s expert was visiting?” It could be the guy who left the cocaine in the library, or anyone, really. It’s a mystery for the ages, and there is simply no way to tell. The cameras were off and the guards were sleeping. Maybe he was just looking around like a J6 tourist?

But yesterday was a different kind of day. The hounds of media war had slipped their leashes at yesterday’s daily White House press conference. Unfortunate diversity hire Karine Von Claude (or whatever her name is) finally, for the first time in her short career, met the press, and the clip is video gold:

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CLIP: Three minutes of glory while KJP finally gets the Trump Treatment (3:35).

“Doctor” Jill Biden also met her very first tough question yesterday, which she adroitly handled by deflecting and leaping into a black Suburban.

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CLIP: Jill Biden also meets the press (0:30).

Next, you heard it in C&C first. Yesterday, Business Insider ran this prophetic headline:

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It’s war! Team Biden tripled down yesterday, publicly releasing a dense, two-page, well-written, single-spaced letter to Democrats from Joe Biden* that, boiled down, said “get lost. I’m not going anywhere.” (* haha, nobody believes Joe wrote it, be serious.) Joe’s letter dumped the Democrats into a sweet pickle relish. They now must decide whether to rise the white flag, and try to pull back the tattered curtains of cognitive secrecy, or else declare all-out war against the White House.

Surrender seems likely. Late yesterday, some media started getting wobbly, like CNN, which ran this story early this morning:

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Biden is scheduled to give “opening remarks” at the NATO Conference this morning, and has widely advertised an “unscripted,” no-holds-barred press conference on Thursday. So what CNN was really saying was that Biden can rehabilitate his presidential reputation, by showing up strong this week at NATO, which could give Democrats cover to claim Joe bested “the test” by (1) leading the Democrat party (through his defiant letter) and (2) leading the free world at the NATO conference.

Anguished anti-Turnip Democrats must now decide: make peace or make war. Not about the wars with Iran, China, Ukraine or Russia, haha, don’t be silly. But about the civil war inside the Democrat party. And neither option currently looks very good.

UPDATE: Readers pointed out that Alex Berenson broke the Parkinson’s expert story, and not the New York Times, despite what it claimed.



PREMO Member

'It's already disastrous': Biden campaign fundraising takes a major hit

President Joe Biden’s campaign has already suffered a major slowdown in donations and officials are bracing for a seismic fundraising hit, with the fallout from a debate nearly two weeks ago taking a sizable toll on operations, according to four sources close to the re-election effort.

“It’s already disastrous,” one of the sources close to Biden’s re-election said of fundraising.

"The money has absolutely shut off," another source close to the re-election said.


PREMO Member

Democracy Dies in Dementia?

The irony here is that all these leading voices of the Democratic Party establishment have been telling us for four long years that it is the people, not politicians and their hangers-on, who get to decide who runs this country, and the two parties that rule it at the people's behest. Their main line of attack against Donald Trump and “ultra MAGA” Republicans has been that to question or undermine an election is a sort of civic sacrilege – it is, for believers in democracy, an abomination that disqualifies the relevant “election denier(s)” from running for office or earning the public's trust.

In fact, these guardians of democracy have gone further. They have asserted, through their creatures in the justice system, that undermining an election is a criminal offense. It is a form of fraud, since all American elections are demonstrably bulletproof and all claims to the contrary are presumptively mendacious, and it is a violation of Americans' civil rights, since the right to vote apparently includes the right never to have one's vote, or any vote, called into question.

Lest we forget, Donald Trump is currently being prosecuted by the special counsel Jack Smith for the very crime of, in layman's terms, “election interference”. His election denial was so serious, according to Smith, that one of the charges against him can even carry the death penalty. And remember that Trump's alleged crimes against democracy consisted entirely of words, rather than any actions which meaningfully obstructed anyone's ability to cast or count a single vote. One has to wonder, therefore, whether any of these prominent Democrats who today call on Joe Biden to step aside, and thus for the nullification of the expressed, democratic will of the millions of Americans who voted for him to become (again) the Democratic Party nominee for president, are even vaguely aware of the heights of hypocrisy to which they have ascended.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member
🔥 Blogging can be harder than you think. On the one hand, you have your superfans, who are just fine with whatever vegetable name you pick to caption the demented commander in chief. “Call him President Cauliflower for all we care!” they supportively say. But other readers, insisting on the highest vocabularic standards, are prone to pick nits. “Stop calling him President Kale,” they scold, “because kale is a superfood and he’s not a super president.”

You can see how the rhetorical garden of presidential nicknames can become quite thorny at times. No matter which flabby flora or lackadaisical legume you pick, somebody or other who decorates their daily breakfast with that particular herb is bound to object.

So that’s why I am kicking off today’s update with President GENERIC VEGETABLE. Yesterday, President Generic Vegetable held what the White House disastrously called a “big boy” press conference — I am not making that up — and gaslighting corporate media mostly rated his performance at a six-point-five out of ten. But Joe’s regular-as-clockwork gaffes are now part of the entreé.

We begin with this fantastic headline and cover pic from the rollicking crew at the UK Daily Mail:

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The headline “Faces of Despair” was a bold choice, a nod to the 1978 mondo cult horror film Faces of Death. I remember being at a party once when someone slipped that hideous movie into the VCR. It took less than five minutes to convince me I never wanted to see anymore “true life” death scenes, and studiously avoided the film’s 1981 sequel, “More Reasons to Vomit II.”

My reaction to the 1979 movie is exactly what the Mail’s editors were going for.

Biden’s “big boy” press conference might be remembered better not for Joe’s malapropisms, but rather for the crowd’s reaction to them. Shortly before the press conference, Joe awkwardly introduced Ukraine’s former President Zelensky as “President Putin,” and the poor Eastern European bureaucrat’s facial expression was a mixture of sudden alarm and panic. One felt nothing but sympathy at Zelensky’s palpable relief when Biden, reminded by alert reporters, swiveled back to weakly correct himself:

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Continuing the theme, later in the presser Biden labeled Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump.” The camera panned to his frozen cabinet, doing their best impressions of gothic statuary, but — their eyes. Their eyes gave it away. They clearly all wished they were anywhere else, willing their souls to leave their bodies and join Lloyd Austin’s unannounced visit to the hospital quiet room back in December, or perhaps mentally rehearsing their parole release appeal speeches.

Only Jake Sullivan stirred, desperately grabbing his chin in sudden despair:

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In a related story last night headlined, “Angry and stunned Democrats blame Biden’s closest advisers for shielding public from full extent of president’s decline,” CNN advised readers to expect a “drip, drip, drip” of continuing bad Biden news:

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True to form, the next drip dropped yesterday in a widely reported story that showed up in The Hill, headlined “Milwaukee radio station edited Biden interview before air, at campaign’s request.” The gist was that Biden’s handlers requested removal of two short segments of President Vegetable yammering semi-coherently about black folks, and the station obliged.

But the delayed disclosure of the deleted tapes was even worse for Biden than just airing the awkward segments would have been. Now, the two gaffes are getting even more attention than they would have otherwise, what with the Administration’s failed, Nixonian coverup.

According to numerous sources, the Biden Administration has been desperately encouraging democrats and media allies to refocus the conversation away from Joe and back to President Trump. And they’re trying; this morning the New York Times published a giant Editorial Board op-ed arguing Trump will “destroy democracy,” and so forth.

But it’s not working.

Here’s exhibit A. Nobody is a bigger Trump enemy than Matt Drudge, and Drudge would like nothing better than to refocus on the Orange Man. But here’s the current Drudge Report main page:

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One struggles to find historical parallels. Crazy King George III’s maniacal mental condition was so severe that it provoked Britain’s Regency Crisis of 1788-1789, a fierce political struggle over whether to appoint his son, the Prince of Wales, as regent. The King’s mental health continued declining, and by 1810, he was deemed unfit to rule, leading to the Regency Act of 1811, which officially installed the Prince Regent.

In October 1919, while on a national tour to promote the League of Nations, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a severe stroke. The stroke left him partially paralyzed on his left side and significantly impaired his cognitive functions. Wilson's condition was concealed from the public, the press, and most of his government.

Wilson’s wife Edith, and his doctor, Dr. Cary T. Grayson, carefully controlled access to the President. For the remaining 17 months of his presidency, Wilson was largely incapacitated. Edith Wilson and a few close aides managed his workload, a situation some historians call a "stewardship presidency" and a "petticoat government."

I’m not saying Joe’s situation is like King George III’s, or implying that Jill Biden and Dr. Canard are drafting on Edith Wilson’s petticoats. I’m just saying.



Well-Known Member
🔥🔥 The Great Democrat Party Train Wreck of 2024 continued piling up yesterday, as the New York Times breathlessly ran its crack investigative story headlined, “Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Months.” The Times leaned on its lone remaining investigative reporter who, after a desperate search, panicking editors finally found chained up in a sub-basement server closet in a Times storage facility in Camden, New Jersey.

Editors quickly force-fed the dusty reporter a high-calorie meal consisting of a Starbucks “coffee” milkshake. Once he was revived and came to his senses, the antique reporter began organizing teams of flabby laptop “journalists” and teaching them how to investigate Mr. Biden’s mental condition. They worked around the clock! Genius and diligence finally paid off, as it usually does. Displaying the kind of creative thinking, grit, and elbow grease on which the Times built its reputation, the squads of information diggers attacked the problem head on, and heroically checked the public White House visitor’s log.

They showed the logs to the guy from the basement in Camden, since all current-era reporters become suddenly stricken with snow blindness if they accidentally see the White House visitor logs. What does it say?, they asked. Blinking owl-like in the unfamiliar light, the ancient investigative reporter pointed to several lines on the logs. To the amazement of the Times’ journalism team, he managed to say, “see? Biden probably has Parkinson’s.”

The Times’ regular reporters cannot look directly at the logs. It hurts too much. So the journalists quickly grabbed a mirror, and saw in its reflection the thing they had missed for Biden’s entire term. Eureka! Then they locked the old guy back in the basement.

Having discovered that a top Parkinson’s expert had visited the White House once a month for at least the last eight months, the Times’ exhausted reporting team lay down to recover and feebly slurp some more milkshakes. Here’s what they found:

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Whew! Good thing we have the Times, or nobody would have ever known. By “nobody,” I mean no corporate media reporter would have known, of course, since until last week they’d always fussily ignored plain evidence of Biden’s incomprehensive utterings, mumbling, and mental dissolution. Only conspiracy theorists would have known about Biden’s Parkinson’s expert and his monthly appointment.

  1. 1.
    an unfounded rumor or story.
    "the old canard that LA is a cultural wasteland"


Well-Known Member
Ladies & Gentlemen...CALM DOWN!!!
There's nothing to fear....the Democrats already have the entire Republican House & Senate on their payroll to get Biden Re elected!!!


PREMO Member

Trump Deranged Liberal Women CHANGE THEIR MINDS After Biden's Disastrous 'BIG BOY' Press Conference​



PREMO Member

Biden snaps repeatedly at Lester Holt in combative NBC interview days after Trump assassination attempt: ‘What’s with you guys?’

“Are you seeing what [viewers] saw, which was moments of frankly, that appeared to be — you appeared to be confused?” Holt asked the president.

“Lester, look, why don’t you guys ever talk about the 18, the 28 lies (Trump) told? Where are you on this? Why didn’t the press ever talk about that? Twenty-eight times it’s confirmed he lied in that debate,” Biden exclaimed.

“Seriously, you won’t answer the question, but why didn’t the press talk about all the lies he told? I haven’t heard anything about that.”


PREMO Member

Biden’s health and age under even further scrutiny amid questions over his political future

Following Biden’s campaign-changing performance in last month’s presidential debate, his age and health — which have long been his biggest political weakness, dating back to his third run for the presidency starting in 2019 — have been under the microscope. In the last week, multiple incidents have been held up as signs that Biden is not sharp enough to convince voters that he could defeat Trump, let alone serve another four years as commander-in-chief.

An interview with BET that taped on Tuesday and aired in full late Wednesday night is the latest moment that’s being scrutinized by nervous Democrats. In that interview, Biden said that only a “medical condition” would convince him to leave the race — a statement made just one day before he tested positive for Covid.

He stumbled while referring to Black members of his administration, describing Lloyd Austin as the secretary of defense rather than saying his name.

“For example, look at the heat I’m getting because I named a, uh … the — secretary of defense, a Black man. I named Ketanji Brown, because of the people I’ve named,” Biden said, also referring to Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, whom he appointed to the high court.


PREMO Member

Joe Scarborough And The View COPE Over Joe Biden DROPPING OUT OF Race As Democrats IMPLODE!​



PREMO Member

New Developments: White House Pushes Back, DNC Speeds Back Up; UPDATE: 'Fan Fiction'

With much of the nation's attention on the Republican convention, some may not be keeping up with the Democrat civil war between the establishment and Joe Biden. Earlier in the day, Biden's campaign launched a nuclear blast at Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama for attempting to lecture Biden on polling and his electoral standing. A campaign official told NBC's Mark Memoli that this triumvirate handed the 2016 election to Donald Trump by convincing Biden to step aside, and that their pressure campaign wouldn't work this time around.

The White House got into the act later, and perhaps a bit more diplomatically, in response to rumors that Biden had decided to withdraw. Biden spokesman T.J. Ducklo issued a flat-out denial:

This came in response to claims on a podcast by Mark Halperin that Biden had already submitted notice of withdrawal. Supposedly, Biden would call for an open convention rather than endorse his running mate and incumbent VP:

Newsmax's Mark Halperin reported Thursday afternoon that President Biden will drop out of the 2024 presidential race, will not endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, and instead call for an open convention in Chicago. Halperin told 'FRONTLINE' host Carl Higbie that advisers around Harris are fine with this because she will be seen as independent of the president.
"They do not want what some of my sources have been calling a Kamala coronation, that the problem, in part, that they found themselves in was that President Biden was not seriously challenged for the nomination," Halperin reported. "At least one of her allies said to me, this is better, better to not be anointed by Joe Biden, better to show independence, better to show with a strong ticket, the capacity to win the nomination on her own."

Does this sound likely? Possible, perhaps, but not likely. I don't doubt that Halperin's sources told him this, but it sounds like the same kind of whispering campaign that finally produced the volcanic eruption by Team Biden late this afternoon. This feels a lot like wishcasting at best, and part of the same media-platformed pressure campaign by the Democrat establishment that hasn't borne any fruit. Yet, anyway.