Diminishing Biden


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Here’s the thing -

Let’s say this is all a completely different campaign and your selected candidate is lagging in the polls. What SHOULD you do, under normal circumstances?

Well, you’d campaign harder. Promote him more. Hold more events and rallies. Flood the airwaves with his accomplishments or ideas.

The reason they want Biden out is, one, they can’t do this. No amount of polishing the turd is going to work. But the other is, they didn’t think they would NEED to. Trump was supposed to lose so much support that it wouldn’t matter.

They’re wanting to dump him NOT because they realize he’s senile - they want to dump him because they don’t see a path to winning with the demented candidate they backed. If his polls had miraculously picked up - they wouldn’t be saying a thing.


Well-Known Member
It occurs to me - if they (the press) REALLY want Biden gone - they could do it EASILY by digging up the dirt they’ve been IGNORING for years. Namely the countless issues regarding his interactions with China, Ukraine and his personal finances.

That would be easy. It’s right there.

Or the classified documents he had in hand for which he had ZERO right to EVER have. But maybe that ship has sailed since everyone knows about it and have ignored it already.

It seriously shouldn’t be hard to dismiss him at the convention if they simply SHOW HIM the crap they have on him. They’re just dirty enough to try it.

The downside of course is - no one walks away clean. Publicly tarnish the Bidens you might impugn the whole party. Pull a little blackmail and you risk exposing the press.


Well-Known Member
Here’s the thing -

Let’s say this is all a completely different campaign and your selected candidate is lagging in the polls. What SHOULD you do, under normal circumstances?

Well, you’d campaign harder. Promote him more. Hold more events and rallies. Flood the airwaves with his accomplishments or ideas.

The reason they want Biden out is, one, they can’t do this. No amount of polishing the turd is going to work. But the other is, they didn’t think they would NEED to. Trump was supposed to lose so much support that it wouldn’t matter.

They’re wanting to dump him NOT because they realize he’s senile - they want to dump him because they don’t see a path to winning with the demented candidate they backed. If his polls had miraculously picked up - they wouldn’t be saying a thing.
Sam is right on this one. Fact is they prefer a senile idiot that they can lead around on a leash, and a goofy woman who doesn't know sht. from Shinola. They are happy with being led by Soros and Hussein.


Well-Known Member
First time in the history of the White House that the doors are locked from the inside to keep Joe from wandering out.
Door alarms between the private and public areas, like in a convalescent hospital. Technically he can wander off (because there are laws against confinement), but a minder will be around quickly to check on where he is going.


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Well-Known Member
AI Fakes ? Several Democrats have called on the Biden campaign to use AI
Yeah, that one didn't land. Was pretending to be a typical Apple fanboy who thinks Apple invented everything. And since they recently branded their artificial intelligence platform "Apple Intelligence" that must mean they invented the term AI and everyone who uses it is referring to them.