Dishonest Witness Pam Karlan, Latest Act at Impeachment Circus


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I see it hurt your poor widdle feelings.
Not big enough, adult enough, or MAN enough to just let it roll off...but can let any Dem/Lib smear or threat go with a "meh"
Here's a News flash for you boo boo....
YOUR SIDE SET MY STANDARDS!!!!...and now your LGBTQRSTUV, skinny jean wearing pack of pathetic Betas can't deal with it, so you come here & whine & cry that I'm saying MEAN things!!!

All while blowing off or making the lamest of lame excuses for your pathetic band of retards & the vile, despicable crap that they say.
Hey Chris, you don't like reading the hate filled truth to combat your weak heroes....leave. It's that simple. go find a place where you can feel safe & secure. Otherwise, deal with your status as a clueless, useless, nobody cares about your opinion status here
Oh come on. Tell us how you really feel. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm not setting my bar based on anyone else. I'm saying that this comment pales in comparison to the hatred spewed everywhere. It doesn't take "realtive morality" or whatever to point out that her comment does not deserve the response its getting on this forum while at the same time no one is willing to comment or condemn the truly shitty and "cheap shot" (i'd argue the comments are more than that).

I will say that her comment at least did have something (contrary to your belief) to do with what she was talking about. She recognized that and apologized, not after the hearings, but during them. There's something to be said for recognizing when you were wrong and stating as such.

But...but....what about Hunter Biden???? His daddy put him on the board of directors for a gas Ukraine...he knows nothing about gas production. He slept with his dead brothers wife, God knows how many times and who knows if he even waited for his brother to die. Almost certain baby mama's will be coming out of the woodwork very soon. Yet...they want cheap shot Baron. Glass houses and all that.:whistle:


Well-Known Member

WTF are you talking about ?



Well-Known Member
yeah I saw the words Richard, who are you claiming CPUSA is supposed to be

So it's not a comprehension problem... it is confusion?

Generally, when someone says "WTF are you talking about" it means they have no idea what the statement is about. Or, is this an attempted save to your rep?