Divorce and the last name.


But wait, there's more...
Wenchy said:
I kept mine for simplicity (children/business etc) When I remarried I took DH's name.

DH's ex had his last name for years, but also changed it when she got remarried.

Not a big deal in either case, and it had absolutely nothing to do with feelings for the ex.

:yeahthat: (minus the remarrying).


Lobster Land
Chasey_Lane said:
If a couple gets divorced, should the wife be forced to go back to her maiden name? Why would she want to keep her ex-husbands last name anyhow? I think some keep it for simplicity and others because they still have feelings for their ex. Do they keep his name for their childrens sake? I'm just curious.

Both my exes still carry my last name. I think they like it because it's short which makes it easier to sign checks. I know both still have feelings for me but they just aren't the endearing kind.


Watch it
A lot of women keep it if they have children so their children still share the same last name as their mom. My former sister-in-law just did this because of her daughter. Keeps things a little more simple.


off the shelf
jenbengen said:
A lot of women keep it if they have children so their children still share the same last name as their mom. My former sister-in-law just did this because of her daughter. Keeps things a little more simple.



I went back to my maiden name after my divorce, but I do not have children. If I had children by the ex I would have kept his name, but I'm not sure what I would do if I had children and remarried... :shrug: I wouldn't keep his name and hyphenate because then I'd feel like what is the point in the first place, why didn't I just go back to my maiden name and plus hyphenating the ex's name with a new guys name just seems weird to me.
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Salt Life
Pete said:
I insisted my ex go back to her maiden name. :lol:
See, and that is how I would feel, too. I would not want to keep my ex hubby's name under any circumstances. IMO, if the relationship ends in divorce, you give the ring back AND his name back! :lol:


Chasey_Lane said:
See, and that is how I would feel, too. I would not want to keep my ex hubby's name under any circumstances. IMO, if the relationship ends in divorce, you give the ring back AND his name back! :lol:
I just didn't want her mucking up my last name by writing bad checks all over town and being in the newspaper. :lol:


Salt Life
Pete said:
I just didn't want her mucking up my last name by writing bad checks all over town and being in the newspaper. :lol:
:lol: Then again, I like my last name now better than my maiden, so maybe I would keep it. :lol:


Chasey_Lane said:
See, and that is how I would feel, too. I would not want to keep my ex hubby's name under any circumstances. IMO, if the relationship ends in divorce, you give the ring back AND his name back! :lol:
My ex was actually upset with me for going back to my maiden name. And I tried to give him the engagement ring back, but he wouldn't take it. :ohwell:


Chasey_Lane said:
See, and that is how I would feel, too. I would not want to keep my ex hubby's name under any circumstances. IMO, if the relationship ends in divorce, you give the ring back AND his name back! :lol:


I agree with the ring part, and he got it.

A name is just a name. I had the same last name as our daughter, all of my credit cards and numerous other accounts were in my married name. I was "known" by that name in business circles, and there was no need to change it. There was also no need for the ring (even though I bought it myself. :lol:) It was a symbol, but the name was not. Does that make sense?


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Chasey_Lane said:
:lol: Then again, I like my last name now better than my maiden, so maybe I would keep it. :lol:
I like your new last name better, too. It doesn't make me think of hotdogs.


But wait, there's more...
K_Jo said:
I like your new last name better, too. It doesn't make me think of hotdogs.

It's fun to sing it, too ...

Dayyyyyydreamer and aaaaaaa ... homecoming queen. :dance: