Divorced Wiccans fight Judge's order.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance

While I think Wicca is a bit outdated (like Greek Mythology) and the people that practice it are nuts, I can't believe a Judge actually put an order like this in there.

Appearently pretty much everyone agrees with them.
The head of a conservative Christian group also sided with the Wiccans.

"The parents have the right to raise their child in that faith, just as I have the right to raise my child in the Christian faith," said Micah Clark, executive director of the American Family Association of Indiana.


New Member
Yeah I read it too. As you stated I found most people into it a bit unstable. I checked their website a few weeks ago and they they had a rebuttal section. Instead of having rebuttals, all they did was try to convince you why Christaianity is screwed up and nothing to support thier own positions. However Wicca is influenced by ancient Pagan religions as well as some current Eastern religions. I do respect some of their beliefs as respect for nature.

Back to the main subject of the story though. The court ordered that they must protect their 9-year-old son from "non-mainstream" religious beliefs and rituals. Whose definition of a mainstream religious beliefs? I know that Buddhism and Hinduism isn't mainstream in the U.S. but if they were specifly named, there would probably be an international uproar.
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
Yeah I read it too. As you stated I found most people into it a bit unstable. I checked their website a few weeks ago and they they had a rebuttal section. Instead of having rebuttals, all they did was try to convince you why Christaianity is screwed up and nothing to support thier own positions. However Wicca is influenced by ancient Pagan religions as well as some current Eastern religions. I do respect some of their beliefs as respect for nature.

I've known a few people that followed the religion and that's all they complain about. That and throwing fireballs at each other.


New Member
Also their information on Christianity was messed up too. I think that they stated that Christians got Jesus from a Persian god that was born on December 25. I can't remember exactly where in the Bible it was and what exactly the evidence was but wasn't Jesus actually born in another season and not the winter. I think it was something like the description of the stars or something. I know that the Roman empire after it became Christian put Christian holidays on top of holidays of other religions to make conversion easier.


New Member
Based on the accounts in the gospels of the shepherds' activities, the time of year depicted for Jesus' birth could be spring or summer. However, as early as 354, Roman Christians celebrated it following the December solstice in an attempt to replace the Roman pagan festival of Saturnalia. Before then, Jesus' birth was generally celebrated on January 6 as part of the feast of Theophany, also known as Epiphany, which commemorated not only Jesus' birth but also his baptism by John in the Jordan and possibly additional events in Jesus' life

I don't know how accurate this is since it's from wikipedia.


New Member
Maybe I'm not the only one that e-mailed them and said that their rebuttal was "rubbish" since it looks like they removed it.


Routinely Derailed
As you might expect, my 2 cents is, the judge was right, and the wiccans and the so-called Christian that was interviewed were wrong. Ain't but one way to heaven, folks, and so all other so-called religions aren't valid.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
Maybe I'm not the only one that e-mailed them and said that their rebuttal was "rubbish" since it looks like they removed it.
More than likely. Thier belief system is base off an old old religion. Consequently, thier predecessors had no contact with Christianity (or very little), therefore all they can do is complain about it because thier parents forced them to go when they were kids.

Oh well, to each thier own. At least they keep thier crying pretty much quiet.


New Member
Railroad said:
As you might expect, my 2 cents is, the judge was right, and the wiccans and the so-called Christian that was interviewed were wrong. Ain't but one way to heaven, folks, and so all other so-called religions aren't valid.

A question...how would you feel if you lived in say Utah and they were able to pass a law saying that you must raise your children up as Mormon? Or Baptist or Catholic?

Yes, I know that's not going to happen.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Railroad said:
As you might expect, my 2 cents is, the judge was right, and the wiccans and the so-called Christian that was interviewed were wrong. Ain't but one way to heaven, folks, and so all other so-called religions aren't valid.
I understand your point and respect it, but this is a secular matter. Hypothosis: What is the Judge that issued the order was a devote Jew? Would you still feel the same?

Like I said, to each thier own. I myself wouldn't be too bothered by it because I'm aetheist. The only real issue I see with it is, what if when the child turned 16 he decided to join some weird funky cult or something. Would the courts hold the parents liable?
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New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I understand your point and respect it, but this is a secular matter. Hypothosis: What is the Judge that issued the order was a devote Jew? Would you still feel the same?

Or a Moslem? If it was in Hawaii instead, the judge could have been Buddhist, Shintoist, or worship Pele.
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The Judge is probably sick and tired of freaks! Not sure the order is constitutional but is sure is funny as He11! :lol:


Asperger's Poster Child
Railroad said:
As you might expect, my 2 cents is, the judge was right, and the wiccans and the so-called Christian that was interviewed were wrong. Ain't but one way to heaven, folks, and so all other so-called religions aren't valid.
I don't want goverment officials using their authority to deem one religion valid and others not valid. No official religion for America, TYVM. The American Family Association is right on this issue.

Now, if the parents' religion was placing the child in serious physical danger, then the judge would be legally justified in stepping in.


Tonio said:
I don't want goverment officials using their authority to deem one religion valid and others not valid. No official religion for America, TYVM. The American Family Association is right on this issue.

Now, if the parents' religion was placing the child in serious physical danger, then the judge would be legally justified in stepping in.
Come on Tonio! Wicca isn't a Religion! :lol:


Routinely Derailed
I know the argument here is about where the division between church and state should be, and about how deep into "personal" issues the law should go. As Kain said, the judge was probably disgusted by the freaks.

But from where I sit the real substance of the issue isn't secular at all, because the ex-couple and their child are going to He11 if someone doesn't get their attention, and at least give them the opportunity get right with God. Teaching a child wrong, especially if the child loves and respects the teacher (i.e., parent(s)), is a hideous way of endangering that child's soul.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Railroad said:
I know the argument here is about where the division between church and state should be, and about how deep into "personal" issues the law should go. As Kain said, the judge was probably disgusted by the freaks.

But from where I sit the real substance of the issue isn't secular at all, because the ex-couple and their child are going to He11 if someone doesn't get their attention, and at least give them the opportunity get right with God. Teaching a child wrong, especially if the child loves and respects the teacher (i.e., parent(s)), is a hideous way of endangering that child's soul.
Then the church needs to do something not the state. I'm sure that both Islamic Clerics and Jewish Rabbi's feel the same way about you and Christanity.