You know what, Mamatutu is 100% correct, and the hypocrisy in this thread is just dripping. The following members run around this site preaching tolerance but you are the most intolerant members;
Mamatutu made an innocent post and you jump all over her for no reason other than past transgressions. Here’s a novel idea, why don’t you actually practice what you preach, tolerance, give it a try before getting on your self-righteous high horse and flame some for posting an opinion. Newsflash morons, your opinion is not the only one that counts, nor is it the only one that’s right. It’s amazing that someone who runs around this site claiming to be so tolerant of others is telling others to STFU and to go away.
Socki, you are a true piece of work, I highly suggest you start taking some ginkgo biloba because you seem to forget how you run around this site spraying bullets at everyone but when someone returns fire you get all butt hurt and try to play the victim. You claim your comments were a joke but you did not use a

and given the tone of the thread, again, any reasonable person would take your comments as a threat. I’ve called you out on your hypocrisy numerous times and every time you get all butt hurt and whined like a candy ass, if you don’t like, don’t be a hypocritical bitch okay. Now, my personal opinion (since a you like giving yours) is to seek professional help immediately; I’ve seen explosives sitting in 160 degree heat more stable then you. If you are church going people, I’m surprise the church doesn’t burst into flames when you enter for you have forgotten one of the golden rules, he who is without sin may cast the first stone.
Migtig, I’ve asked you at least a few times to produce proof to back up your accusations, you have yet to provide that proof yet you continue to assert that a fallacy, that bitch is slander. You claim to be standing up for someone but from what I’ve seen on this thread, Socki and WR are the last members on this site needing defending. No, you took this opportunity to take a shot at me because of past transgressions in the abortion thread. Now, you posted a poll to stir the pot, have committed several rule violations and are a pathological liar. If there is one person on this site that needs a frontal lobotomy it’s you.
Hank, you’re just a troll, you show up when there’s a chit storm happening and stir the pot some more.
Now, you self-righteous hypocrites can get all butt hurt over some words posted on the internet and are going to let me occupy a space in your mind rent free ask yourself this............. who is the true mental case?